English Collection



2020年01月20日 | 英語の原書を読む
"The House of Silk" からの引用です。
Carstairs flinched when he heard this. His wife was regarding him curiously.
"regarding" ではつい "in regard to" を連想してしまいますが、ここでは明らかに "regard" の動詞としての意味ですね。辞書で "regard" の意味を確認します。

・Oxford English Dictionary: Gaze at steadily in a specified fashion.: Professor Ryker regarded him with a faint smile.

・Collins Dictionary: If you regard someone in a certain way, you look at them in that way.: She regarded him curiously for a moment.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: to look carefully at something or someone: The bird regarded me with suspicion as I walked up to its nest.
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