
新刊「世界の憲法・日本の憲法: 比較憲法入門」新井ほか編より


  • エリート代表型と地域代表型
  • 地域代表型の第二院
  • 職能代表型と混合代表型
  • エリート代表型と地域代表型
  • エリート代表型



  • 地域代表型



  • 地域代表型の第二院
  • イギリス型の第二院は減少し、アメリカ型は多い。
  • 連邦制国家は、地域代表型を採用するが、一院制もある。
  • 単一国家であるフランスの第二院においても、地域代表制が採用されることもある。


  • 職能代表型と混合代表型


  • 例:アイルランド

第二院:定数60名 11人が首相から任命、49人は間接選挙。

国内大学から3名、残りの43 議席は,①文化芸術,教育,②農業 ③労働,④商工業,⑤自発的社会活動を含む行政及び社会サービスという5つの分野ごとに候補者を選出し,その名簿の中から下院議員や地方議会議員らによって選出される

(アイルランド憲法 18 条)

  • 職能代表型と混合代表型2
  • 職能代表型と混合代表型2

Article 63

The Chamber of Councilors is composed of a minimum of 90 members and of a maximum of 120, elected by indirect universal suffrage for six years, according to the following division: three-fifths of the members represent the local collectivities. This component [effectif] is divided between the regions of the Kingdom, in proportion to their respective populations and in observance of equity between the regions. The one-third reserved to the region is elected at the level of each region by the Regional Council [Conseil regional] from among its members. The two-thirds remaining are elected by an electoral college at the level of the region by the members of the communal, prefectural and provincial councils; two-fifths of the members elected in each region by the electoral colleges composed of those elected to the Professional Chambers [Chambers professionnelles] and of the most representative professional organizations of employers, and of the elected members to the national echelon by an electoral college composed of the representatives of the salaried [workers]. The number of the members of the Chamber of Councilors and their electoral regime, the number of them to be elected by each of the electoral colleges, the division of seats per region, the conditions of eligibility and the case of incompatibilities, the rules of limitation of accumulation of mandates and the organization of electoral disputes, are established by an organic law. The President of the Chamber of Councilors and the members of its Bureau as well as the presidents of the Permanent Commissions and their bureaus, are elected at the beginning of the legislature, [and] again at the time of half of the legislature. The election of the members of the Bureau takes place with the proportional representation of the groups.

