NO.321 Dear Ukraines. Participation in the war by the general public is a war crime. If you fight as a civilian, you will be executed in a war trial. If you don't join the army, please run away.Russia is on the verge of exti…02月23日 20:54
NO. 320 Russia invades Ukraine.・・・ If a missile base is built in Ukraine, it is impossible to defend Moscow. Russia has decided to recapture Ukraine in preparation for a war with NATO. Given this situation, I propose solution.2022.01.02Biden Putin Telephon…01月05日 14:10
NO. 319 China does not need a colony.・・・ China can build everything it needs in mainland China. Based in mainland China, they trade with the rest of the world, and prosper. Colonial rule is costly and unprofitable. The Japanese archipelago and Taiwanese islands are curses for China. Because of their existence, these islands are the enemy bases for China.China has not forgotten the Em…12月05日 00:49
NO. 318 Message to Miss Sumire ・・・"World Religions" dominate world affairs. White Protestants and Indian immigrants are key to the situation in the United States.I understand that "World Relig…11月28日 00:58
NO.315 A dictator may be born in the United States. Immigrants do not rob America. America is trying to destroy democracy on its own.・ ・ ・White Protestants and Indian immigrants are the keys. Both the Bible and Hinduism produce genius.1. Both the Bible and Hinduism…12月19日 19:49