

1. 枠珍は、強制ではなく『任意』であり、軍がその純正度をチェックし、配布する事を宣言。

2. WHOへの資金を打ち切り、ゲーッ🤮の為した行為に対し、徹底的に調査を行うことを要求。

3. 『コビッド19追跡法』として知られる、民主党の『HR6666法案』を破棄。これは、診断法案とゲーッ🤮による監視の設定を規定していたが、それも破棄。

4. 『ID2020』として知られるゲーッ🤮の計画を中止。

5. 人々がその検閲を弾劾出来るよう、Facebook、Twitter、YouTube などのプラットフォームを公に非難。

6. これにより、国中での5爺の展開が中止。

7. 全ての州における、ビジネスと組合活動再開の法令を発行。同意しない知事は訴追対象となる。

8. ホワイトハウスが全ての送電網を支持すると言う命令を発行。


9. 礼拝所を『重要なサービス』と宣言。いくつかの市の市長は、教会に通う人に罰金を課していた。

10. 重要品の輸出を拒否すると言う脅しを中国から受けたにも関わらず、コビッド19が中国によって拡散されたことに対し、極めて厳格な調査を行う事を主張していたオーストラリアと他の116ヶ国を祝う。

























United States President Donald Trump canceled the Bill Gates project known as ID2020 and did the following:


* 1.- * He decreed vaccinations to be VOLUNTARY and not mandatory, with the military checking purity and distributing them.

* 2.- * He has cut the funds to the World Health Organisation (WHO) and wants a thorough investigation into his operations.

* 3.- * Cancelled the Democrats ' HR 6666' bill, known as the Covid-19 TRACE Act (Testing, Reaching And Contacting Everyone) which was the foundation of the diagnostic bill and bill gates monitoring (even that was also cancelled).

* 4.- * He canceled Bill Gates project known as ID2020

* 5.- * He opened a reporting platform so that the same population could denounce the censorship that was applied to him on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.

The result was resounding because in a short time he was saturated with complaints and Trump got the evidence he needed to take action against censorship.

* 6.- * This stopped the launch of 5 G across the country.

* 7.- * He has issued a decree to reopen businesses and union activities in all U.S. states to the point where refusing Governors will be prosecuted.

* 8.- * He executed the order that the White House supports all power grids that include:

- Internet servers,

- transmission systems

- and electronics systems. (Red Flag).

* 9.- * ′′ Essential services ′′ declared at places of worship.

Some mayors fined people who go to church.

* 10.- * He congratulated Australia and 116 countries for insisting strict and rigorous investigation into China for spreading the alleged ′′ COVID-19 ",

despite several threats from China for rejecting critical exports.



ID2020 is the name of the project that proposes the digital identification of virtually everyone around the world.

The term ′′ numeric identification ′′ means the insertion of a microchip into the human body that contains all the personal information of every citizen.

Little talked about the issue in the media,

but the ID2020 project has reached a very advanced stage.

The official website says ID2020 is a type of public-private partnership that involves the United Nations,

the WHO,

International Governments

and its founding members,

who are also his most active sponsors.

Who are the founding members and funders?

Founding members include prominent names such as ′′ Microsoft ′′ (from Bill Gates), ′′ GAVI ′′ (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations, interested in promoting the use of vaccines worldwide)

and the Rockefeller family.

In the ID2020 administration,

We find representatives of the interference organizations already known in every move the power elite gives to impose the New World Order:

JP Morgan, Banco Santander, USB Bank, Deutsche Bank, IBM, Rockefeller Foundation, Microsoft …

(I was struck for not finding Goldman Sachs on the list, and it intrigued me. )))

EVIDENTLY ID2020 is presented positively for everyone to accept:

like this

′′ An asset to citizens ′′

(and more:

they treat him like a LAW),

′′ Something that our life doesn't have to improve in every aspect (especially the most elementary ones)

On the first page of the project, you can read:

Identity is vital to political, economic and social opportunities.

But the identification systems are archaic and insecure,

there is a lack of adequate privacy protection and, for more than a billion people,


They are inaccessible...

Don't forget that by sharing this article you water the seed of truth.

HUMANITY IS IN DANGER 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Toumai TouToum Pare