
2019年12月13日 ~ Book4 Unit16 [Stage7]

Book 4 - 68(When can people get seasick?)

Genially, what is the weather forecast for tomorrow? Now, give me the detail.
Genially, it will be fine but cold. There will be no cloud all day but he maximum temperature is seven degrees Celsius tomorrow.

What kind of matters usually need to be discussed in detail?
Such matters as tax increase and new regulation need to be discussed in detail.

What kind of information does a reporter collect?
A reporter collects such information as news and accidents.

If you were a journalist, what stories would you like to write about?
If I were a journalist, I would you like to write stories about poverty in the world.

In what situations can the life of a journalist be in danger?
The life of a journalist can be in danger when they collect information in a war zone.

Why is it better to collect information first-hand?
It is better to collect information first-hand because the truth is unlikely to be distorted.

For what reason?
Because they want to collect latest information first-hand and broadcast it quickly.

Why is the job of a war correspondent dangerous?
The job of a war correspondent is dangerous because they have to go to a war zone to report what’s happening.

Why do you think someone may want to become a war correspondent even if we consider the fact that 95 journalists were killed in 2010?
I think someone may want to become a war correspondent even if we consider the fact that 95 journalists were killed in 2010 because they think it is their duty to report misery of the war.

Because I can’t give up on them and leave.

What do you think of people who get rid of unwanted puppies by drowning them in a lake?
I think people who get rid of unwanted puppies by drowning them in a lake should be imprisoned for their lives.

Why do people sometimes try to drown their problems?
People sometimes try to drown their problems because they want to escape from reality.

Why do people sometimes lose touch with their schoolmates?
People sometimes lose touch with their schoolmates because some of them go missing.

Why is the word ‘ambulance’ written backwards on the front of an ambulance?
The word ‘ambulance’ is written backwards on the front of an ambulance so that you can read it correctly in the rearview mirror.

What kind activities can be exhausting?
Such activities as swimming and marathon can be exhausting.

Why do you suppose people may agree to commute long distances to their work?
I suppose people may agree to commute long distances to their work because they want to live in a place with a lot of greenery.

In what situations are children often on tenterhooks?
Children are often on tenterhooks in such situations as Xmas day and their birthday.

When can people get seasick?
People can get seasick whey they’re on a boat and the sea is rough.

correspondent :

first-hand :

drown :
vt)溺れさせる、水死させる ;(vi)溺れる

get rid of sth :

drown one’s problems :

lose touch with sb :

crayfish :

uphill / downhill:
上りの、上り坂の / 下りの、下り坂の

spend x hours doing :

spend x hours commuting to and from work :

commute to work :

be on tenterhooks :

from side to side :

sit sideways :


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