
#わたしは投票します/#I Will Vote

 昨日、若者の投票のことを書きましたが、数日前、同時に嬉しい映像を見ました。二階堂ふみさん、菅田将暉さんら若い人気俳優さんたちが若者に投票を呼びかけている『Voice Project』というものです。


 この映像では、昔は棄権していたというようなことも率直に語る場面もあります。わたしも、20代の時は行ったり行かなかったり。だって、今の自分の生活とは直接関係ないし、自分の1票なんて何も変わらないしと思っていたからです。でも、投票しないと自分たち世代へ向けた政策なんてずっと後回し。少子高齢化で税収が少ないこの国ではいつまで経っても大事にされません。どころか、食い尽くされる危険性だってあります。だって、今の政治家の年齢をまず見てください。自分たちが逃げ切れればいいという目線がありありです。行こう、投票。 #わたしは投票します。

I wrote about young people not voting yesterday, but at the same time, I actually saw a video that surprised and made me happy; Voice Project.

I've been frustrated to see how few celebrities talking about politics in Japan because they don't want to denounce their public image (by talking about it) or could lose sponsorships while it's not seen as a taboo action in other countries I read in English.

In the video, one of them tells he used to not vote. In my 20s, I would go vote and sometimes not because I thought nothing was directly connected to my life now and just a vote wouldn't make a difference.

But what will happen then? Politicians will never care about you. In the age we have fewer children and a lot more older people, they will ignore you and policies for the young because we have fewer tax revenues and they have tried to cut down spendings for the voices that are not influential for the politicians. They could just eat up what's left for themselves because look at their age. There are not too few politicians obviously acting like what matters is how they can get away before their lives are over.

Let's vote. #I Will Vote.