
日本在住歴約40年のRon McFarlandと外資系勤務が長い齋藤信幸が、それぞれの海外体験を語ります。

Global Interaction & Understanding - A Personal Journey : No.24 何を提案すべきか?

2018-09-02 22:48:15 | Ron's Life Story

Before you can satisfy a person’s needs, you have got to know what you have to offer. You have got to know the features and user benefits of your product, service or value of your ideas. Therefore, before you can select a product (or make a suggestion on an issue) you have to have the appropriate knowledge. Product knowledge (or appropriate product information) is vital. Also, clearly knowing the requirements of the customer as explained above is vital.

You can never select the right product for a customer if you do not thoroughly know the products' features and user benefits. Studying the product is essential. Knowing the customer through good qualifying and counseling is also vital to make a good product selection. A bad salesman/customer relationship is often created when a salesman selects a product and gets into a presentation before the buyer’s needs, wants and ability to buy is determined.

Knowing the company’s ability to supply the product is also important. This includes knowing what specifications the company is ordering, knowing what is in the company now, knowing what is being delivered soon, and knowing what has been ordered. This is also necessary. Armed with that information you can select the correct product and the features that should be important to the buyer.

Uploaded by Nobi Saito

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