出張写真撮影~スマイルグローバルフォト~Smile Global Photo~

出張写真撮影~スマイルグローバルフォト~Smile Global Photo~




Hello ☘️ I'm Kato, a photographer for "Smile Global Photo," specializing in nationwide on-location photography, primarily in the Kansai region.

Recently, I visited Ogura Shrine in Oyamazaki Town, Otokuni District, Kyoto. According to the shrine's history, it was established in the year 718. It is said to have been prayed for as a charm against evil during the transfer of the capital to Heian (modern-day Kyoto). In the year 850, it received the prestigious rank of "正一位" (first rank), although there is no mention of this in the contemporary records like the "Nihon Montoku Tenno Jitsuroku." The "Engishiki" records it as "山城国乙訓郡 小倉神社 大 月次新嘗."

During the Azuchi-Momoyama period, at the Battle of Yamasaki, Toyotomi Hideyoshi is said to have sent his retainers, Katagiri Matagoro and Wakisaka Yasuharu, to pray for victory. Upon achieving success, he supposedly donated 3,000 bags of rice annually. In the Edo period, the Tokugawa shogunate is said to have contributed over twenty town blocks of mountain land. The former precincts covered an area of over 60,000 tsubo until the Meiji Restoration.

In 1873, it was designated as a village shrine, and in 1883, it was elevated to the status of a district shrine.


This shrine, believed to have existed since the Heian period, is situated in a serene location with clear air. There are also ancient burial mounds nearby. It's a lovely place, and there was even a charming turtle 🐢.

If you have the opportunity, please consider visiting.

I can communicate in simple English(*>`ω´<*)

When your friends visit Japan,Feel free to reach out!・::・(´∀`)・::・

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