
総合旅行業務取扱管理者の英語問題のレベルは?合格者が教える対策や勉強法は? 総合・国内旅行業務取扱管理者



























  • 海外観光地理

  • 海外旅行実務

  • 出入国法令

  • 国際航空運賃

  • 語学(英語)







科目 問題数 配点
海外観光地理 20問 2点x20問=40点
海外旅行実務 8問 5点x8問=40点
出入国法令 8問 5点x8問=40点
国際航空運賃 8問 5点x8問=40点
語学(英語) 8問 5点x8問=40点
合計 52問 200点










2020年度 全て選べ問題の数
海外観光地理 20問中4問
海外旅行実務 8問中4問
出入国法令 8問中6問
国際航空運賃 8問中1問
語学(英語) 8問中1問
合計 52問中16問









  • A4サイズ1枚ほどの長文
  • 長文は観光ツアーについての内容
  • ツアーの予約方法や諸条件についての問題が多い
  • 1問は英単語あるいは英熟語の問題









  1. 語学問題(英語)前半4問
  2. 語学問題(英語)後半4問



※引用:一般社団法人 日本旅行業協会


次の英文は、ラスベガス発グランドキャニオンへのヘリコプターツアーの案内(抜粋)である。これを読み、以下の問 17.〜問 20.の各設問について、該当するものをそれぞれの選択肢から一つ選び、解答用紙にマークしなさい。 (配点5点×4)

Grand Canyon Exclusive Floor Landing Helicopter Tour

Enjoy a narrated helicopter flight over Lake Mead and the Hoover Dam before arriving at the Grand Canyonʼs West Rim. Descend 4,000 feet to the Canyon floor where youʼll enjoy a champagne and light picnic served under a shaded ramada with approximately 30 minutes to explore the Canyon floor before returning to Las Vegas.
Tour Highlights
・Complimentary hotel pickup and drop-off provided by shuttle bus
・Aerial views of Lake Mead, the Hoover Dam, and the Grand Canyon from a jet helicopter
・Descend to the Canyon floor and land on the banks of the Colorado River
・Approximately 30 minutes to explore the floor of the Grand Canyon
・Champagne and light picnic included
・Narration available in Cantonese, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Portuguese & Spanish
Tour Price : US$399 per person
・For the interest of comfort and safety, passengers exceeding 100 kg will be required to purchase an additional seat at $200.
・Due to weight restrictions on aircraft, seat assignments cannot be guaranteed.
・Children over age 2 pay adult rate. Children aged 2 and under are free. If you are traveling with a child aged 2 and under, proof of age is required at check in.
・Price includes tax and airport fees (fuel surcharge may apply).
・This tour requires payment on the day of booking. Your credit card will be charged at the time of booking.
Tour Length : About 4.5 hours (hotel to hotel)
Tour Departs : Daily at 7:00 am, 9:15 am, 11:30 am, 1:45 pm and 6:30 pm, with hotel pickup about 1 hour before flight departure time
・Passengers must reconfirm their tour prior to scheduled departure time by calling tour company listed on confirmation sheet upon arrival at hotel and advise them of your hotel room number. ①It is the passengerʼs responsibility to be at the correct pick up location at time advised by tour company. Please be there at least 10 minutes prior to scheduled
pick up time.
Please Note
・For the comfort and safety of all passengers, we reserve the ②right to refuse service to passengers who are intoxicated or show signs of intoxication. If as a result, your tour is cancelled, you will not be entitled to a refund.

問17. 次の記述のうち、英文の内容に合致しているものはどれか。
a. シャトルバスでのホテルの送迎は、別途料金が必要である。
b. ヘリコプターによる遊覧飛行は、約 30 分を予定している。
c. 体重 100 kg を超える乗客は、200 ドルで追加の座席を購入しなければならない。
d. ツアー代金には、燃油サーチャージが含まれている。

問18. 次の記述から、英文の内容に合致しているものだけをすべて選んでいるものはどれか。
(ア) ヘリコプターの搭乗に際し、座席の指定は確約されない。
(イ) ツアーに同行するS歳以下の子供のツアー代金は無料であるが、チェックイン時に子供の年齢を証明するものが必要である。
(ウ) ツアー代金は、予約時にクレジットカードで支払う必要がある。

a. (ア) (イ)
b. (ア) (ウ)
c. (イ) (ウ)
d. (ア) (イ) (ウ)

問19. 本文中の下線部①It が指す内容は次のうちどれか。
a. ツアー出発日の前日に予約の再確認をすること。
b. ホテル到着後、確認書に記載されているツアー会社に電話をすること。
c. ホテル到着後、部屋番号をツアー会社に連絡すること。
d. ツアー会社から指示された時間に正しい出迎え場所にいること。

問20. 本文中の下線部②right と同じ意味で使われているものは次のうちどれか。
a. A little tram goes right up to the peak.
b. Is this the right bus for the airport?
c. The museum is to the right of the city hall.
d. We have a right to know the truth.







総合旅行業務取扱管理者 英語 勉強法そのため、「問題1」の内容を確認してから長文を読み始め、問題1が解けたら「問題2」の内容を確認して長文の続きを読み始めます。

  1. 問題1の内容を確認する
  2. 長文を読み始める
  3. 問題1を解答する
  4. 問題2の内容を確認する
  5. 長文の続きを読み始める
  6. 問題2を解答する
  7. 問題3の内容を確認する
  8. 長文の続きを読み始める
  9. 問題3の解答をする
  10. 問題4の内容を確認する
  11. 長文の続きを読み始める
  12. 問題4の解答をする




※引用:一般社団法人 日本旅行業協会


問17. 次の記述のうち、英文の内容に合致しているものはどれか。

a. シャトルバスでのホテルの送迎は、別途料金が必要である。
b. ヘリコプターによる遊覧飛行は、約 30 分を予定している。
c. 体重 100 kg を超える乗客は、200 ドルで追加の座席を購入しなければならない。
d. ツアー代金には、燃油サーチャージが含まれている。




Grand Canyon Exclusive Floor Landing Helicopter Tour
Enjoy a narrated helicopter flight over Lake Mead and the Hoover Dam before arriving at the Grand Canyonʼs West Rim. Descend 4,000 feet to the Canyon floor where youʼll enjoy a champagne and light picnic served under a shaded ramada with approximately 30 minutes to explore the Canyon floor before returning to Las Vegas.
Tour Highlights
Complimentary hotel pickup and drop-off provided by shuttle bus
・Aerial views of Lake Mead, the Hoover Dam, and the Grand Canyon from a jet helicopter
・Descend to the Canyon floor and land on the banks of the Colorado River
Approximately 30 minutes to explore the floor of the Grand Canyon
・Champagne and light picnic included
・Narration available in Cantonese, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Portuguese & Spanish
Tour Price : US$399 per person
For the interest of comfort and safety, passengers exceeding 100 kg will be required to purchase an additional seat at $200.
・Due to weight restrictions on aircraft, seat assignments cannot be guaranteed.
・Children over age 2 pay adult rate. Children aged 2 and under are free. If you are traveling with a child aged 2 and under, proof of age is required at check in.
Price includes tax and airport fees (fuel surcharge may apply).
・This tour requires payment on the day of booking. Your credit card will be charged at the time of booking.
Tour Length : About 4.5 hours (hotel to hotel)
Tour Departs : Daily at 7:00 am, 9:15 am, 11:30 am, 1:45 pm and 6:30 pm, with hotel pickup about 1 hour before flight departure time
・Passengers must reconfirm their tour prior to scheduled departure time by calling tour company listed on confirmation sheet upon arrival at hotel and advise them of your hotel room number. ①It is the passengerʼs responsibility to be at the correct pick up location at time advised by tour company. Please be there at least 10 minutes prior to scheduled
pick up time.
Please Note
・For the comfort and safety of all passengers, we reserve the ②right to refuse service to passengers who are intoxicated or show signs of intoxication. If as a result, your tour is cancelled, you will not be entitled to a refund.

「a. シャトルバスでのホテルの送迎は、別途料金が必要である。」
Complimentary hotel pickup and drop-off provided by shuttle bus

「b. ヘリコプターによる遊覧飛行は、約 30 分を予定している。」
approximately 30 minutes to explore the Canyon floor before returning to Las Vegas.
Approximately 30 minutes to explore the floor of the Grand Canyon

「c. 体重 100 kg を超える乗客は、200 ドルで追加の座席を購入しなければならない。」
For the interest of comfort and safety, passengers exceeding 100 kg will be required to purchase an additional seat at $200.

「d. ツアー代金には、燃油サーチャージが含まれている。」
Price includes tax and airport fees (fuel surcharge may apply).




問18. 次の記述から、英文の内容に合致しているものだけをすべて選んでいるものはどれか。
(ア) ヘリコプターの搭乗に際し、座席の指定は確約されない。
(イ) ツアーに同行する2歳以下の子供のツアー代金は無料であるが、チェックイン時に子供の年齢を証明するものが必要である。
(ウ) ツアー代金は、予約時にクレジットカードで支払う必要がある。

a. (ア) (イ)
b. (ア) (ウ)
c. (イ) (ウ)
d. (ア) (イ) (ウ)




Grand Canyon Exclusive Floor Landing Helicopter Tour
Enjoy a narrated helicopter flight over Lake Mead and the Hoover Dam before arriving at the Grand Canyonʼs West Rim. Descend 4,000 feet to the Canyon floor where youʼll enjoy a champagne and light picnic served under a shaded ramada with approximately 30 minutes to explore the Canyon floor before returning to Las Vegas.
Tour Highlights
・Complimentary hotel pickup and drop-off provided by shuttle bus
・Aerial views of Lake Mead, the Hoover Dam, and the Grand Canyon from a jet helicopter
・Descend to the Canyon floor and land on the banks of the Colorado River
・Approximately 30 minutes to explore the floor of the Grand Canyon
・Champagne and light picnic included
・Narration available in Cantonese, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Portuguese & Spanish
Tour Price : US$399 per person
・For the interest of comfort and safety, passengers exceeding 100 kg will be required to purchase an additional seat at $200.
Due to weight restrictions on aircraft, seat assignments cannot be guaranteed.
Children over age 2 pay adult rate. Children aged 2 and under are free. If you are traveling with a child aged 2 and under, proof of age is required at check in.
・Price includes tax and airport fees (fuel surcharge may apply).
This tour requires payment on the day of booking. Your credit card will be charged at the time of booking.
Tour Length : About 4.5 hours (hotel to hotel)
Tour Departs : Daily at 7:00 am, 9:15 am, 11:30 am, 1:45 pm and 6:30 pm, with hotel pickup about 1 hour before flight departure time
・Passengers must reconfirm their tour prior to scheduled departure time by calling tour company listed on confirmation sheet upon arrival at hotel and advise them of your hotel room number. ①It is the passengerʼs responsibility to be at the correct pick up location at time advised by tour company. Please be there at least 10 minutes prior to scheduled
pick up time.
Please Note
・For the comfort and safety of all passengers, we reserve the ②right to refuse service to passengers who are intoxicated or show signs of intoxication. If as a result, your tour is cancelled, you will not be entitled to a refund.


(ア) ヘリコプターの搭乗に際し、座席の指定は確約されない。
Due to weight restrictions on aircraft, seat assignments cannot be guaranteed.

(イ) ツアーに同行する2歳以下の子供のツアー代金は無料であるが、チェックイン時に子供の年齢を証明するものが必要である。
Children over age 2 pay adult rate. Children aged 2 and under are free. If you are traveling with a child aged 2 and under, proof of age is required at check in.

(ウ) ツアー代金は、予約時にクレジットカードで支払う必要がある。
This tour requires payment on the day of booking. Your credit card will be charged at the time of booking.




問19. 本文中の下線部①It が指す内容は次のうちどれか。

a. ツアー出発日の前日に予約の再確認をすること。
b. ホテル到着後、確認書に記載されているツアー会社に電話をすること。
c. ホテル到着後、部屋番号をツアー会社に連絡すること。
d. ツアー会社から指示された時間に正しい出迎え場所にいること。





Grand Canyon Exclusive Floor Landing Helicopter Tour
Enjoy a narrated helicopter flight over Lake Mead and the Hoover Dam before arriving at the Grand Canyonʼs West Rim. Descend 4,000 feet to the Canyon floor where youʼll enjoy a champagne and light picnic served under a shaded ramada with approximately 30 minutes to explore the Canyon floor before returning to Las Vegas.
Tour Highlights
・Complimentary hotel pickup and drop-off provided by shuttle bus
・Aerial views of Lake Mead, the Hoover Dam, and the Grand Canyon from a jet helicopter
・Descend to the Canyon floor and land on the banks of the Colorado River
・Approximately 30 minutes to explore the floor of the Grand Canyon
・Champagne and light picnic included
・Narration available in Cantonese, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Portuguese & Spanish
Tour Price : US$399 per person
・For the interest of comfort and safety, passengers exceeding 100 kg will be required to purchase an additional seat at $200.
・Due to weight restrictions on aircraft, seat assignments cannot be guaranteed.
・Children over age 2 pay adult rate. Children aged 2 and under are free. If you are traveling with a child aged 2 and under, proof of age is required at check in.
・Price includes tax and airport fees (fuel surcharge may apply).
・This tour requires payment on the day of booking. Your credit card will be charged at the time of booking.
Tour Length : About 4.5 hours (hotel to hotel)
Tour Departs : Daily at 7:00 am, 9:15 am, 11:30 am, 1:45 pm and 6:30 pm, with hotel pickup about 1 hour before flight departure time
・Passengers must reconfirm their tour prior to scheduled departure time by calling tour company listed on confirmation sheet upon arrival at hotel and advise them of your hotel room number. ①It is the passengerʼs responsibility to be at the correct pick up location at time advised by tour company. Please be there at least 10 minutes prior to scheduled
pick up time.
Please Note
・For the comfort and safety of all passengers, we reserve the ②right to refuse service to passengers who are intoxicated or show signs of intoxication. If as a result, your tour is cancelled, you will not be entitled to a refund.

「It is the passengerʼs responsibility to be at the correct pick up location at time advised by tour company.」の文頭にある「it」が何を指すのかという問題ですが、文章中の「to」以下のことを指します

これにより、「to be at the correct pick up location at time advised by tour company.(ツアー会社から案内のあった時間に正しい出迎え場所にいること」の内容と同じ選択肢が答えになります。




問20. 本文中の下線部②right と同じ意味で使われているものは次のうちどれか。

a. A little tram goes right up to the peak.
b. Is this the right bus for the airport?
c. The museum is to the right of the city hall.
d. We have a right to know the truth.




Grand Canyon Exclusive Floor Landing Helicopter Tour
Enjoy a narrated helicopter flight over Lake Mead and the Hoover Dam before arriving at the Grand Canyonʼs West Rim. Descend 4,000 feet to the Canyon floor where youʼll enjoy a champagne and light picnic served under a shaded ramada with approximately 30 minutes to explore the Canyon floor before returning to Las Vegas.
Tour Highlights
・Complimentary hotel pickup and drop-off provided by shuttle bus
・Aerial views of Lake Mead, the Hoover Dam, and the Grand Canyon from a jet helicopter
・Descend to the Canyon floor and land on the banks of the Colorado River
・Approximately 30 minutes to explore the floor of the Grand Canyon
・Champagne and light picnic included
・Narration available in Cantonese, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Portuguese & Spanish
Tour Price : US$399 per person
・For the interest of comfort and safety, passengers exceeding 100 kg will be required to purchase an additional seat at $200.
・Due to weight restrictions on aircraft, seat assignments cannot be guaranteed.
・Children over age 2 pay adult rate. Children aged 2 and under are free. If you are traveling with a child aged 2 and under, proof of age is required at check in.
・Price includes tax and airport fees (fuel surcharge may apply).
・This tour requires payment on the day of booking. Your credit card will be charged at the time of booking.
Tour Length : About 4.5 hours (hotel to hotel)
Tour Departs : Daily at 7:00 am, 9:15 am, 11:30 am, 1:45 pm and 6:30 pm, with hotel pickup about 1 hour before flight departure time
・Passengers must reconfirm their tour prior to scheduled departure time by calling tour company listed on confirmation sheet upon arrival at hotel and advise them of your hotel room number. ①It is the passengerʼs responsibility to be at the correct pick up location at time advised by tour company.Please be there at least 10 minutes prior to scheduled
pick up time.
Please Note
For the comfort and safety of all passengers, we reserve the ②right to refuse service to passengers who are intoxicated or show signs of intoxication.If as a result, your tour is cancelled, you will not be entitled to a refund.


For the comfort and safety of all passengers, we reserve the ②right to refuse service to passengers who are intoxicated or show signs of intoxication.



a. A little tram goes right up to the peak.

b. Is this the right bus for the airport?

c. The museum is to the right of the city hall.

d. We have a right to know the truth.







  • 英単語を覚える

  • 解き方の流れを練習する



英語 日本語訳
account 勘定
additional 追加の
admission 入場
advance 前もっての
allotment 割り当て
apply 申込む
attach 取り付ける
available 利用可能な
baggage 手荷物
balance 残金、収支
belongings 所有物
book 予約する
capacity 容量
certificate 証明書
commission 手数料
compensation 補償
complimentary 無料の
confirm 確かにする
contract 契約書
delay 遅延する
depart 出発する
destination 目的地
deposit 予約金、預け金
deviate 離脱する
disembark 降りる
due 支払期限
duration 期間
effective 有効な
estimate 見積もる
exceed 超過する
excursion 小旅行、遠足
expense 費用
expire 満了する
facility 施設
fare 運賃
fee 手数料
fine 罰金
fragile 壊れやすい
gratuity チップ
guarantee 保証する
illegal 違法の
incentive 報奨的な
inclusive 包括的な
invoice 請求書
itinerary 旅程
length 期間
liability 責任、債務
materialize 成立する
modify 修正する
negotiate 交渉する
non-refundable 払い戻し不可
no-show 現れない
permission 許可
prohibit 禁止する
property 所有物
purchase 購入する
qualify 資格を与える
quotation 見積もり
rate 料金
recommend 推薦する
reconfirm 再確認する
refund 払金
reimburse 払い戻す
require 必要とする
reservation 予約
restrict 制限する
retailer 小売業者
signature 署名
spouse 配偶者
standby 空席待ちの
status 状況
subject to 条件として
supplier サービス提供者
tariff 料金表
toll 通行料
tour operator 手配代行者
travel component 旅行素材
urgent 緊急の
vacant 空いている
valid 有効な
valuable 貴重な
via 経由で
void 無効な
voucher 引換券
waiver 免除
warrant 保証する
accompany 同行する
aisle 通路
allowance 手当て
fasten 締める
Lost & Found 遺失物保管所
on schedule 予定通りに
stopover 途中降機
surcharge 追加料金
vehicle 乗り物
accommodate 収容する
adjoin 隣接する
incidental charge 付加的料金
registration 登録
declare 申告する
duty 税金
quarantine 検疫
vaccination 予防接種







