Hi! My name is Take Jazz Easy and this blog is "Take Jazz Easy's Blog".

At the renewal of my blog, I have decided to write it both in English and in Japanese.

There are three reasons why I named my blog "Take Jazz Easy's Blog". First of all, as you may know, there is a jazz masterpiece by Joe Pass and Ella Fitzgerald called "Take Love Easy" and I imitated that title because I love that quiet album. Secondly, I have a tendency to take things too seriously and I wanted to change that habit. So, as is often told especially in the U.S., "Take it easy!" has been my motto and I slightly changed that popular American phrase as I named my blog. And last but not least, I named my blog so because I LOVE JAZZ! as a matter of course.

Now that the brief self-introduction is over, I would like to introduce you an album. It's "So Free" by saxophonist Neamen Lyles.

So Free/Neamen Lyles

Although his effort seems to be underevaluated in general, I love this album which belongs to the category of Smooth Jazz. I especially like the first track whose name is "Candy". Maybe the name of this song reminds you of the album by the great trumpeter Lee Morgan. The reason why I praise this song is that Neamen's performance is so passionate I can feel his determination to dedicate himself to the world of jazz with this debut alubum. Everytime I listen to this song, I feel so excited and energized.

Also, I like the cover of Michael Jackson's song "Remember the time". It's a great cover of the original song in a smooth jazz mood by Neamen's saxophone.

I hope you will enjoy this album the two tracks of which I mentioned are in my Top 25 of my iPod Classic!

See you again. Thanks for reading!

読者の皆様、お久しぶりです、Take Jazz Easy です。久々にこのブログを再開するにあたり、英語と日本語で書くことに致しました。この記事の最初をご覧になった方はびっくりされたかもしれませんが、そういう訳ですので、どうか、ご了解下さい。

今回、ご紹介しているのは、Neamen Lyles というサックス奏者の、「So Free」という、スムースジャズのアルバムです。あまり、デビュー作として、一般的に高い評価を得なかった感のあるアルバムですが、英語でも書いてるように、一曲目の「Candy」は、非常に質の高い、パワフルで、さわやかで、聴いている方を元気づけてくれる、すばらしい演奏ですし、もう一曲、このアルバムで特筆すべき、マイケル・ジャクソンのヒット曲のカバーの「Remember the time」も、原曲を素晴らしくアレンジした、最高のカバーです。


So Free/Neamen Lyles


So Free/N1 Studios

英語で書いた通り、私がご紹介した二曲は、私のiPod Classic の、トップ25に入っています!大変素晴らしいアルバムですし、スムースジャズを、リスナーの視点から洗練させるためにも、また、評価を欲しているであろう新人を応援するためにも、是非、お聴きになってみて下さい。


Take Jazz Easy より