結弦少年の心と共に! Yuzu with the heart of a little boy! | さらさら~と徒然 Splendid Moments

さらさら~と徒然 Splendid Moments






While watching "someone"'s jumps in Skate America, Sarah really wanted to tell the guy, "well, why don't you learn 4Lo and 4Lz from Yuzu!"😁

However, that interview, Yuzu also mantioned about the competition, how was his mind was too, especially in the last part of it, but Sarah has been so scared of talking about that part in this blog.

Today, let's review what Yuzu said two years ago.







Here, Sarah tried to translate Yuzu's comment into English. . . 






Fist time after years, I felt “no need to perform perfectly”.

Normally, I have strong pressure that I should perform cleanly and perfectly. I knew I should have perform perfectly otherwise I couldn’t win, and I have the strongest will to win. It’s important to try to perform perfectly, however with this composition, the possibility of perfect performance was less than 10%. I was able to try freely.








Like when I was a little boy, I felt, no need to worry about making errors, like a little boy, “look! I can do this much” such a pure mind I had at that time. Of course, I had the high sprit though, in my heart there’s no feeling of “I’m the champion” of such a mind. I often say “enjoining a competition” I also feel sorry for other competitors saying it, but I really enjoyed my skating.











Well, time passed is that why, maybe, yeah, with a bit chilled out? somehow, Sarah could listened Yuzu's comment now. However that GPF and also Japan Nationls in that season was really terrible, GOD!! what are you intending? really wanted to ask the GOD. . . 

However, now when it was recalled somehow it might be a process of SEIMEI and Ballade's coming back and also the process to win the super slam which was achieved first in FS men's history.






And also, listening it now, of course the situation is totally different though, somehow, Yuzu's words also overlapping to today's Yuzu.








Well, from the bottom of his heart, yeah, Yuzu strongly want to make his dream come true, for it, how hard his daily practice would be, what a result would come, these must not be a matter, when his dream comes true, everything would be fine for him.

Such a mind Yuzu may has now and his comment in the interview too somehow similar situation?







We, fans always hope and say "Yuzu, please enjoy Yuzuru Hanyu's skating!" it's actully easy, of course we say it with our heart!! 

However, for Yuzu, enjoying Yuzuru Hanyu's skating must be terribly difficult work.








Of course, in the inteview Yuzu was talking about his mind when he was performing his FS, however, his remark also tells himself, don't you feel so?

Yeah, not only at that time but Yuzu is always has the mind of a little boy!

He wants to win any competitions he participated, wanted to be an Olympic champion, and challenging 4A, all these yeah, Yuzu has work hard with the heart and mind of a little boy!!





And you are working hard with Little Yuzu today too?






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