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人生💯倍の励たし😊【聖曞】列王蚘第二9章 い぀たでですか神様

2022幎08月14日 06時00分33秒 | åˆ—王蚘
9章 オムリ王朝の最期


Chapter 9 The End of the Omri Dynasty
1. Fulfillment of Jehu's prophecy
The four generations of the Omri dynasty, Omri, Ahab, Ahaziah, and Yoram, fell due to Jehu's rebellion. This chapter is a record of the fulfillment of the prophecies about Ahab and Ahab's wife Jezebel.
According to Jewish tradition, the young prophet Elisha sent to anoint Jehu was Jonah, but we do not know for sure (2 Kings 14:25). However, in the background, the Assyrian Empire prospered in Nineveh, and Israel was threatened by that threat, so it is a possible story.
Now God chose Jehu to judge the Omri dynasty. Jehu was fighting alongside King Joram at Ramoth Gilead, but Joram was wounded and returned to Jezreel. In verse 5, it says that they are in a council, and it was discussed who would take command in King Joram's place. So what is said in verses 11 and 12 is that when the officers asked who the prophet was and what he was doing, Jehu tried to dodge the question. However, he could not evade it, decided that it was time to tell the truth, and confided that God had made him king. That brings us to verse 15. If the officers' words, "Jehu is king" (verse 13), were true, they should not have reported this rebellion to Jezreel, who had Joram in his care.
Jehu seems to have headed for Jezreel with a large army. His extraordinary appearance raises the alarm of the guards, but Joram is killed by Jehu, unaware of the danger of his rebellion until the end. Indeed, the secret of the rebellion was kept, and the judgment was carried out just as God had spoken. We must be very careful. God's plans come to fruition in unexpected ways. Jesus said that Abraham's descendants could be raised from this stone (Matthew 3:9). God is the one who makes what is not, and treats what is.
2. Elijah's prophecy fulfilled
The infamous Jezebel also received judgment as spoken through the prophet Elijah. Jezebel wielded great influence from Ahaziah to Joram. Jezebel called Jehu, who appeared to kill her, "Zimri, you murderer of your master." Zimri is a general who once rebelled against a king named Ella and usurped the throne, but ended up reigning for only seven days. Jezebel's last parting short and it means Jehu, you will too. Anyway, this is how Jezebel was judged by God. Her final moments were tragic, with all but her skull, wrists and feet being eaten by dogs. However, it is said that it was just as Elijah prophesied.
Who would have thought such a thing would happen in the days of Elijah? Elijah prophesied to the wicked Jezebel, but he must have been made to think that it was useless to speak. The walls of reality are thick! Don't you sometimes wonder what it means to say that the word of God is true and that it will be fulfilled? And who would have continued to believe that Elijah's words would be fulfilled after Elijah was lifted up by the tornado and returned to heaven? Everyone would have thought that the times would not change, that time would go on like this, that Jezebel's empire would continue, that there would be no God. But God's Word will always take shape when the time is right. Notice that there is a God who does wonders. In Revelation, there is a scene in which the martyrs cry out to God, "How long, Sovereign Lord, holy and true, until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood." God says to the martyrs, "wait a little longer" (Revelation 6:10). It's not that God doesn't exist, trust Him to do what's right. I hope you have a good day today.

<Quiz corner>
First, yesterday's quiz. Whose son is Joram of the Northern Kingdom of Israel? (1) Ahab, (2) Eehu, (3) Jehoshaphat, the answer was (1) Ahab. Here's today's Bible quiz. What is the name of the church where Jezebel's name is used in the book of Revelation to correct her faith? (1) Laodicea, (2) Smyrna, (3) Thyatira, the answer will be tomorrow. I hope you have a good day today.
