Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

母娘でコーヒータイム (Mom&Daughter's coffee time)

2020-03-26 12:45:31 | MN生活(10年目)(MN2019-20)
Hi there!

How's everything going in your life?

So, it's been such a work just to do a quick grocery shopping since May-chan was born.

Though, both May-chan and I get bored and extra energy unused if we're just stuck home everyday. So, it's kind a nice refreshing time for both of us even going grocery shopping.

In the beginning of February, May-chan and I went to Target for some stuff, and on our way home, I came up with this idea, "Oh, there's a Caribou coffee on the way home. Why don't we swing by a little bit?"

I was originally going to do only a grocery shopping at Target and didn't bring my camera with me. So, these pics are not as good as usual.

May-chan's wearing the cute shoes from my best friend, Aki. Those shoes are just awesome! They're not only cute but very practical enough to make May-chan enjoy walk on her own!

In the store, there were so many distractive things around May-chan, and of course, she wanted to touch them. So, I had to keep an eye on her!

I got Americano for me and a blueberry muffin for May-chan.

I worked at Caribou almost for 7years and pretty much know everything on the menu, so it's very comfortable for me to choose something for May-chan.

I acutally had been to a Caribou just with May-chan once before, but it was when May-chan was only 4 months old. So, I didn't have to worry about much since May-chan wasn't that active as now. Haha.

その時の記事はこちら。お散歩できるようになりました (Finally warm enough to walk outside)
Here's the article. お散歩できるようになりました (Finally warm enough to walk outside)

Now, May-chan can walk by herself and make loud voice too, so I honestly didn't know if this Mom&Daugheter coffee time would go calm and peaceful.

Though, you never know if you don't try. So, I just gave it a shot especially because it's super easy to leave if it's a Caribou.

Then, it turned out to be the best that I could think of. May-chan was a very good girl and enjoyed the muffin toon. Look at her smile! It just made my day!

May-chan had much fun and I could have such a nice refreshing time. The successful Mom&Daughter coffee time pushed my back to feel, "Okay, I'll make this wonderful coffee time with May-chan more!"

So, on Valentine's day which was shortly after the precious coffee time, May-chan and I went to the same Caribou shop for the 2nd time.

Though, it was quite differend from the last time!!!

First off, I tried to put May-chan on a high chair at the table right in front of the register, but she didn't want to sit at all!!

She was like, "Why do I have to sit on the chair even though there's a lot of interesting stuff (merchandise) around!!!" and tried to stand up on the chair. So, I ended up having to get her down and placing our order as holding her hand.

Still, she didn't want me to hold her hand and looked like saying, "Why do you pull my hand?! I wanna go over there!!!" Yeah, she got fussy.

Anyways, I placed our order and sat at the table.

I ordered my favorite coffee cake and...

a turkey bacon mini sandwich since May-chan was a bread lover.

Oh well, May-chan loved coffee cake much better than the sandwich.

Phew...the last time went perfectly great and made me think that it would be like this all the time, but it was not true.

Still, it was worth having a Mom&Daughter coffee time again because we still had an unusual atmosphere there.

At the point, I got 1 win and 1 lose. I still didn't know if our coffee time was something that I want to do more. So, I had another try to see it.

The 3rd time was some days before WHO declared the Coronavirus pandemic, which was on February 28th.

Again, it was on the way home from grocery shopping at Target.

Yay! May-chan was a good girl this time!!!

Thanks to May-chan's good behaivior, we both could have a very CALM and wonderful coffee time together.

Unfortunately, shortly after that, the Coronavirus made us be stuck home, and the restaurant business has to be closed except for the drive-through or pick-up service here in MN too.

So, there's no other choice for me but I postpone this Mom&Daughter coffee time as well. I'm just wishing is that all the chaos relating to the Coronavirus will go over and everybody get their peaceful life back as soon as possible.

Okay, this is all for today. Thanks for reading!!!

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