494 産業ロボット(協働)  Industrial Robot (Collaborative type)

 協働ロボットと安全性について、大阪工業大学 野田哲男氏の「協働・産業用ロボットの導入のポイント」といった記事が技術情報協会出版の書籍に掲載されています。ここでその1部を取り上げ、自らの経験と見解を記載したいと思います。

 Regarding collaborative robots and safety, articles such as "Points for Introducing Collaborative and Industrial Robots" by Tetsuo Noda of Osaka Institute of Technology are published in a book published by Technical Information Institute CO.,LTD. I would like to take a look at one part of it and describe my own experiences and views.



< Excerpts from articles>

 Even if a robot is stationary, if a sharp blade is attached to the tip of the hand, you will be careful not to stab yourself when removing it or when working in close proximity, and you will want to use protective equipment such as goggles, helmets, gloves, etc. and special tools, and create a work procedure manual that defines the order of work and work in compliance with it. If you're working under a robot with outstretched arms, even if you don't have a sharp blade attached to the robot, you're in trouble when you're done and you stand up vigorously. In order to obtain a safe environment, we should anticipate various dangers and act proactively. Even if the robot is a collaborative robot, it doesn't change what needs to be done.



< Experience and Views> 

 As the motor functions of robots dramatically improve and AI technology grows year by year, I believe that a world in which humans and robots coexist will not be in the distant future. Humanoid robots may go in that direction, but robots that are closer to machines will want to go in a different direction.


 I think industrial robots need to evolve to make things faster, more accurately, cheaper, and more productive. For example, we hope that research and development will advance so that a mechanical robot like SMT, which mounts several dozen parts per second, has a mounting accuracy of 1/100 mm, and operates 24 hours a day, 24 hours a day, will be able to assemble various parts from small electronic components.


 Humans and machines need to work together to make things. What we should keep in mind at this time is how to separate and cooperate between humans and machines. Machines and robots are lumps of metal. Interference or contact can cause injury. Robot fences are required at a minimum for safety reasons. In the case of a robot with a total output of 80 W or less, there is a rule that a safety fence is not necessary, but if a part of the robot gets into the human key point (such as the eye), there is nothing you can do.


 What kind of coordination can you think of? For example, what if the robot were to perform the assembly work at 100% speed, and the workpiece, parts set, and reset to the robot were done by a human? How about having a person check parts before and after set-up and reset, and also check the work after assembly? What is important here is that this cooperation allows robots and humans to work together in a timely manner across a safety fence.


 As with excerpts, safety was and still is the first priority in the field. Even if the output is a small robot, removing the safety fence is more troublesome and expensive than installing a safety fence in total. 



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