「どんな人物が大統領を務めていたのか、ペドフェリア(小児性愛)や悪魔崇拝がどれだけ根深くはびこっているか、真実を知った時 この国の人々はショックを受けるだろう。」



Kraken Videos


“THIS COUNTRY IS GOING TO BE SHOCKED when it learns the truth about who’s been occupying the Oval Office, the level of PEDOPHILIA, and the people who engage in SATANIC WORSHIP!!!!” Lin Wood 👊🏼 @linwood has been receiving death threats from evil people and has had Fake News media outlets writing garbage and false articles attempting to discredit him and his efforts. When you have both or either one of those things happen when you're pursuing the truth and justice, it means one thing: You're hanging right over the target, and you're definitely making your enemy nervous. When hanging over the target, drop the payload. Thank you for everything you do, Lin. Keep up the pressure! #StopTheSteal #LinWood #ExposeTheFraud