Day 4 of the 10-day Performer/Artist Challenge.  | ベリーダンス フォトグラファー HORI

Day 4 of the 10-day Performer/Artist Challenge. 




Day 4 of the 10-day Performer/Artist Challenge.

I was nominated by Mai

Thank you🧡

Every day, select an image from a day in the life of a Performer/Artist - a photo from a day you felt fierce or a memorable moment you've had during a performance/show, and post it without a single explanation, then nominate somebody to take the challenge.

That’s 10 days, 10 Performance photos, 10 nominations and 0 explanations.

Be active, be positive, be passionate... Raise Awareness of the Arts!


Today I nominate

Izumi Ueyama

松橋 彩


photo by HORI




ベリーダンス ブログランキングへ



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〓〓〓〓〓 bellydance photo ベリーダンス 撮影 写真 〓〓〓〓〓


フォトグラファー HORI

・web site:





*お教室のホール発表会からレストランでの少人数のハフラまで撮影可能! ※海外からの来日ダンサーも多数、撮影アリ!

