
Episode: An Ancient Message

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...

One famous Master is telling a bright but cocky Padawan an intellectual way to learn the Force:

When Master Qui-Gon Jinn was deeply practicing the way namely Perfection of Wisdom, he found brain five steps (i.e. Cybernetics) simply information processing. Therefore, we will be able to overcome all hardships.

A color is just a signal, and the signal is just the color. A color is nothing but a neural signal at the beginning Sensing step, and the neural signal is it, too. Additionaly, the other steps are identical.

Every thought is made from Software. To be or not to be, Jedi or Sith, True or False, Increment or Decrement, etc.

Try to stop a color signal in your head. Then all of the following steps, including the Ordering step, Reasoning step, Performing step and Updating step (which relate to Activating Event, Belief, Concequence and Reinforcement Learning) will also cease.

Close your eyes, ears, nose, tongue, skin, and mind. Then every signal generated by them such as color, sound, smell, taste, haptic, ideation, and emotion, will disappear, too.

If the entire working memory from video layer to application layer become empty, any problems such as darkness, sickness, loss of youth, death and the end of these won't exist either.

Furthermore, you may remove even the signals meaning these teachings, acquired wisdoms or the hardest addictions.

Masters of the way can see the truth without the cover of Cognitive Bias. They have no fear and never fall to the dark side because they are with the well‐balanced Force.

Beyond time and space, everyone can reach there.

So listen carefully to the greatest, incomparable, and incredible spell. It is true that this way excludes all suffering. Now, I will tell you about the amazing way.

The magic spell is:

Be happy, be happy, shall be happy, shall be so happy.
May the Sunny Force be with you.

... This is a message of the Perfection of Wisdom sent by an Astro Droid.

P.S. I would be glad if you could press like, help spread this message or point out my English mistakes. にほんブログ村 メンタルヘルスブログ アダルトチルドレンへ


The following books contain more details. Above all, The ancient Master's messages and Master HOSAI Arina's books should be read by many aliens in the galaxy.