Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

きゅうりのキューちゃんみたいなんを作ってみた。 (Homemade pickeled cucumbers in Japanese soy sauce style)

2019-05-18 12:09:58 | MN生活(9年目) (MN2018-19)
Hello there!

How's everything going in your life?

Oh well, me? I was in my period and had to deal with my cramps this week, and Andy was very busy on miscellaneous things and couldn't come home early, so it was physically a tough week for me.

The hard week is over now, May-chan is taking a nap, and Andy and I can do whatever we want to do and enjoy this weekend relaxing time.

So, I happened to eat this pickeled cucumber of the famous Japanese brand after a very long time the other day and liked it a lot more than I expected. So, I was going to buy another package sometime soon, but imported products from Japan are generally way more expensive
here, so I googled recipes similar to the brand one and tried to make it at home since it didn't look that hard.

まずこちらを購入。こちらの一般的なきゅうりはでっかいので、Baby Cucumbersと呼ばれる小さめのきゅうりで作ることにしました。
I bought baby cucumbers since a regular cucumber in the US is too big.

I used this recipe (in Japanese).

I chopped the cucumbers about 1/2 inch think and put some salt on them.

Besides what the recipe says (Soy sauce, rice vinegar and sugar), I added a pinch of dried red pepper to it. When the sauce gets boiled, you can put the cucumbers after you squeeze water out as much as possibe from them.

The recipe said that you want to boil and cool it down twice, but I did it 3 times for no reason. Haha.

When it's cooled down, you can put them in a jar or something.

I tried one and thought that it turned out more salty from the soy sauce than the brand one because the recipe was closer to preserved food.

Also, the brand one has more sourness from the vinegar and this homemade one has more soy souce flavor.

But let me say this at least.

It's pretty tasty to me.

If I would say something I didn't like about mine, it was the texture, and I know the reason. When I was working on this, May-chan started being kind of fussy, so I threw all the cucumbers in the pot without squeezing water out of them enough. Haha.

Still, I'm very satisfied that it turned out a perfect rice-buddy flavor.

Now, I know what the recipe tastes like, so it'd be fun and nice to arrange the ratio of the sauce next time.

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!

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