Jun's Blog in English


Weight Control

2022-11-30 09:27:04 | 日記
Hi there! Jun Tomioka, again!

I started to try losing my weight from this June.
I have been careful of eating and tried some exercises.
And I have recorded my weight on my diary every day.

Before, my weight was 72 kg. I set my target 65 kg.
I achieved my target in two months.
After that, I have been trying to keep my weight.

Every morning, right after I get out of bed, I step on a scale.
Usually, my weight is in the 64.0 to 64.9 kg range.

However, it was 65.6 kg this morning!

I know the reason.
I overate and drank after work last night.

I will try to make my efforts to lose my weight.

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