@vanssurfevents can I get a hell yea and go Jags!?
Came in from this wave of a lifetime to the @jaguars scoring a touchdown with 3 mins left and then kicking a field goal with 3 seconds left to win the game. Unbelievable evening! ✨ 🐆 🌊 🍻 🌴
Riding a beautiful 8’5 @joshua_keogh_ Haz Gun. So cool to talk about this board with someone halfway across the world with the same vision in mind and see it all come together. Thank you Josh and @rhinolaminating for the thoughtfulness and love put into this board
🎥: @mynamescameron
@vanssurf @vans @joshua_keogh_ @sunrisesurfshop @costatequila @hotelpalms