AI 株価予測 20250110の状況
8306MUFG Stock Price AI Forecast -20250110
今週は雇用統計指標の発表に向けて米株が調整を開始。日本株もそれに続いて下落した。失業率は横ばい、雇用者数は増加の結果に、利下げが遠のくとの市場の解釈から株は売られた。米株、日本株とも中期上昇トレンド下限抵抗線を試す展開。This week, U.S. stocks began to adjust in anticipation of the release of employment statistics, leading Japanese stocks to follow suit and decline. The unemployment rate remained flat, and the number of employed persons increased, prompting the market to interpret this as a signal that rate cuts are unlikely, leading to a sell-off in stocks. Both U.S. and Japanese stocks are now testing the lower resistance line of their medium-term upward trend.
来週水曜日は米インフレ率発表だが、今週の経済指標からすると、インフレが低下どころか、逆に亢進してしまう可能性も出てきた。Next Wednesday, the U.S. inflation rate will be announced. However, based on this week's economic indicators, there is even a possibility that inflation may accelerate rather than decrease.
月曜日、日本は休日であり、NYの週明け動向をみてから始まる。On Monday, Japan has a public holiday, so the domestic market will begin after observing developments in New York as the week starts.
現状、経済指標に弱気シグナルは明確には出ておらず、景気好調の状態。株安があるとすると、FRBの高金利維持政策が米株の割高を解消するということだけだ。景気弱気シグナルが出ない限り大きな株安にはつながらない可能性が高い。At present, there are no clear bearish signals from economic indicators, and the economy remains robust. If stock prices fall, it will likely be due to the Federal Reserve's policy of maintaining high interest rates to correct the overvaluation of U.S. stocks. Unless clear signs of economic weakness emerge, a significant stock price decline seems unlikely.
ただ、景気後退先行指標である、逆イールドの解消、サームルール発動などは観察されており、2025年中には弱気の経済指標が明確に見えてくるだろう。That said, some leading indicators of an economic downturn, such as the resolution of the inverted yield curve and the activation of the Sahm Rule, are being observed. Clear bearish economic indicators are likely to emerge within 2025.
それまでは一回1/20づつを目途に3/10まではポジションを積み立てても良いかもしれない。構成は、MUFG、長谷工、三菱商事、トヨタ自動車、村田製作所、住友金属鉱山など。Until then, it might be reasonable to gradually accumulate positions, targeting up to 30% of portfolio exposure in increments of 10%. Suggested portfolio components include MUFG, Haseko Corporation, Mitsubishi Corporation, Toyota Motor Corporation, Murata Manufacturing, and Sumitomo Metal Mining.
UST10とUSD/JPYは260日移動平均では反落せず、USD/JPYは一旦割った上昇トレンドに復帰して、なおかつ上昇トレンドが下値抵抗線となったようなチャート。The U.S. 10-year Treasury yield (UST10) and USD/JPY did not pull back at the 260-day moving average. The USD/JPY appears to have re-entered its previously breached uptrend, with the uptrend line now acting as a support level, according to the chart.
首相指名特別国会は11月11日召集の模様。自民党に寝返った国民民主党の玉木代表は自公政権の成立を確実にすると公言。立憲民主の野田代表は政治家なのに根回しが下手で野党をまとめる力が無い。来年夏の参議院選挙までは不安定な政治状況が継続。日銀アコードの見直しが俎上に上がってきたときの国会対応に注目したい。A special session of the Diet for the selection of the Prime Minister is expected to be convened on November 11. Tamaki, the leader of the Democratic Party for the People, who recently shifted allegiance to the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), has openly stated that he will ensure the formation of the LDP-Komeito coalition government. On the other hand, the Constitutional Democratic Party's leader, Noda, lacks the skill to negotiate behind the scenes and has been unable to unify the opposition, despite being a politician. Until the House of Councillors election next summer, Japan’s political landscape is expected to remain unstable. Attention should be given to how the Diet will handle discussions on revisiting the Bank of Japan Accord if it becomes a topic.
IMMはついに円売りに戻ってしまった。こうなると、為替介入がどこで入るかが注目。The IMM has finally returned to yen selling. With this, attention will be focused on where foreign exchange intervention might come in.
円高による企業収益の予想EPS算定の際の基準為替レートは円高が始まった7月から修正されていないようで、EPSはドル円下落にもかかわらず上昇を続けている。現在ドル円は2024年の年初まで下落している。円高回帰修正された想定為替レートを用い、EPSが修正されると、ドル円と同様、2024年の年初レベルまで日経平均予想が下落してしまう恐れがある。Regarding corporate earnings, the forecast exchange rate used for calculating estimated EPS has not been adjusted since the yen appreciation began in July. As a result, EPS has continued to rise despite the dollar-yen decline. Currently, the dollar-yen rate is dropping toward the beginning of 2024 levels. If EPS is recalculated using an exchange rate adjusted for the yen’s appreciation, there is a risk that, like the dollar-yen rate, the Nikkei forecast could also fall back to early 2024 levels.
海外勢は買いに転換してきた。Foreign investors switched to net buy.
引き続き様子見でノーポジション。Continue to stay on the sidelines with no positions.
メガバンク各社は各々、再度上昇トレンドに回帰中。Each of the megabanks is once again returning to an upward trend.
新値日足は下落。AI予測は日足が下落。週足が上昇。月足は下落。The new daily candlestick is down. AI predictions indicate the daily candlestick will decline, the weekly candlestick will rise, and the monthly candlestick will decline.
米株は、リモートワーク定着による商業用不動産の暴落が、いまだ株式市場に織り込まれていないのが最大の懸念材料。The crash of US commercial real estate due to the establishment of remote work has not yet been factored into the stock market.
根底には中国の不動産崩壊もある。中国マネーの縮小が、世界の商業用不動産の下落に拍車をかける。The underlying factor is also the collapse of Chinese real estate. The reduction of Chinese money will further accelerate the decline of commercial real estate worldwide.
米貸し出し延滞率もコロナ支援金の枯渇に伴い急速に上昇しつつある。The delinquency rate for US lending is also rapidly increasing due to the depletion of COVID relief funds.
米株の急落とともに世界株式が暴落するのも、ここ数カ月以内に起こるだろう。The crash of US stocks will likely lead to a global stock market crash within the next few months.
PSAVEは若干持ち直し基調。ドル円は介入開始か。PSAVE shows a slight recovery trend. Could intervention begin with the USD/JPY pair?
長谷工は下落トレンドから復帰。Haseko showed exit from down-trend.
米銀株、USTU10とSPX, NKY US Banks, UST10&SPX, NKY
今後のシナリオとしては、最初の利下げまでは株価は上昇、最初の利下げを境に下落開始となるシナリオ。The upcoming scenario is that stock prices will continue to rise until the first rate cut, after which they will start to decline.
中国株は反発するも未だ復活していない。不動産不況から始まるバブル崩壊はまだ始まったばかりかもしれない。Chinese stocks have rebounded but have yet to recover. The bursting of the bubble, starting with the real estate recession, might have only just begun.
NY株は景気後退のシグナルが其処ここに出ているのを無視して、パウエルの利下げとM7のみの好況を理由に上昇しているが、これがいつまでも続くわけはない。Despite various signs of an economic downturn, NY stocks are rising, driven by Powell's interest rate cuts and the strong performance of the M7 companies. However, this cannot continue indefinitely.
VIXは上昇。Vix has gone up.
FEAR&GREEDはへ強欲へ FEAR&GREED dived into greed.
中国株は反発するも未だ復活していない。不動産不況から始まるバブル崩壊はまだ始まったばかりかもしれない。Chinese stocks have rebounded but have yet to recover. The bursting of the bubble, starting with the real estate recession, might have only just begun.
NY株は景気後退のシグナルが其処ここに出ているのを無視して、パウエルの利下げとM7のみの好況を理由に上昇しているが、これがいつまでも続くわけはない。Despite various signs of an economic downturn, NY stocks are rising, driven by Powell's interest rate cuts and the strong performance of the M7 companies. However, this cannot continue indefinitely.
VIXは上昇。Vix has gone up.
FEAR&GREEDはへ強欲へ FEAR&GREED dived into greed.
米金利の今後 US FF rate forecast
米インフレの鎮静化は一時停止状態で、失業率は低下し、景気はまだ強く、インフレ圧力の復活の可能性も秘めているように見える。これがパウエルが利下げを早期に行えない原因。The pacification of US inflation remains suspended, and with a decrease in the unemployment rate and continued strong economy, there seems to be a possibility of a resurgence of inflation pressure. This is the reason why Powell cannot cut interest rates early.