Looking at my post three years ago made me share my thought on English speaking this time!









The most frequent question that I've encountered these days from those who consider studying abroad is: "should I improve my English speaking so that I can speak fluently before studying abroad?"

And my answer is - definitely No! Just take a look at three reasons mentioned below, which I derived while referring to my friends.


1.問題なのは話すのが下手なよりも、頭の中が空っぽなこと。 The problem is not your English speaking but your empty mind.  



Especially for those who aim to study at a grad level, it's meaningless to improve ur speaking without having sufficient knowledge. It brought home to me that my friend T mentioned that it's not the matter of speaking but of his lack of knowledge. English is a means, not an end in itself - so filling yourself with knowledge is much more essential.


2.英語力はネイティブ並みでなければ皆苦労する。でも他の部分で補える。 Everyone but a native speaker struggles, but can compensate for lack of proficiency.



Japanese people's English sounds almost the same to those outside of Japan. That's why Ken doesn't think English proficiency matters unless you are as good as a native person because everyone has to make efforts. However, you can anticiate the context or pull the conversation into your field of expertise. In that sense, I strongly agree with YM's point that “Trust your own English ability!”


3.行けば話さなきゃいけないし、話せるようになる。 You have to speak once you get there, and you can improve!



Tomo noted that while listening requires a sustained effort, you can improve speaking in your own way over a short period of time. Moreover, as Mari succintly shared, the key was to ‘study in English’ rather than to ‘study English.’ Although you have to keep in mind that as Fumi pointed out, we should try to make an effort to create a well-balanced relationship between classmates because we tend to talk with people whose English is easy to understand.




Let's call it a day! Hope you survive the cold as well.






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