ORβITがYouTubeのOrbit Officialに楽曲「Lazurite」(ラズライト)の歌唱音源を2020年6月20日に公開して11日経った。再生回数は7月2日午前0時時点で68万回超となっている。MVだったらもっと多かっただろうに。

・YouTubeのORβIT Officialチャンネルに2020年6月20日0時頃に公開された ORβIT – Lazuriteの音源




Eleven days have passed since ORβIT posted the music file of the song titled “Lazurite” in the YouTube ORβIT Official Channel on June 20, 2020. The total views since have exceeded 680K as of July 2 at 0:00. There would have been more had it been a music video.

ORβIT – Lazurite (Music) posted in YouTube ORβIT Official Channel on June 20, 2020 around 0’clock

HEECHO, who is the leader of the group, liked this piece as soon as he first listened to the demo tape (without a title or lyrics).

This is a ballad with a moving melody line, so their vocal capability is easily identifiable. HEECHO said that he had wanted to demonstrate ORβIT’s vocal capability. Indeed, they sing well. In particular, Tomoaki Ando and HEECHO are excellent. Yugo Miyajima also sings well, but it is a little pity that his English pronunciation is not good and sounds like Japanese katakana words. Hope he will improve his English pronunciation to be able to deliver the message of lyrics perfectly, considering that they should increase fans outside Japan as well.

June Uehara intends to be an artist, rather than an idle star. HEECHO hinted at the same thing. Tomoaki Ando probably has the same intention as well. YOUNGHOON is attentive to idle details, like mustache/beard depilation, but his engagement in writing lyrics and composing music suggests his inclination toward an artist.

(July 2, 2020)

*『PRODUCE 101 JAPAN』番組公式ファンブックの続編が2020年1月31日発売。コンセプトバトルからファイナルまでと、前作に収録しきれなかったオフショットを完全網羅。ファンブック独自の練習生全員分のプロフィールも(各課題での担当局、担当パートなどのデータを含め)掲載。

Amazon: PRODUCE 101 JAPAN FAN BOOK PLUS [Amazon限定カバー Ver.](吉本ブックス) 2020/1/31
Amazon: PRODUCE 101 JAPAN FAN BOOK PLUS (ヨシモトブックス) 2019/1/31
楽天ブックス: PRODUCE 101 JAPAN FAN BOOK PLUS (ヨシモトブックス) 2019/1/31
セブンネット: PRODUCE 101 JAPAN FAN BOOK PLUS 2020/2/1

*「PRODUCE 101 JAPAN」でのコンセプトバトル課題曲「DOMINO」
EDMの下部ジャンルであるFuture Bassスタイルの曲で、Pluck Bassサウンドと印象的なメロディで力強さを感じさせる。
練習生チーム: ドレミファソラシドーミノ(川尻蓮、鶴房汐恩、豆原一成、川西拓実、チョン・ヨンフン、キム・ユンドン、河野純喜)
: DOMINO - ドレミファソラシドーミノ(2019/11/29)

Apple Music: DOMINO - ドレミファソラシドーミノ
Amazon: DOMINO [デジタルミュージック配信] (ドレミファソラシドーミノ) 2019/11/29
レコチョク: DOMINO (ドレミファソラシドーミノ)



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