< Urgent : PLease help us >

Do you love all lives on this beautiful planet?

Would you please sign the petition to support us? Anyone above 13 years old can sign the petition. We appreciate your help and perhaps you sharing this post if you feel this is important for democracy and environment.




I know that Whitehouse is going through its own chaotic situation. Yet, we cannot just sit still and watch this beautiful Oura Bay of Henoko get destroyed by a new construction of yet another US military base. This petition website "We The People" was created by the Obama administration.

Rob Kajiwara in Hawaii launched this petition and we are all desperately asking people to help. https://bit.ly/2G5mKwV


If we could collect 100,000 signature by Jan. 7th, Whitehouse is supposed to take some kind of response to the petition. We now have 50,000. It is getting a momentum that we feel very hopeful now.  Yet, we need as much support as possible to promote more international awareness, media coverage and the desired outcome from the Whitehouse.


If you care about indigenous people's human rights, environment and all living beings on the earth, please help us stop the landfill that would give such catastrophic damage that is not reversible. This landfill is illegal according to the local regulation to protect water and marine life. The government is abusing its authority to mistreat the people and marine life of Okinawa.


Okinawa is prefecture made of a group of small islands that are located at the southern end of Japan. The Oura bay, Henoko, and the surroundings are one of the most precious areas that provide the irreplaceable habitat for 5,800 species including 252 endangered ones such as Dugong.


Henoko has been struggling in order not to be destroyed by construction of a new US military base. Okinawan people clearly and repeatedly expressed their will they don't wish to have another base in Henoko. Japanese Prime Minister Abe and his cabinet have been neglecting proper negotiation with US officials, and continue to ignore Okinawan's will and Governor Denny Tamaki.


I think there was no other time that our voice to be heard.  US has been reducing the presence of the US military overseas.  Okinawa has suffered more than enough over 70 years with accidents, rape, homicides, and the pollution by the military.  We want fewer troops and more peace.  Okinawan people deserve to reclaim their lives.  I hope you help us by signing the petition.  It takes only 30 seconds or so.




If you prefer to share this on Facebook, here is the link.




We reached 50,000 signature today. We are still halfway of 100,000 to the requirement to see some action from the Whitehouse.  Your support will be greatly appreciated.



The Okinawa Governor Denny Tamaki. His father was a marine, and he returned to the US before Denny was born. So he is half Japanese and half American in his blood. Denny has never met his father.  He doesn't know his father's name, whereabouts, etc. Denny Tamaki was raised by two mothers, one who was his natural mother and had to work in order to earn the living, another who took care of hi, while the natural mother had to work.  He loves them both dearly.  He is the first Governor in Japan who has such ethnic background. He is so loving, positive, decisive.  He is a man of dignity and integrity.  He was elected Sep. 2018 as a Governor, clearly stating his position about Henoko. We stand with Denny.  We stand with Okinawa. 



If you prefer to share this on Facebook, here is the link.



Related Article in Japanese











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