

Daily Vocabulary(2020/06/06)

2020年06月06日 | Daily Vocabulary
72451.clumsy(おっちょこちょい / ドジ / 不器用な)A clumsy person moves or handles things in a careless, awkward way, often so that things are knocked over or broken. 
He's pretty careless and clumsy.
25452.off the cuff (即席で / 即興の / ぶっつけ本番の)An off-the-cuff remark is made without being prepared or thought about in advance. 
It was a lot of fun but my boss made me do a speech and I had to do it off the cuff.
25453.It was a tough break(不運)
He's had a lot of tough breaks recently. I feel bad for him.
25454.hyper(非常に・異常にハイテンション)extremely excited or nervous about something 
He is always hyper .
25455.excited  happy, interested, or hopeful because something good has happened or will happen 
Maria’s starting to get pretty excited about the wedding. 
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