For the first time in almost half a year, today's post sheds light on Hazuki, who shares her rare experience of studying in two of the biggest cities in the world - London and New York!




★2年前に紹介した、Fumiさんのイギリス留学体験記 Fumi's episode in the U.K. - two years ago)
(Hiro) そもそもどうして留学を志すようになったのか、キッカケを教えていただけますか?

Firstly, how did you get interested in studying abroad?


I attended the Dragon School in Oxford, U.K., when I was a fifth grader. This first-ever experience to stay abroad, as well as the education offered, were so unforgettable as a child that it spurred my desire to study abroad again in the future. At school, I was overwhelmed by my classmates’ eagerness to raise their hands and express their opinions, and inspired by such scenes as teachers giving a coin to students who got their questions right, school staff distributing cookies in the hallway, and students running around the school campus full of nature during the lunch break. I, from this experience, found it important to broaden my perspectives and experience different cultures in order to truly appreciate diverse ways of thinking toward education and the society.

Thus, I continued to have the desire to study design back in the U.K, and I made up my mind to put it into action when I proceeded onto Keio University Graduate School of Media Design (KMD).There was a program called the Global Innovation Design (GID) in which graduates can study for half a semester in London and New York.


(Hiro) では次に、留学した時期、場所とそのプログラムの特色を教えてください!

Next, please let us know when, where, and what you studied?

(Hazuki) 2017.10-12 Royal College of Art / Imperial College London

2018. 1-5 Pratt Institute

前述の通り、KMDにあるThe Global Innovation Design (GID)というプログラムに参加しました。GIDは、慶應義塾大学大学院メディアデザイン研究科(KMD)、ロンドンのロイヤル・カレッジ・オブ・アート(RCA)とインペリアル・カレッジ・ロンドン(Imperial)、そしてニューヨークのプラット・インスティテュート(Pratt)の3つを拠点にアート、デザイン、エンジニアリング、テクノロジー、ビジネスなどの専門性を学ぶことができます。こんなにお得なプログラムはなかなか珍しいですし、それぞれの都市の異文化や産業に触れることで、一挙に新しい視座を得られることができます。ロンドンではホームステイをし、リアルな生活を体験することができたのは英語の上達だけでなく、価値観さえも変わる経験でした。ニューヨークではon campusの寮だったので、協力し合いながら生活するのは非常に楽しかったです。ものづくりの授業がハードすぎて、夜中にみんなでスタジオに集まって、ポテチを食べながら作業したのはいい思い出です。さらに、日本に帰国してからも現地で会った友人が慶応に留学しにくるので、久々の再会は感動します。

As is mentioned above, GID enables participants to specialize in art, design, engineering, technology, or business in three places (KMD, RCA and Imperial in London, and Pratt in NY). In my view, being immersed in different cultures and industries in these three cities would be eye-opening. In London, I substantially improved my English during my stay at a host family, as well as challenged my own values. On the other hand, I also enjoyed my on-campus housing in New York, through which I learned how to live together with my classmates collaboratively. I still remember working on the design project at the studio throughout the night while eating potato chips. Additionally, even after coming to back to Japan, it’s always fun to see my friends in London and NY coming to KMD.


(GID last day at RCA)


(Hiro) 出願に当たって、英語はどのように勉強しましたか(対策方法、勉強時間など)?

How did you get proficient in English?

(Hazuki) 英語の勉強は主に3つのことをしました。Mainly three things.


1. TOEFL: I worked for one year at a private company before going to the grad school, during which time I started to tackle TOEFL. Therefore, I woke up at 4am and studied before going to work. I thought it somewhat difficult to prepare myself on my own, so I attended a one-time seminar by Agos Japan and got feedback on my writing, which was helpful. Moreover, I asked one of my friends to help me with my English speaking. I recorded my own conversation and practiced with a focus on not only grammar but also intonations and pronunciations unique to English.


2. Dialogue and pronunciation: From four month before leaving Japan onward, I had a dialogue with my Japanese friends who would also study abroad for one hour every day. Actually practicing in front of people made it easier to improve, although it was just shadowing. Also, I practiced to improve my pronunciation by using “Eigo Mimi (English ears),” which I think was rewarding because you cannot make yourself understood with bad pronunciation.   



3. DUO: This is an English textbook, which I listed to during my commute. I liked DUO because its explanations are user-friendly and words out there are those that I would use frequently abroad. I kept using it even during my stay in London and NY. Reading and vocabulary ware cumbersome to me because I prefer speaking with people to studying at the desk. However, I gradually made progress by always reading aloud. Additionally, I tried not to write and think in Japanese (e.g. whispering my favorite songs and phrases in movies in English). It’s painful if you think of it as “study,” so I made every effort to increase my contact with English, even by a second. I believe that you need to understand English as English, rather than translating into Japanese and the other way around.


(Hiro) 留学先のプログラムの特色を詳しく教えてください!(学生や具体的な科目の構成等)

Please share details of your degree programs!

(Hazuki) ロンドンではデザインエンジニアリングを学びました。おもちゃを作るプロジェクトや、ロンドンの観光地からインスパイアされてアイデアを提案するプロジェクトなど、チームで取り組んでいきます。チームワークの傾向として、最初に役割分担をはっきりと決めます。mtgや連絡に使う時間はほとんどなかったので、自分のやるべきことに集中できる方法でした。mtgは週一程度で、毎回必ず「チームで目指すゴール・各々の進捗状態・来週取り組むこと・意見交換や方向性修正」を共有し、非常に効率のいい進め方でした。そのぶんプレッシャーはありますが、私にとってはモチベーションがあがる手法でした。また、One tool One stoolという授業がとても印象的で、一つの材料と道具で座れるスツールを作ります。何でも簡単に手に入れることができる物に溢れた世の中で、制約された環境で機能性とデザイン性の両面が備わったスツールを作るのは、思考を切り替えられる良いトレーニングとなりました。


In London, I learned design engineering. We worked on such projects as making toys and drafting proposals on tourism in London in a team. Divvying up our tasks first helped me concentrate on what I should do as a member of the team. Weekly meetings were very efficient in that we always shared our goal, where we were, what to do next week and then had a discussion and modified our plan as needed. Sometimes I felt pressured, but it also kept me focused. My favorite class was “One tool One stool“, in which we made one stool that was only made of one tool. Despite the luxury of materials in the real world, I had to craft the stool that struck a balance between design and functionality under a limited condition, which flipped my thinking.

In NY, I focused on fundamental industrial design. I took classed on Color, Drawing, and 3D. Such a variety of classes – from polishing my sense of space aesthetics through crafting in wires and plasters to choosing one jewelry and then designing something that makes it further shine. It was hard to adjust myself to the individualistic environment and educational policy of Pratt, however, through this experience I grew mentally, I believe.     


(Beautiful season in London)


(Hiro) 留学先での「とある一日」のスケジュールはどんな感じでしたか?

How does your daily schedule look like?

(Hazuki) 9:00-12:00 English Class

 12:00-13:00 帰宅して昼食作る Back home, lunch

 13:00-15:00 Color Class

 15:00-16:00 International Project research

 16:00-18:00 3D Class

 18:00-19:00 夜ご飯 Dinner

 19:00-20:00 ジム/ヨガ Gym/Yoga

 20:00-21:00 スタジオで作業 Work at studio

 21:00-24:00 自分の部屋で作業・リサーチ Individual work/research at home


This schedule was in NY, and it was pretty hectic. I made Tuesday a day of refresh, so I enjoyed taking a walk in Manhattan, having lunch with my friends, going to a jazz bar, and watching the Broadway Show. 


(Hiro) 留学中に苦労したことを、勉強面でもそれ以外でもあれば教えてください。

Any struggles during your study abroad?

(Hazuki) 苦労したことは3つあります。まずは英語、次にデザイン、最後にGIDを通して個々人で研究するInternational projectです。イギリス英語とアメリカ英語は発音が違うので、留学前に勉強していたリスニングも、当初イギリスでは全く聞き取れませんでした。こんなにチームに貢献したいのに、「聞き取れない・伝えられない・伝わらない」の3ステップで非常に悔しい思いをしたことを覚えています。ニューヨークでは話すスピードが尋常じゃないぐらい速いので、発音云々ではなく耳が追いつきませんでした。さらに、毎回授業でプレゼンしなくてはいけなかったので、わかりやすく伝える難しさを実感しました。次に、私はデザインを勉強するのが初めてだったので、全てが新しく、ついて行くのに必死でした。デザインには正解がないので、自分がいつも「人から認められるもの」を作ろうと正解を探し、不安になっていたのに気づいたのは、すごく大きかったです。プロフェッサーがいつも「自分を信じて取り組んでください」といっていて、その言葉にとても救われました。日本とアメリカの教育の違いを実感した瞬間でした。最後にInternational projectですが、今までに出会ったことのないタイプの教授で、いろんな意味でショックを受けました。基本的に何に関しても全否定されます笑。しかし、ただ否定するだけでなくロジカルに、私に何が足りないのかをズバッと指摘されて、その悔しい気持ちをバネに頑張れたので、結果的にすごくいい授業だったと思います。生涯忘れないくらい思い出深い経験でした。

Three things – English, design, and International Project. Firstly, I couldn’t understand English with British accents because it was so different from the American English that I had listened to. Despite my desire to contribute to the team, I stumbled in three steps – “cannot hear, speak, and communicate”. Additionally, it brought home to me how difficult it was to make my presentation in English stick. Secondly, since this was my first time to study design, everything was new and I always tried to catch up with other classmates. Because there is no single answer in the field of design, I found myself desperate to get approval from others and nervous in its absence. Therefore,  I was saved by my professor’s word of “believe in yourself.” This, I believe, is the difference between education in Japan and the U.S. Lastly, I was shocked by what my professor of International project (individual project on GID) said - the type of person I have never met. Although he never praised me, he pointed out my areas of growth in a logical and straightforward way, which urged me do my best. This once-in-a-lifetime experience is unforgettable.  


(Hiro) 留学先で身に付けた、あるいは気付いた自らの強みがあれば教えてください!

Do you find yourself different from the person before studying abroad?

(Hazuki) 留学で得たことは「自発性・行動力・自尊心」です。日本は空気を読むことや協調性を重視している印象ですが、ロンドンやニューヨークは「自分は何に特化していてどう貢献できるのか」を主張して存在感をアピールする必要がありました。さらにニューヨークは、レストランなどのサービスも全く日本と違い、自分から「Hi! How are you?」と言わないと相手の良い対応は期待できません。逆に主体性とフレンドリーさを持って接することができたら、すごく楽しめる環境です。また、自分を信じていれば意外となんでも実現できる、というマインドに変わりました。なにかに挑戦する前に悩むより、飛び込んでまずやってみようという心持ちは、今までの自分では考えられない発想でした。留学を通して底力を知り、180度変われたことに驚きと可能性を感じました。だから私はNYもLONDONも大好きです。

Voluntariness, action, and self-esteem. Whereas Japanese culture embraces reading between the lines and collaboration, I had to make it explicit what I was good at and how I could contribute in London and NY. Additionally, in NY, you cannot expect hospitality without being talkative, which is totally different from Japan. If you interact with people with voluntariness and friendliness, you can take the most out of it. Furthermore, I kind of changed my mind and now think that I can do everything as long as I believe in myself. I could not think of myself not being afraid of challenges without this experience. I was surprised, but encouraged, to see the experience of studying abroad made me aware of my strength, and completely transformed myself. That is why I love NY and London! 


(Brooklyn bridge)


(Hiro) 留学中で一番印象に残っているエピソードは何ですか?

Please share the most unforgettable moment!

(Hazuki) 苦労した点の一つであるinternational projectです。教授に否定され続けて自信もモチベーションもなくなりかけていたとき、「奮い立たせるには自分自身を信じて褒めなくては!」という境地に達し、脳内で(そんなものはだめだ)を(素晴らしい)に変換し続けていました笑。また、もう一つ驚いたのは、教授と個人面談のとき、案の定褒められることはなかったのですが、その後クラスメイトから「葉月はすごく頑張っている、I’m so proud of her.ていってたよ」と言われ、嬉しくて部屋に戻って涙を流しました。そして最終日、その教授は「私は教授という仕事が大好きだ。生徒からも学ぶことがたくさんあり、成長させてくれるから」と言いました。生徒の意志を尊重しているからこそ、その言葉がでてくるんだと思い、改めていい教授だと実感しました。この先何があっても自分を信じ続けて挑戦しよう、と思わせてくれたエピソードです。

International project, which was the most excruciating at the same time. I nearly lost my self-confidence and motivation after getting negative feedback from my professor, I realized that I need to believe in and praise myself to get over this challenge. I even ended up translating “not acceptable” into “excellent” inside my brain. However, one of my classmates share that the professor actually acknowledged my effort and said that “I’m so proud of her”. I could not help my tears falling down after I came back to my room. On the last of class, the professor said that “I like my job as a professor, because I also learn from you, and I can also grow”. I was grateful to him because this word would not come out from his mouth unless he respected us. This episode made me feel like “I can believe in and challenge myself whatever happens from now on”.


(Hiro) 将来の展望などあれば教えてください!

Any future plans?

(Hazuki) ヨーロッパのPhDに行くことです。留学のときにしていた研究をずっと続けたいです。将来は教授、自分のデザイン事務所を立ち上げる、アーティスト活動の三足わらじで活動したいと夢をもっています。あとは、世界中を転々として、たくさんの人や文化を知り、流動的に生きていきたいです。

I wanna earn a PhD in Europe in the future. I would like to continue my study, and my dream is to work as a professor, as an artist, and establish my own design office. I imagine myself not staying in one place, but getting to know new people and cultures throughout the world.


(Hiro) 最後に、留学を考えているor迷っている方へのメッセージをお願いします!

Lastly, please send an inspiring message to those who consider studying abroad?

(Hazuki) 私は100%自信を持って留学を勧めます!留学によって得られる新しい視座や、人や異文化を知れることは、何よりも財産です。今まで自分が当たり前だと思っていた概念が覆され、柔軟性や多様性を学べる素晴らしい機会です。異国の地でうまく適応するまで、孤独やギャップに悩まされますが、どんなに辛くても絶対に乗り越えられるという自己暗示も非常に大事になってきます。今まで知らなかった自分のポテンシャルを発揮できる一つのオプションとして、留学を選択してみてはいかがでしょうか。心から応援しています

I recommend studying abroad with 100% confidence! New perspectives, as well as people and cultures, that you experience through studying abroad are invaluable. You have to challenge what you have taken for granted, which helps you embrace flexibility and diversity. Although you might have difficulty in adjusting to a new environment, it is important to inspire yourself to believe that you can get over challenges in front of you however difficult they are. Why not choosing to study abroad as a way of discovering new self?  




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