Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

めいちゃんの初日本 vol.16 (May-chan's 1st Japan Trip 16)

2020-02-19 13:54:47 | 旅行日記 (Travel Diaries)
Hi there!

How's your day going today?

Okay, here's vol.16 of the Japan trip diaries.

This is also in the beggining of October.

On one of the week days, May-chan and I had another lunch date with my precious friend who I call "Big sis", H-san.

H-san and I met at the hospital that I had the cancer treatment as a patient and a nurse and we've been good friends over a decade since then.

May-chan and I took a bus and a train from my parents' houes to downtown Kyoto. It's the first time for me to take such a long trip just with May-chan after a while, and I was a little nervous.

On Sanjo bridge.

Yup, you can see Kamo river from the bridge, of course.

The restaurant that I booked for this date was very close from the Sanjo station.

The location was very connvenient and the view from the restaurant was awesome.

Nice to meet you, Big sis!!

It was a lunch time on a week day, so they had only 3-4 things on the menu.

The set of soup and...

salad and one from the entrees.

Big sis chose the pasta dish.

I ordered the curry since I thought that it'd be easy to eat just with one hand in case I neede to hold May-chan.

I thought that they would be busy in the lunch time since they're located in the middle of downtown Kyoto, but I was luckily wrong, and the place was pretty quiet.

So, I could put May-chan down on the floor when she'd tired of sitting on the stroller, and the staff was suepr friendly and let us spend a wonderful time there too.

After the nice lunch, we stopped by a Starbucks to get a drink and decided to hang out by Kamo river for a while.

I don't know when I bought a Starbucks last before this.

Actually, I had a certain reason why I wanted to get a drink at Starbucks in Japan.

This is the reason. When I decided to go to Japan with May-chan and shareed the idea with everybody here on my blog, one of my precious friends, Sat-chan, in CA sent me a Starbucks gift card that's usuable in Japan with this warm message, "Please have a nice coffee time in Japan!" (Aww!!!)

So, thanks to Sat-chan's heartwarming gift, I could have such a nice coffee time with my wonderful friend in such a awesome situation. (Sat-chan, thank you so much for the gift again! Thanks to you, I could enjoy the wonderful coffee time!)

See? It's a beautiful day.

As we enjoyed the beautiful weather by the river, we had a fun conversation.

May-chan loves being outside and enjoyed the great view too.

After we had the great coffee time by Kamo river, my big said, "I want to buy May-chan some clothes." So, we decided to walk to the department store, Takashimaya, from the river.

Oh well. when Andy and I were in Japan for IVF, we stayed and walked around in the area pretty much everyday, so I recalled the good memories there.

THe department store, Takashimaya, was also one of the places that Andy and I hung out at a lot too, so I took a picture of the building and sent it to Andy. Haha.

At the department store, my big sis kindly pushed May-chan stroller most of the time and reminded me that she's such a reliable and cool lady.

So, any store at a fancy department store doesn't sell a cheap stuff in general, so I had a hard time to decide what to get from which store at the department store since I was not a luxury brand buyer at all. Though, my big sis generously told me, "Choose whatever you like!" so...,

でもでも、Hit-chanの母が「miki houseは高いけど、丈夫でしっかり作られているからずっと使えるよ。」とお薦めしていたのを思い出して、miki houseで買わせてもらう事にしました。
I picked up this brand, miki house, since I remembered my mom saying, "Their products are not cheap but very well made, so you can use them for a long time!"

Here are what I chose. The sweater and the pants were the gift from my big sis, H-san.

To be honest with you, the fancy and lovely clothes first made me feel, "Oh, they're too cure and nice to use. I want to keep then unused!!" but I convinced myself, "My big sis generously bought them for May-chan and that's definitely why I should put them on May-chan as often as possible until May-chan becomes too big."

Anyways, it was a very blessing day for me that I saw my big sis with May-chan, had a great lunch and coffee time together, and recieved such a nice and cute gift from her.

Thank you, big sis!! Please have a date with me again!!

Okay, this is all for today. Thanks for reading again!!!

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