

I had COVID-19.


当ブログは英語が出来るようになりたいと思い始めた私が、英語で日記を書き込んでいるブログ?です。もし何かの縁で私の英語日記を読んでみて何かお気付きの点がございましたら、コメントなどでご指摘頂きたくお願いします<(_ _)>

I'm a japanese who write a diary in English. If there is anything wrong in my English sentence, please let me know the correct English.

I had COVID-19 for the first time this week.

I had a fever on Manday night, and seff-test on Tuesday showed positive.

My wife and 2 years old child tested positive and my whole family is infected with COVID-19.

I'm in the process of recuperating at home and will not be able to go out side until next Monday.

But now I can buy anything on the internet so I can live without problems.

The hardest thing about having COVID-19 was the unusual chills.

For the first two days, it was unbearable even with a conforter over me.

COVID-19 was mach harder than I had imagined, so please be careful not to get infected.

