心の運動・胃の運動 #6 -BLOGRAFFITI- / Honeyの見たり食べたり…vol.6

応援!一般社団法人 ワクチン問題研究会
祓いたまえ 清めたまえ

そして、それを作ったのは今言われているDSを操っている少数 ★★★★【日本語字幕】【保存版】共産主義の本質がわかる53年前の警告|後編

2022-01-16 07:52:37 | 美しい日本を (~web読み日記)
 as early as 1928 the communists declared
that the racial differences among our
constituted the weakest and most
vulnerable point in our social fabric
you see they claim to be practicing
something called scientific marxism and
so they have to dress up these crude
concepts in elaborate phraseology
for instance when the communists speak
of violent revolution they describe it
as a war of national liberation
now the so-called theory behind this is
that the people of the country marked
for takeover supposedly are an oppressed
people they're dominated by an
imperialistic foreign power that has
colonized them and exploited them
and so the communists claim that it's
their duty their historic duty to
liberate them from the yoke of fascism
or imperialism or colonialism
or whatever
but there are other phrases also used to
describe the same process
occasionally they'll refer to this
violent type of revolution as an
anti-imperialist war or an
anti-colonialist war but they all equal
the same thing
wars of national liberation
anti-imperialist wars and
anti-colonialist wars
are all phrases used to describe that
aspect of communist revolution aimed at
overthrowing the government by means of
force and violence
to describe their non-violent revolution
the communists most often use the term
proletarian revolution
but they also refer to it as the
socialist revolution and sometimes as
the anti-monopoly struggle but here
again they all add up to the same thing
the proletarian revolution the socialist
revolution and the anti-monopoly
are all merely different ways in which
the communists describe their strategy
for overthrowing the government through
non-violent means
well all right having defined some of
the key phrases we can return now to the
communist literature and be able to
understand what they mean when they use
these words now in 1960 the
representatives from communist parties
all over the world gathered in moscow
and issued a joint declaration which
included this statement
our time whose main content is the
transition of capitalism to socialism is
a time of socialist revolutions and
national liberation revolutions
in other words simply stated we're
living in an era of two kinds of
revolution one violent and the other
now here's a document published by the
communist party in this country in
nineteen sixty eight it's entitled the
new program of the communist party usa a
second draft
and on the subject here's what it says
contemporary revolutions bear two
distinctive marks they are socialist
they are anti-imperialist
more than a billion human beings are now
embarked on socialist revolution
a larger number is in varying stages of
revolution for
national liberation
as early as 1928 the communist declared
that the racial differences among our
constituted the weakest and most
vulnerable point in our social fabric
by constantly probing and straining at
this one spot
they calculated that eventually the
cloth could be torn apart and that
americans could be divided weakened and
perhaps even set against each other in
open combat
now here is a book that i think ought to
be in every home library it's entitled
color communism and common sense by
manning johnson
now as you can see from his photograph
manning johnson was a negro
he was also a member of the communist
he joined the party as a young man
because he honestly believed that the
communists were trying to improve the
conditions of his people
he was a dedicated communist and
eventually he rose to one of the highest
ranks he was appointed to the national
negro commission of the communist party
but after many years manning johnson
finally came to the realization that the
communists weren't the least bit
interested in improving the conditions
of the negro people
he discovered that instead they were
merely planning to use his people and
these are his words to use them as
cannon fodder in a bloody revolution to
destroy america
and when he woke up to this
he dropped out of the party and devoted
the rest of his life trying to alert his
fellow citizens of all races to the true
nature of the communist party as he knew
it to be from the inside
and this book contains much of that
i wish i had the time to examine the
entire volume with you page by page but
here at least
is one short quotation that pertains to
the immediate topic
manning johnson said
black rebellion was what moscow wanted
bloody racial conflict would split
during the confusion demoralization and
panic would set in then finally the reds
now at this point he quotes verbatim
from a communist directive that he
studied while inside the party
workers stop work many of them seize
arms by attacking arsenal's street
fights become frequent under the
leadership of the communist party the
workers organize revolutionary
committees to be in command of the
armed workers seize the principal
government offices invade the residences
of the president and his cabinet members
arrest them declare the old regime
abolished establish their own power
now here is a piece of vicious communist
propaganda that perhaps some of you have
seen it's called the crusader
it's published periodically in red china
and is widely circulated through the
negro communities here in america
it's written by robert f williams one of
the organizers of the revolutionary
action movement better known as ram
williams also was the president of the
local chapter of the naacp in monroe
north carolina
at that time needless to say he wasn't
telling very many people that he was
also a member of the communist party
now one day back in 1961 he decided to
start a small war of national liberation
of his own apparently he was too
impatient to wait for the big signal so
finally to avoid prosecution for assault
with a deadly weapon and for kidnapping
he fled to cuba and then to read china
where he now writes communist propaganda
one other thing you should know about
robert williams is that recently he was
elected by members of snick core ram the
naacp and similar groups as the
president in exile of something called
the republic of new africa following the
communist line in every detail
these men claim that they're the
representatives of a new government and
a new nation within the continental
borders of the united states
they issued a demand to the state
department that a large segment of land
be turned over to them as their rightful
the proclamation said that they're now
prepared to negotiate in good faith the
peaceful transfer to them of the
southern portion of the united states
the implication being of course that if
they don't get it peacefully then
they'll just have to take it by force
and violence
already the republic of new africa has
established a central headquarters in
mississippi and its leaders in the north
are actively recruiting a black panther
guerrilla force and what they call a
revolutionary freedom corps the rfc
from among black militant students to
act as organizers and to set up local
provisional governments as they call
them in the so-called ghetto areas
but the reason i've mentioned all this
is merely to introduce properly one
robert f williams the president in exile
of this republic of new africa and the
author of the crusader
now here is what robert williams says
the lifeblood of u s capitalism is its
productive capacity and its extensive
if these two factors were to become
paralyzed and rendered sterile the
orderly function of the government
establishment would degenerate into a
state of chaos and the superstructure of
the system would collapse the more
automated a society is the more
vulnerable it is to forces of calamity
what would highly mechanized america be
without electrical power what would it
be without modern transportation what
would it be without its industrial
and then having asked these questions
robert williams proceeds to explain in
minute detail exactly how to manufacture
the devices that can be used by a mere
handful of people to ensure that highly
automated america will lose its
electrical power its modern
transportation and its industrial
i can assure you ladies and gentlemen
that less than a dozen people if they
know what they're doing
can reduce any of our major cities into
a helpless seething massive confusion
panic and death
just one person
one person can poison the city's entire
water supply
or destroy the main aqueduct or blow up
the principal pumping stations
and where would people in los angeles
for instance get a drink of water if it
didn't come out of a pipe
and how long can a human being survive
without water
four or five days perhaps
long before that there'd be tens of
thousands of people dead in our cities
not from thirst but because they were
unable to defend what water they had
from roving bands of desperate people
who were dying of thirst
and that's thinking only of the loss of
in your mind's eye compound that with no
food no electricity no way to dispose of
sewage no police protection no water
pressure to fight fires no radio or tv
no telephone no buses no gasoline for
your car no way to escape no place to go
if you could
don't think for a minute that the
countryside would be immune from
disaster either
in this issue of the crusader the
communist call not only for extensive
chaos within the cities
but for putting to the torch every
village every forest every field and
every barn
the plan is for raging fires from one
city to the next the reason
first there's the value of sheer
secondly it would force us to deploy our
defenses and rescue units over the
widest possible area the communists
point out that as long as our police and
national guard remain concentrated
they're invincible
but if they can be forced to spread out
over the entire city and into the
countryside as well
then they can be picked off from ambush
one by one
and the third value of massive fire to
the communists is psychological
the average american may say soft and
decadent when he sees billows of black
smoke rising from one horizon to the
other when at night the only light he
has to see by is the flickering red from
flames leaping into the sky he'll become
paralyzed with fear and panic he'll run
away and hide and do nothing to
interfere with the guerrilla bands as
they strike at the community's power
if we fail to note
that the communist blueprint calls also
for white retaliation and violence in
the black communities it's a very
important objective for the communist
so far
they've only been able to involve a
small percentage of our negro people in
this war of national liberation the
great majority want no part of it in any
but the one sure way to change that
is to have white vigilante groups
striking into the negro sections
supposedly to seek revenge
we mustn't get ourselves into thinking
that the communists have placed their
agitators only into the black
communities they're working both sides
of the street they want hatred violence
and bloodshed between the races and they
don't care how they get it or whom they
use even children if necessary
ladies and gentlemen
the plans and preparations for a
communist revolution of force and
violence are far advanced
the organization behind these
preparations has almost unlimited
financial resources and it provides both
training and leadership
based upon years of experience in many
other countries
our enemies are deadly serious about
their task
and it's nothing short of national
suicide for us to continue to ignore
their plans and their progress
the strategy of the proletarian
revolution calls for the quiet
conversion of our government into a
communist regime
but under the banner of socialism
well what is socialism all right let's
define it according to the dictionary
socialism is a political concept based
upon the principle of government
ownership and control
of property the means of production and
the avenues of commerce
but the important thing as far as this
presentation is concerned is how do the
communists define it and this is where
many people are surprised to learn that
the communists have an entirely
different meaning for the word socialism
than the average american has
did you know that there isn't a single
communist country in existence anywhere
on earth
that's right not one
russia isn't a communist country red
china isn't cuba certainly isn't
these are socialist lands
that's how communist leaders always
describe them
you see according to the teachings of
karl marx communism will come to this
world only in some future utopian era
when men will have learned to live
together in perfect harmony when they'll
no longer be greedy or competitive when
they'll want to share equally with their
fellow human beings and have nothing
better than anyone else
when this comes to pass
there will no longer be any need for
police or for government of any kind
and then he said the state will wither
when that happens said marx it will be
in the meantime comrades whenever we
come to power we shall call it socialism
so the next time you hear a communist
spokesman stand before a college
audience or a tv camera and say
innocently that all the communists are
doing here in america is working for
socialism you must understand what he
means by that word what he's really
is all the communists are doing is
trying to bring to america exactly the
same thing they now have in the soviet
union and red china
now they can call that socialism if they
want to but most americans i think would
describe that over there as communism
new program of the communist party
on this subject has this to say
the term socialism describes but the
first stage of a new society that in its
full development is called communism
socialism is a transitional stage
well the important question though is
why do the communists promote socialism
is it merely because they honestly
believe that it's a necessary
transitional stage to some higher more
perfect form of society
i don't think so
i doubt very much if the communist
leaders believe their own fairy tale and
i'm sure they're not so naive is to
believe that their present super state
is ever really going to wither away but
they promote socialism just the same
because they know that socialism by
means control over people
if the government owns and controls all
property all means a production and all
avenues of commerce then it controls all
if we're dependent upon the government
for our food our clothing our shelter
our jobs
our medical care
then we're far more effectively
controlled by those who hold political
power than if they stood over us with
soldiers and weapons
some years ago
i happened to attend a meeting where
several anti-communist refugees from
behind the iron curtain were called upon
to relate their personal experiences
some of the questions that came from the
audience were rather naive i suppose
because finally one of the refugees
spoke up and he said
you know
you americans have funny ideas about
life under communism
apparently you think there's a communist
soldier standing on every street corner
with a rifle and bayonet to keep the
people in line
but this isn't so
he said oh sure in the beginning there
were plenty of soldiers and executions
and deportations to slave labor camps
but we don't see much of that anymore
the open violence lasted only for about
a year or a year and a half
and then the anti-communist leadership
was liquidated
and now to the casual observers there's
a great deal of apparent calm and
for instance he said
i lived in the largest city in the
we had a large park there directly
across the street from a beautiful
he said they left one church open
one in the entire country primarily for
guided tours of visiting americans who
had come to see if religion was being
he said anytime i wanted to
i could have gone into that park stood
on a bench and spoken out against
then i could have walked across the
street into that church and knelt down
in prayer and i wouldn't have been
arrested or bothered in any way
but you can be sure i did not do these
because if i had
the very next day
the wheels of the bureaucracy would have
begun to turn
and i would have been informed that my
quota of food stamps had been cut that
my allotment for clothing and shoes had
been reduced that my allocation for
living quarters had been downgraded and
finally that my job assignment had been
changed from the kind of work for which
i'd been trained to menial labor at
lower pay
so none of us did any of those things
that we were theoretically entitled to
because of the tremendous power
that the communist party had over our
economic existence
and then he said something that i'll
never forget he hesitated for a moment
and weighing his words very carefully so
as not to hurt our feelings he said
you know i came to america
expecting to find a nation of free men
but instead
i find exactly the same thing
everywhere i look i see men and women
who know that communists are making
headway in this country
they know that something must be done
and that someone must stand up to them
but they themselves do nothing
they remain silent
because they're afraid
that if they speak out
or take a stand publicly
it'll be bad for business
they may lose a client
they may even lose their jobs
or perhaps they're receiving a regular
government check and already are too
dependent upon some of the very people
and programs they know they should
and then he said
these men
have gone behind the iron curtain
they're already taken over by the
the only difference is
that for the present at least
they can still get out anytime they
really want to and we could not
i think there's a great lesson to be
learned from that because
it's true isn't it
there are many men who are physically
brave beyond any question when it comes
to standing up against a tyranny that
threatens with armies
some of them carry the actual scars of
battle to prove it but when it comes to
this new kind of war
they're lost to the fight
when there is no battlefield
when the weapons are not rifles or bombs
but economic pressures
then who is your enemy how do you fight
where do you begin
precisely for these reasons that any
modern dictatorship must have control
over the economic sphere of all human
activity this was true of nazism it was
true of fascism it's true of communism
and it's also true of socialism
regardless of what name we give it
total government control is by
totalitarianism that's what the word
now leon trotsky as you recall was one
of the original bolsheviks who led the
communist revolution in russia
in 1937 trotsky wrote a book entitled
the revolution betrayed
and in this book here's what he said
the basis of bureaucratic rule is the
poverty of society in objects of
when there is enough goods in a store
the purchasers can come whenever they
want to
when there is little goods the
purchasers are compelled to stand in
when the lines are very long
it's necessary to appoint a policeman to
keep order
such is the starting point of the power
of the soviet bureaucracy
it knows who is to get something
and who has to wait
and ladies and gentlemen there's no
better description than that of why the
communists work to promote socialism
no matter whose definition you use
under socialism
those who run the government
and the communists are confident that in
america they eventually will be the ones
who do so
those who run the government will know
who is to get something
and who has to wait and that represents
control over human beings
what is all this to do with the
communist revolution in america
well ladies and gentlemen it has
everything to do with it because the
building of socialism is the communist
revolution in america
it represents the process whereby our
country can be moved gradually toward
communism without the people even being
aware of it
no matter what grievance we may have
real or imagined no matter what national
problems we may face the communists
seize upon these as excuses to build
they have one and only one solution for
all problems
more government more government and then
more and more until its total government
and forgive me for saying it one more
total government

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Yoshi Takita Real Estate Broker
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政仁 中山
政仁 中山
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日本共産党と立憲民主党・社会党が目指すモノが見え、耳に心地良いフレーズで国民を騙す手口の狡猾さに「自由民主主義」の大切さを実感できた。 有難うございました。
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あれも、これも、全部思い当たります。でも.おかしいとか.不自然だとか感じても、自分だけでは どうにもできません。
できれば、私達が どうしたらよかったのか教えて欲しかったです。もう間に合わないのでしょうか。
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roumm kabuta
roumm kabuta
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marie tadano
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Keiko Tomura
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追記:2021.12.08 8:18

