
To bring thee to thy God
Love takes the shortest route

MOW -25,05,2020

2020年05月25日 17時57分18秒 | ministry of word
The queen in Psalm 45 has two garments: one corresponds to the objective righteousness for our salvation, and the other to the subjective righteousness for our victory. The New Testament reveals that we believers should have two garments. The first garment is seen in Luke 15, and the second is found in Revelation 19. The garment of salvation is good for us to be justified before the Father. But in order to attend the wedding feast of the Lamb we need another garment. Both garments are Christ. The first, the garment of salvation, is the objective Christ. It is Christ put upon us, Christ given to us to be our righteousness. When the prodigal son came back home, he was not qualified to sit down with his righteous father. He needed a garment of righteousness to cover him and to qualify him for this. This garment is the objective Christ as our righteousness, which justifies us before the righteous God. But after we have been justified, we need to live out Christ. When Christ is lived out of us, He becomes our subjective righteousness, not just something put upon us, but something lived out of us. This is the subjective Christ as the second garment. Christ has been given to us as these two garments. 
- Life Study of Genesis msg 113
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