
日本在住歴約40年のRon McFarlandと外資系勤務が長い齋藤信幸が、それぞれの海外体験を語ります。

Global Interaction & Understanding - A Personal Journey : No.30  製品の引き渡し

2018-11-04 21:28:35 | Ron's Life Story

At the product delivery, the owners' manual or user guide (operations & service schedule) and warranty should be explained. This is the case for vehicle sales or any product with a use explanation.

For hardware accessories, selling to a national distributor, it is very important to discuss with the customer the delivery schedule and when the customer can launch the product in his country. Through their coordination, the salesman can offer product launch support, salesman product knowledge training and other merchandising ideas. Here again, this is all trust building activities. It adds value to the relationship.

In the case of a vehicle sale, after pre-delivery inspection (PDI) is completed by the technician, the salesman should receive the vehicle from the service department. The delivery is vital for continuation of business with the customer, as it is the Meeting & Greeting stage for the Service and Parts Departments in the case of a vehicle sale. This is also true for any type of equipment, which needs periodic maintenance and service.

After receiving the vehicle from the service department, the salesman should then go through his own inspection checklist to confirm everything works correctly.

The salesman should then call the customer and invite him to come to pick up the product. A presentation of the product operations, service schedule and warranty should be made. The customer should be introduced to the Service Manager or a Service Advisor.

Finally, a photograph of the customer, product and salesman should be taken. Three copies should be made, one sent to the customer with a thank you note, one for the salesman's files and one for a testimonial album or customer wall.


Uploaded by Nobi Saito
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