
To bring thee to thy God
Love takes the shortest route

MOW - 30,09,2020

2020年09月30日 17時37分19秒 | ministry of word
In the Lord’s recovery we do not care for a large number; we care for the genuine experience of transformation. I am happy that we are under the divine burning, the burning that transforms us and makes us dispositionally different from the worldly people. Because the element of God is being burned into our nature, we are becoming men of God. This is what it means to be a burning thorn-bush in an individual sense. According to our nature, we are still a thorn-bush, but according to God’s burning within us, we are transformed people. On the one hand, we are a thorn-bush; on the other hand, we are men of God. 
- "Life Study of Exodus" message 7
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« 1 John 2:5  | トップ | MOW -30,09,2020 »



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