英文記事&英文レシピの執筆を始めました。(I have started writing articles and recipes in English.)












I can’t read in English! I am often told…


I wrote English text for the publication of Loveme’s NFT illustrations, and because of this influence, I have recently started to write a little English text for food-related activities as well.


I am sure that there are parts of my writing that are unnatural or difficult to read.

Even if I could write near-perfect English, I doubt that many people would actually read it.


However, I started this challenge because I wanted to convey my thoughts and message to people who are not good at Japanese.




【 現在掲載中の英文記事一覧】List of articles currently published in English

Self-introduction, biography, blog, social networking sites, etc.


How I started “note” and what my future plans are.


Partial move of rice cooker recipes and notice of independence


●Super easy cheesecake baked in a rice cooker●


●Biscuit fluffy sponge cake in rice cooker●


●Additional notes on rice cooker recipes in general●


●Rice cooker sponge cake details supplementary memo●













I have also started an English version of Cookpad.


I know that translated recipes are already available from the official account, but I created my own account and started creating and publishing recipes myself.


(The image above is the computer version, the image below is the smartphone version.)










Unlike the Japanese version, there are no superfluous advertisements displayed, and the design is clean.

English writing is beautiful in the form of the letters themselves.












Ingredients are basically listed with the quantity first and the name of the ingredient second.

Multiple photos can be registered for each step, and the character limit is loose, making it easy to write long detailed descriptions.












↓ 英語版クックパッドのマイページはこちらよりご覧いただけます




There were some troublesome parts, such as not being able to create links and line breaks.

It is not possible to create a free layout like a blog, so it may not be so different from the Japanese version in that respect.


However, you can see many recipes posted by people living overseas, so it is very informative.


↓ You can see the English version of Cookpad’s My Page from here























What can I do for myself by writing articles and recipes in English?


I don’t quite understand it myself at this point.

In my normal life in Japan, I don’t have many opportunities to use English, and I am rarely needed.


Just in the long run.

This is just an analogy…


If the people who usually cook with my recipes started to cook with people overseas after studying abroad or getting married internationally, it would be convenient if we could share each other’s recipes written by myself instead of automatic translation… or something like that.


Or, I am sure there are people who came to Japan from overseas due to war or other reasons, and started cooking with Japanese ingredients and recipes, but found it difficult to understand recipes written only in Japanese… or something like that.


I have been thinking a lot about such things lately, and I thought if I could do it, I would try it.


It is a very trivial matter, so I am at a loss to answer the question of whether it is really worth doing, but I would like to do what I can do for someone else, little by little, to make progress.










↓ ブログランキングに参加中。クリックしていただけると励みになります。


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