
Do you have too much stuff? If so, you’re not alone. These days people tend to buy and keep more things than they used to. But what do we do with it all once we’ve had enough of it? Recently, people have been trying to find ways to reduce the amount of stuff that they own. We find out all about the latest decluttering trend, how to do it and why in this programme!


The decluttering techniques of Marie Kondo are very popular these days. A UK decluttering expert, Lesley Spellman, appeared on the BBC radio programme You and Yours to discuss the topic. She was asked to describe the basics of the Marie Kondo method. What’s the first thing she recommends people start with?

マリエ・コンドウの片付け技法は最近とても人気があります。その話題を紹介するため英国の片付け専門家、Lesley SpellmanがBBCラジオ番組、「You and Yours」に登場し、マリエ・コンドウ・メソッドの基本を説明するよう依頼されました。最初に何から手を付けるべきか、マリエが推奨することは何でしょうか。
Lesley Spellman

She basically says you have to do things in a certain order. You have to start with your clothes. Then you move on to your books. Then you move on to paperwork. Then you go on to something called ‘komono’, which is kind of everything else: kitchens, bathrooms, garages, lofts etc. And then finally you tackle sentimental things.


The last things she says you need to tackle are sentimental things. These are things that you have an emotional connection to, such as old letters and photographs.


So why is it that decluttering is such big business these days, and there are many people and companies offering advice and services? Here’s Lesley Spellman again with her thoughts on this.

それでは、なぜ最近は片付けがこんなに大きなビジネスなのか、そして多くの人々や会社がアドバイスやサービスを提供しているのでしょうか。これについての再び Lesley Spellman が語ります。Lesley Spellman

I think there’s been a big shift really. So my generation, my parents, you know, definitely came from that ‘make do and mend’ era post war in the sort of 20th century. And then all of a sudden people started to get a little bit more money. Things became more affordable. You can buy five tops for five pounds each and people have done that. And that’s allowed the consumerism to kind of go crazy in the 21st century.

思うに本当に大きな変化がありました。私の世代、私の両親は、間違いなく20世紀の戦後に見られる ‘make do and mend’(使って、直してまた使う)時代に育って来たのです。そして突然、みんながちょっと少しずつお金を稼ぎ始め、手頃な価格でモノが手に入るようになりました。みんなが一枚当たり5ポンドで5枚の上着を買えるようになり、みんなが買い求めたのです。そうやって、21世紀に消費文化の桁外れな爆発につながったのです。
