Hello! This is Take Jazz Easy. How have you been?

In Japan, the temperature is not stable and that makes me wonder what to wear in my daily life.

Today, I would like to introduce to you an excellent smooth jazz tune. It's "Hold On My Heart" by saxophonist Eric Marienthal.

Hold On My Heart/Universal Music LLC

Maybe, some of you have heard the tune title "Hold On My Heart". Yes, that is originally a song by the progressive rock band "Genesis",whose vocal is Phil Collins.

I first heard the original song about 30 years ago on the TV. In contrast to the majority of Genesis's rock songs, that was a quiet song which was almost like a ballad.

Honestly, I don't know much about Genesis, but "Hold On My Heart" is one of the songs I treasure most.

I forgot whether I had found this smooth jazz cover by Eric on my iPhone with Tunein or on the network audio which I wrote about the last time.

Anyway, this tune is not just an easy cover of a famous pop tune. Eric's cover is refined and it revitalizes the original tune from a different perspective with a soothing sound of his saxophone.

Although I put a link of this song on Amazon.co.jp., I recommend you to listen to the song on a trial on iTunes because you can listen to the sample longer that on Amazon and also because the price of downloading the song is cheaper.

Last but not least, in my opinion, smooth jazz is NEVER just an easy or cheap version of the mainstream jazz. To be sure, there are some mediocre songs in smooth jazz but that's the same case with the mainstream jazz. If you have good ears and a sense of beauty, I'm sure that you will find many great smooth jazz tunes.

P.S. For those who don't know Eric Marienthal. He appears in the Premium Box Set of Crossover Eleven which is the special box set whose origin is the legendary FM program that lasted for more than 20 years on NHK (Japan's national broadcasting station). So even if you haven't heard of the name of the artist, don't worrry when you buy the song. He is a veteran and one of the top sax players.

Thanks for reading! See you again!!

ここから日本語です。読者の皆様、こんにちは、Take Jazz Easy です。お元気ですか?


今日は、スムースジャズの超名曲をご紹介したいと思います。サックス奏者のEric Marienthal の「Hold On My Heart」です。

「Hold On My Heart」という曲名をご存じの方もいらっしゃるかもしれませんが、そうです、元々は、この曲は、プログレッシブ・ロック・バンドのジェネシスの曲です(ヴォーカルはフィル・コリンズ)。


正直、ジェネシスに関しては、詳しくないのですが、「Hold On My Heart」は、私が最も大切にしている曲の一つです。

このスムースジャズカバーを、私のiPhoneのTunein で見つけたのか、それとも、前回ご紹介したネットワークオーディオで聞いたのかは、ちょっと覚えていません。

いずれにせよ、この曲は、有名なポップス曲の安易なカバーではなく、Eric Marienthal の、洗練された、心が落ち着くサックスの音色で、原曲とはまた異なった角度から、名曲に新たな命を吹き込んだ、名カバーだと思います。

Hold On My Heart/Universal Music LLC

上にアマゾンへのリンクを張りましたが、iTunes で試聴なさることをお勧めします。試聴できる時間も多分アマゾンより長いですし、一曲ダウンロードするにしても、100円安いです。(アマゾン250円、iTunes 150円。iTunes の曲を記事に張り付けるボタンが見当たらないので・・)


追記 Eric Marienthal という名前をご存じない方のために。「クロスオーバー・イレブン・プレミアム・ボックス」という、NHK・FMで20年以上続いた名番組をもとにしたCDボックスセットにも、このEric Marienthalは登場しますので、トップのサックスプレイヤーの一人で、ベテランであることは間違いないので、是非、安心してご購入下さい。念のため。


Take Jazz Easy 記

Hi! This is Take Jazz Easy. Nice to see you again.

In Japan, a very strong typhoon is coming.

Today, I would like to write about a few things.

At first, as you may know, while Apple launched iPhone 6, iPod Classic was finally discontinued. I have about 20000 songs in my iPod Classic and that is a MUST item for me. So, foreseeing the discontinuance of iPod Classic, I bought my second iPod beforehand, and my prediction was right.

Apple iPod classic 160GB ブラック MC297J/A/Apple Computer

Secondly, as related to the article I wrote the last time, I would like to introduce you the network audio that I have. It's CR-N755 by Onkyo.

Below is the small picture and the link to Amazon.co.jp.

ONKYO ネットワークCDレシーバー シルバー CR-N755(S)/オンキヨー

(The price is not correct. It's much cheaper. Please bowse Amazon from the link above.)

Last time, I wrote about internet radio application for iPhone. This time, I want to write about the way to enjoy internet radio at home.

CR-N755 is a network audio and has the fuction of connecting itself to internet radio.

Although there are other network audio players by other companies, this is the one I have and this is my recommendation for the readers.

I enjoy listening to the internet radio channels which I mentioned the last time with this audio at home during my leisure time.

Before I bought this audio, I hadn't imagined how this kind of network audio could change my leisure time. Nowadays, CR-N755 has become a part of my life! I can listen to a CD, iPod, conventional AM, FM radio and internet radio.

All I have to remind you of is that you've got to have internet connection at home if you want to listen to internet radio with this audio.

Recently, a new model of this audio has appeared, so I will put a link to it as well. Below is the picture of CR-N765.

オンキヨー ネットワークCDレシーバー(シルバー)ONKYO CR-N765-S/オンキヨー

However, as CR-N755 is sold at a very reasonable price and the basic structure doesn't seem to be changed in the new model, I would recommend you the former one.

I hope that you will enjoy the multi-functions of this excellent audio.

Just in case- I tried the wireless LAN adapter by Onkyo on the front USB port but it wasn't so effective and I connect CR-N755 with a LAN cable to the internet. (The wireless adapter which I mentioned is sold separately from CR-N755)

Thanks for reading. See you again!


読者の皆様、こんにちは、Take Jazz Easy です。いかがお過ごしですか?二週連続の台風で、参りましたね。


まずは、ご存じかもしれませんが、iPhone 6の発売と同時に、アップル社は、iPod Classic の打ち切りを決めました。私は大体2万曲を自分のiPod Classic に入れていまして、必須アイテムなので、「今年の9月のアップルの新製品発表会で、打ち切りになるな」と予測して、2台目を事前に買っておきました。予測的中でした。


ONKYO ネットワークCDレシーバー シルバー CR-N755(S)/オンキヨー


前回、iPhone 向けのインターネットラジオ・アプリについて書きましたが、今回は、ご自宅でインターネットラジオを楽しむ方法をご紹介したいと思います。CR-N755は、ネットワークオーディオという名前の通り、インターネットラジオを再生できる機能を持った機器です。






オンキヨー ネットワークCDレシーバー(シルバー)ONKYO CR-N765-S/オンキヨー






Take Jazz Easy

Hi! This is Take Jazz Easy. Nice to see you again! How have you been?

In the previous article about Chet Baker's CD, I wrote that I would introduce you the latter half of that performance. However, I will leave it for another day and today I would like to write about internet radio.

First of all, if you have an iPhone, there is a highly recommendable FREE application of internet radio. Its name is "Tunein Radio" (by Tunein). Just search for that application in the App Store in your iPhone and download it for free! (The icon is white parts in green background."Tunein Radio PRO is NOT for free, just in case.)

When I bought an audio, I learned from a Pioneer salesman at the electronics retail store that all of his colleagues used that application with their iPhones.

After you install "Tunein Radio", all you have to do is just tap on the icon on your iPhone and look for your favorite radio station from all over the world. There are numerous internet radio stations which you can browse.

I will write the names of internet radio stations which I most frequently listen to. They are "Radio Tunes Vocal Smooth Jazz"(formerly SKY.FM), "Radio Tunes Smooth Jazz 24/7" and "Pure Jazz Radio"(An excellent mainstream jazz radio station).

These internet radio stations specialize in the music category which their stations' names stand for annd you can listen to the kind of music you like for free.

I hope you will enjoy the application of internet radio which I wrote about today.

Thanks for reading! I'm waiting for your comments. (I am not sure about Android smartphones, sorry)


読者の皆様、こんにちは!Take Jazz Easy です。お元気でお過ごしですか?


まず、iPhoneをお持ちの方でしたら、大変お勧めの、インターネットラジオの無料アプリがあります。名前は“Tunein Radio"(作成元はTunein)です。iPhoneのApp Storeで検索して、無料でダウンロードできます。(アイコンは、緑の背景に、白のパーツのマークです。″Tunein Radio PROは、無料ではないので、念のため)


"Tunein Radio" をインストールしたら、あとはiPhoneのアイコンをタップするだけで、世界中のラジオ局から、お気に入りのインターネットラジオ局を見つけましょう!非常に豊富な量と種類のインターネットラジオ局が用意されています!

私がもっとも頻繁に聴くラジオ局は、"Radio Tunes Vocal Smooth Jazz"(以前は、SKY.FMという名前でした)や“Radio Tunes Smooth Jazz 24/7"(同上)、そして、モダンジャズの愛好家向けの、″Pure Jazz Radio"です。


