繋がって 1つになって より大きな「光」に | さらさら~と徒然 Splendid Moments

さらさら~と徒然 Splendid Moments




昨日は、結弦君がWe are the World のシンディ・ローパーのパートを嬉しそうに歌っている姿に、なんか、復興支援繋がりの暖かさを感じながら、夕方の更新をしたんだけど、夜になって、復興10年のエベントの一環として結弦君のメッセージが飛び込んできた時、なんかね、勝手な想いなんだけど、復興支援の話題をした日に結弦君のメッセージで、ちゃっかり、結弦君と心がつながった~なんて気分になっていたさ、サラは。😅

What a coinsident! Yesterday's Yuzu page in this blog, Sarah talked that it was a lovely coinsident that Yuzu shouted the part of Cindy Lauper in "We are the World", since City too has been supporting the disaster affected areas, then some hours later, Yuzu sant the message as a part of 3.11 10the anniversary event.




Hi, I'm Yuzuru Hanyu.
On the Disaster day, I was 16 years old, and suffered by the quake while I was in the ice rink in Sendai. I made escape in my skates, and spent days in the evacuation centre.
Since "that day", I've been receiving lots cheers, and thanks for these cheers, I keep holding the motivation to be stronger and to develop myself more and more. And I'd like to work hard feeling people in Tohoku. Now, 10 Years since "that day", I'd like to work harder to make your cheers to my cheers to others. Let's do our best, Tohoku!














Many small flowers got together, Hydrangeas show us beautiful views.

Don't you feel that they are telling us being together overcome any difficulties we face to all together!








When they are under rains, yes, they look beautiful and then under the sunlight too, they shine beautifully.

Looking at them, realise that "No, I'm not alone!"















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