Boost your immunity through relaxation! | 大阪市福島区のリラクゼーションサロン シーズオフィシャルブログ

大阪市福島区のリラクゼーションサロン シーズオフィシャルブログ

ボディ&ヘッドスパサロン スクール シーズ

Before I knew it, we were already in March.
Aren't there many people who tend to get sick during the change of seasons?
This is because changes in temperature and humidity cause stress to our bodies.
However, you can alleviate these effects by practicing relaxation.

◯Relaxation to boost immunity
●Get enough sleep: Good quality sleep is the basis for increasing immunity.
●Have relaxing hobbies: Have hobbies that reduce stress, such as reading or gardening.
Keep your mind calm.
●Do light exercise: Light exercise, such as walking or yoga, keeps your body in good shape and increases immunity.
It will help you.



 ◯ Survive the change of seasons
The change of seasons is a time when you need to be especially careful about your physical condition. Take advantage of relaxation to keep your mind and body healthy. Small daily efforts can prevent you from getting sick during the change of seasons and increase your immunity. 

Please come and relax and refresh yourself in our private room♪♪









キラキラ 極楽コース 70分 ¥9,580~
キラキラ アロマトリートメント 70分 ¥9,020~
キラキラ フォースカッター 30分 ¥7,700〜


大阪市福島区福島2-8-22 福田ビル501.602




よもぎ蒸しと腸もみサロン HANARe



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