表現者 羽生結弦 Yuzu=Music+Skating | さらさら~と徒然 Splendid Moments

さらさら~と徒然 Splendid Moments


こんにちは! hi, there!




three years ago today, Yuzu became “air” breezing around, “water” flowing through, and “brilliance” lighting plants, and became a part of the blessings of Nature!



that moment must be of course showcasing Yuzu’s daily efforts to develop his skating techniques and dedicating his life to Figure Skating, but also it was showcasing Yuzu “heart” which always thanks to not only everyone around him or fans, etc.. but also to the Nature, and even many of tough “challenges”, don’t you feel so?





As Yuzu mentions often, Yuzu has been so much particular to “SOUND”, yesterday’s topic too; when Yuzu is talking about “SOUND” his eyes shining so beautiful like eyes of a pure little boy, in the same TV programme (FIG-PEDIA), there was a short interview scene in which Yuzu mentioned about his thought toward “MUSIC”.






先日のタラソワさんの結弦君評価でも、結弦君が「単なるフィギュア選手ではない。」と言う言葉(→結弦君、最高に価値の高い選手 Yuzu the most valuable skater)があったけど、フィギュアスケートの選手にとって「音楽」は、スケートの表現をする手段、道具?の方が多いのでは。スケートの表現を効果的に見せるために音楽が入るって感覚じゃないのかしら。でも、結弦君の演技は、完全に音楽とスケートが合体しているんだよね、そこが感動を大きくする力になっていて。スケートありきでそこに音楽が来る・・たぶん、これが通常の状態じゃない?(スケートの表現力を示すために音楽がある?)ところが、そうじゃないんだ!えっ?音楽があって、そこにスケートがくる。というか、スケーターとして結弦君が存在しているのではなく、「表現者 羽生結弦」なんだよね。鶏と卵?スケートをやっていたから、表現したいんじゃなく、表現したいことをスケートに込めている。微妙で繊細な「音の世界」を表現したいから、だから・・もっと、もっと高度で繊細な技術をって修行僧になっているんじゃないんだろうか。それが勝つための努力に思えた時、結弦君は一番悩んじゃうんじゃないのかな。で、きっと4CC直前に本来の「表現者 羽生結弦」に戻ったんじゃないのかしら。

A few days ago, here, reported Ms. Tarasova’s comment in it she said “He’s not just a figure skater.” Yeah, probably, for figure skaters, music is a tool to show their skills and expressive abilities, well, somewhat they use “music” to add good effect on their skating. But, why we are so much impressed by Yuzu’s skating might be because his skating is always fusing into “music”. Maybe, normally, “skating” is there so that they use “music”, but in case of Yuzu, Yuzuru Hanyu must not a skater, but a performer. For him “Music” is not a tool to show his skating, but “Skating” is his tool to express “Music”. He must be using his skating to express his heart thrilled by “Music”, that must be why he wants to develop his skating techniques higher and higher. But when he focused on “winning”, the inner part of his heart got confused, but before 4CC, he must be able to be clear about it.








何処かで聞いた・・・そうだ!「羽生結弦 プログラムコンサート」用のインタビューだよね。プログラムコンサートの方は、「ほぼイコール」の次に画面が変わるけど、今回のインタビューの方は、同じ画面「僕にとっては」と、続いているので、「フィギュアスケートをやる理由です」の後に、プログラムコンサートの言葉が続いていたんじゃないかしら。

There’s was another interview video in which Yuzu mentioned the same phrase; “I feel Music and Figure Skating are almost equal for me”, but the previous one after saying it, the camera was changed, so, after Yuzu said “reason I figure skate” the previous video scene might come;










well, Yuzu must be now listening to “Music” for his programmes for the coming season!!!



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