頼子百万里走単騎 "Riding Alone for Millions of Miles"

環境学者・地理学者 Jimmy Laai Jeun Ming(本名:一ノ瀬俊明)のエッセイ


2020-09-27 18:46:42 | 日記
Marjan Khaleghi et al. (2020): Do Japanese Locals and Migrants Speak the Same Language?! Appraising the Potentials and Barriers of Communication in a Rural Area in Japan. 日本環境共生学会学術大会発表論文集,23,170-179
One of my recent field works is on the following issues in the Ina valley (My hometown).
- “Community-Reactivating Cooperator Squad (Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications)” as human resources.
I think diversity of migrants and attitude of local autonomies are related to your vision.
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Unknown (本人)
2020-09-28 23:53:34
My recent focusing is on a kind of tragedy. It is conflict between newcomers and old villagers. Their orientations are not same each other. But our local autonomies which promote to welcome migrants could not understand it enough yet.
My father (84) says “I need an IZAKAYA.”
A newcomer says “I open an Eco-Restaurant which serves organic food and macro biotic XXXXX etc. (Its price is far from the local standard.)”
So, half of customers are visitors from Tokyo etc. (e.g. friends of owner). In the date of COVID-19, it should get difficulties as I predicted. It brings lack of communication and de-polarization of communities in my observation.

