20-21シーズンでの結弦君演技の評価について思うことだけど Prejudice? | さらさら~と徒然 Splendid Moments

さらさら~と徒然 Splendid Moments




Just the new season started, by the way, reading the comment by Ms. Ito regarding Yuzu’s ORIGIN costume, again Sarah started thinking about something baselessly but freely. Well, today, just Sarah’s prejudice (?) or kind of a dream, so don’t take it seriously, please😋





Several days ago, there was a case of a skater confessed that he’s a LGBT, then a former competitor criticised him wrongfully. Well, there are some LGBT skaters as like the ordinary society, however, (Just Sarah feels so though) Figure Skating society itself is not so open regarding the issue, or somewhat like the former competitor, there might be many people who are against accepting LGBT people freely. (Again, let Sarah tell, this is what Sarah feels, no evidence!)





By the way, often we complain about judges’ evaluations, however during 2018-19 and 2019-20 seasons, it was terrible, especially for Yuzu’s programmes. And Yuzu himself also mentioned that he was wondering. However, Sarah thought that these injustice (as Sarah felt) scores are somewhat ISU wanted to put pressures on Yuzu, but reading Ms. Ito’s comment, Sarah reached other way!





バーツラフ・ニジンスキーは、バレエ・プロデューサーと同性愛関係だったと伝えたられている。で、プルさまは、(お子様もいらっしゃって、奥様もいる)男性的な振り付けをよしとしていた頃に、男子には見られなかったドーナッツ・スピンとかビールマン・スピンを得意として、柔軟な動きを演技にいれた最初の男子スケーター。更に、ショートのOtoñal は、言わずと知れたジョニーさまへのオマージュ。ジョニーさまは(ステイホームでもずいぶんはじけていたわ、おうちのお庭で!)、かなり果敢に自分を主張している人よね。そして、ジョニーさまのスケートの特徴は、繊細で高い芸術性と中性的な美しさじゃないかしら。サラは、しっかりジョニーさまの「Falling Angel」が、目ん玉飛び出るほどひどい採点を受けたことを知っている年頃なんだけど。

Reportedly, Vaslav Nijinsky and a male Ballet producer had a homosexual relationship. Plushenko is the first male skater who performed doughnut and Biellmann spins, but when he started do them “mannish (oh, this word contents gender bias?) performances were required to male figure skater, not feminine flexible movements. And well, as any one knows Johnny is a really cute “lady”? Johnny is very brave! However his skating is so beautiful and delicate, with lots neutral charms. Oh Sarah still clearly remember that all audience booed when the score for his “Falling Angel” was announced.






Sarah think that there’re waves, a wave of appreciating neutral charms, then another wave of requesting male skaters to perform “mannish” skating. By the way, another double Olympic Champion, “Dick” Button was famous for his “mannish” skating. However, Sarah personally feels that judges are not properly evaluate “neutral” or flexible “beauties”.

However, it’s also true that there’re bias views toward male figure skating.

And for past some years, Sarah also felt that ISU wants to be a “good friend” of USA (well, there’s the biggest sponsor in USA). Majority of USA’s sports fans like to watch “macho-macho” sports, so ISU too wants male skaters to perform “macho-macho” skating? well, Sarah felt so. (no evidence, just Sarah’s thought)





Than Sarah started feeling that all those injustice judge scores for Yuzu’s performances were related to so-called “gender bias”. Of course, SEIMEI and Ballade No.1, Yuzu’s performances were “perfect” (mostly), however, had his costumes be “feminine” ones for these programmes, would them evaluated properly or not, Sarah wonders!

In case of Otoñal and ORIGIN, before Yuzu started performing judges already redacted some point due to his “beautiful” costumes?






By the way, even ISU which is out of touch with the world trends, they feel that USA is now facing lots issues, beside COVID 19 matter, they have serious matter of “BLM” together with BLM activities, gender issues are again focused lots. Now, ISU must be aware of having proper ideas on “gender issues” being impacted by USA cases, and, well, now Sarah has a very optimistic, well, positive feeling that ISU will try to evaluate “beauties” of skating properly!

(Again let Sarah tell you, there’s no evidence, but just Sarah feels these only!)






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