Jun's Blog in English


Komeda Coffee Shop

2022-01-17 09:30:38 | 日記
Yesterday, I visited Komeda Coffee Shop.
Komeda is established at Nogoya City in 1968.
Since then, they expanded their business and now they have
about 900 shops in Japan, China and Taiwan.

I can think of three reasons why Komeda is so popular among people.

1. Coffee
Since Komeda is a coffee shop, they are confident of the taste
of their coffee.
Actually, I tried Komeda Original Blend Coffee.
It had a mild taste and tasted really good.

2. Bread
They are also particular about the food, especially bread.
They select good ingredients and make bread in their own factory.
In the morning, if you order a drink, you can get the bread for free.

3. Atmosphere
The shops are made from a lot of woods and bricks.
Both of the appearance and interior design are nice.
The atmosphere is comfortable.

There is one thing I’m concerned about that we have to wait for a while
to enter the shop because customers tend to stay for a long time.

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