Longitudinal Changes in Maximal Forced Inspiratory Flow and Clinical Outcomes in Patients With COPD
Dong Hyun Kim,Eun-Tae Jeon,Hyo Jin Lee,...Eun Young Heo,Deog Kyeom Kim,Hyun Woo Lee
CHEST, Volume 167, Issue 1, p76-86, January 2025.
抄録からの要約とTake Home Message
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FIFmaxの増加はCOPDの予後改善と関連: COPD患者において、FIFmaxが長期的に増加することは、病気の悪化を遅らせ、重症な症状の発生を減らす可能性があることを示唆しています。
吸入療法の重要性: 特定の吸入療法、特にドライパウダー吸入器の使用が、FIFmaxの増加と良好な予後との関連をより強める可能性があります。
吸気流の重要性: この研究結果は、COPDの治療において、呼気だけでなく吸気にも注目し、吸気流を改善するための治療法を開発することの重要性を示唆しています。
COPD primarily impairs expiratory flow due to progressive airflow obstruction and reduced lung elasticity. Increasing evidence underlines the importance of inspiratory flow as a biomarker for selecting inhaler devices and providing ancillary aerodynamic information.
Research Question
Do the longitudinal changes in maximum forced inspiratory flow (FIFmax) influence acute exacerbations and lung function decline in patients with COPD?
Study Design and Methods
This longitudinal study evaluated FIFmax in patients with COPD over a 7-year period from 2004 to 2020. Eligible patients were categorized into two groups based on FIFmax trajectory: the increased FIFmax group and the decreased FIFmax group. The study assessed the annual rate of acute exacerbations and the annual decline rate of FEV1. Subgroup analyses were conducted based on treatment status, with a focus on inhaled therapy and inhaler device usage.
Among the eligible 956 patients with COPD, 56.5% belonged to the increased FIFmax group. After propensity score matching, the increased FIFmax group experienced lower rates of severe exacerbations (0.16 per year vs 0.25 per year, P = .017) and a slower decline in FEV1 (0 [interquartile range, –51 to 71] mL/y vs –43 [interquartile range, –119 to 6] mL/y; P < .001) compared with the decreased FIFmax group. These associations were particularly prominent in patients using specific inhaler therapies such as dry powder inhalers.
This study showed that the longitudinal changes in FIFmax are associated with clinical outcomes in patients with COPD. Patients with increased FIFmax experienced a lower rate of severe exacerbations and a slower decline in lung function. These findings suggest the potential benefits of optimizing inspiratory flow in COPD management, although further studies are needed to confirm these observations due to potential confounding factors.