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Hawaiian BBQ Burgers with Coconut Caramelized Pineapple

Can be made in big batches★★☆☆☆

The other day I saw something interesting in my daughter’s book. There was a factoid that said that “The average American eats enough hamburger meat in a lifetime to equal the weight of a family car”. When I heard this, I had a lot of questions floating around in my head, but it is probably similar to Japanese people with rice. It still seems like a lot though. Once summer comes, the smell of barbeques wafts throughout our neighborhood. When we first moved into the house we would barbecue outside as well, but in the evening the bugs come out, and both me and my daughter strongly dislike bugs, so recently we have not been eating outside as much. Even so, every once in a while we feel like Americans and want to sink our teeth into a juicy hamburger, and so occasionally we will do an outside hamburger lunch. You can use store-bought buns if you prefer, but if you are going to bake your own, I recommend doing so the night before or early in the morning. If you do make your own buns, they may no longer be “quick and easy” hamburgers, but the final product will be exceptional. It’s not in the recipe, but you can also saute some shredded cabbage in butter and soy sauce and use as a topping. Spreading on some mashed avocado also goes really well with the sandwich.


(Tips – Burger Buns)
・If you don’t have a round mold, you can form them into balls, then take a small milk carton and make a round mold with it, wrap it with aluminum foil and fasten it with a stapler. Then put some parchment paper on the inside, and it should help it keep its shape.
・You can also use store-bought buns.

(Tips –  Juicy Hamburger Patty)
・If you are in Japan, you can use half beef and half pork, or go a little heavy on the beef. In America, use half or more than half 85-90% lean beef and the rest pork, and it will make the burgers juicier.
・If you work the meat until it becomes sticky, the final cooked burger will have a better mouth feel.

(Tips –  Coconut Caramelized Pineapple)
・If you can, use fresh pineapple.

(コツ ー バーガーバンズ)

(コツ ー ジューシーハンバーグ)

(コツ ー グリルパイナップル)


(レシピ ー バーガーバンズ/ Burger Buns)
・Original recipe for the burger buns: here (credit: TOMIZ)

(レシピ ー ジューシーハンバーグ/ Best Hamburger Patty)
・Original recipe for the patty: here (credit: shiro

(レシピ ー グリルパイナップル/ Coconut Caramelized Pineapple)
・Original recipe for the grilled pineapple: here (Credit: Half Baked Harvest)

《Ingredients – Burger Buns 6 Servings 》
・250g bread flour
・5g salt
・20g granulated sugar
・130g milk
・60g/ 1 large egg
・3g dry yeast
・20g unsalted butter
・One beaten egg, applied to taste
・White sesame seeds, to taste 

《Instructions – Burger Buns》
1. Place the bread flour, salt, granulated sugar, milk, egg, dry yeast in a bread kneading machine and mix lightly, and once all of the powder has disappeared, let it rest for 30 minutes without drying.
2. Knead for 15-20 minutes until the gluten forms (adjust the time as needed).
3. Once the gluten has formed, add unsalted butter and knead well (usually for about 8 minutes). Let it rise until doubled in size.
4.  Once the dough has risen to double the size, punch the dough down. Divide into 6 pieces and shape each piece into a round ball. Without letting the dough dry out, rest for 20-30 minutes.
5. Flatten the dough with a rolling pin and carefully form them into circles. If you have a circular mold, oil the inside and place the dough in the mold, then let it rest until it has doubled in size.
6. You can brush some beaten egg over the top, and top the buns with sesame seeds if you like.
7. Preheat the oven to 210 degrees C and bake for 14 minutes.

《Ingredients – Hamburger Patty 6 Servings》
・0.5lb ground beef(85~90% lean)
・0.5lb ground pork
・1 yellow or sweet onion
・4 Tbsp panko(bread crumbs)
・5 Tbsp milk
・1 grated garlic
・1/2 tsp salt
・1/2 tsp sugar
・a pinch of black pepper
A: 3.5 Tbsp ketchup
A: 2 Tbsp Worcestershire sauce
A: 1 Tbsp soy sauce

《Instructions – Hamburger Patty》
1. Heat the frypan over medium-high heat, line the pan with oil, and add the finely chopped onions. When they turn a light brown, simmer them over medium low heat for 8-9 minutes to bring out the sweetness. Once they are ready, cut the heat.
2. Once they have cooled, add them to the meat, then add all the flavoring and mix well until it gets sticky.
3. Form the patties into an elliptical shape, , then toss them lightly from one hand to the other (around 10-20 times).
4. Lightly push down on the center of the elliptical shape to finish shaping the patties.
5. Lightly oil the pan, then heat it on medium heat before adding the patties.
6. Cook on heat just a little stronger than low for around 2-3 minutes until it browns slightly.
7. Flip the patties, then cover with a lid and cook for 7-12 minutes (adjust the cooking time based on the thickness of the patty).
8. In order to determine if it has cooked through, stick a toothpick through the center, and if it comes out clean then the burgers are ready.
9. If you are making sauce, add it to the fry pan after the burgers are done cooking (if there is a lot of fat in the pan, remove it before adding the sauce.)

《Ingredients – Coconut Caramelized Pineapples》
・2 Tbsp coconut oil
・6 large pineapple rings preferably from a fresh pineapple
・2 Tbsp toasted coconut optional

《Instructions – Coconut Caramelized Pineapples》
1. In a skillet heat 2 tablespoons of coconut oil and place the pineapple slices in the pan. Cook for about 3-4 mins, flip and cook another 3~4 minutes.

《材料 ー バンズ 6個分》
・強力粉 250g
・塩 5g
・グラニュー糖 20g
・牛乳 130g
・たまご 60g(約1.5個)
・無塩バター 20g
・ドライイースト 3g
・溶き卵 適量
・白ごま 適量

《作り方 ー バンズ》
1. パンこね機に、小麦粉、砂糖、塩、牛乳、たまご、ドライイーストをいれて軽くこねる。粉っぽさがなくなったら、30分放置。
2. グルテンが形成されるまで15分ほどこねて(機械によって時間は変わる)、無塩バターをいれて8分ほどこねる。
3. 生地が乾燥をしないよう気を付けて、二倍の大きさになるまで待つ。(一次発酵)
4. 二倍の大きさになったら、生地を6等分して丸め、乾燥しないようにして20分ほど休める。(ベンチタイム)
5. きれいに丸めなおして、セルクル型がある人は油を薄く塗ったセルクル型にいれて、生地が二倍になるまで待つ。(二次発酵)
6. 表面にたまごをはけで塗り、好みで白ごまをトッピング。
7. 210度に余熱したオーブンで14分~焼いて完成。

《材料 ー ハンバーグ 6個分》
・合いびき肉 300g
・玉ねぎ 小1個
・パン粉 大4
・牛乳 大5
・にんにくすりおろし 1/2片
・塩 小1/2
・砂糖 小1/2
・コショウ 少々
A:ケチャップ 大3
A:ウスターソース 大1.5
A: 醤油 大1

《作り方 ー ハンバーグ》
1. フライパンを強めの中火で熱し、油をひいて、みじん切りした玉ねぎを入れていためる。軽く色がついてきたら、弱めの中火にして8~9分ほどじっくり炒めて甘みを引き出す。できたら粗熱をとる。
2. 粗熱がとれたら、室温にもどしたひき肉に合わせ、すべての調味料も加え、粘りがでるまでしっかりと混ぜ合わせる。
3. 楕円形にまとめて表面をならし、片手から片手へ軽く投げるようにして空気を抜く。(10~20回ぐらい)
4. 楕円形のハンバーグの中央部分を軽く押さえたら、成形の完了。
5. フライパンにうすく油をひいて、中火にかけて熱くなったらハンバーグを並べる。
6. 少し強めの弱火にし、2~3分、片面を焼いて焼き色をつける。
7. 焼き色がついたら裏返し、ふたをして弱火で7~12分、蒸し焼きにする。(ハンバーグの厚さによって時間は調整する必要あり)
8. 焼けたかどうかを調べるときは、つまようじをハンバーグの真ん中にさし、透明な肉汁が出てくれば火が通っている証拠。
9. ソースを作る場合は、焼き終わったフライパンにAをすべて入れ、火にかけて完成。(脂が多い場合は、軽くふき取ってからソースの材料をいれるといい)

《材料 ー グリルパイナップル》
・ココナッツオイル 大2
・パイナップルリング 6個
・ココナッツファイン 大2(トースト)

《作り方 ー グリルパイナップル》
1. スキレットもしくはフライパンに、ココナッツオイルをしき、中火であたためる。
2. 輪切りにしたパイナップルリングを並べ、3~4分焼いたらひっくり返して、裏面も同様に焼いて完成。
3. ハンバーガーバンズにバターを塗り。好みでキャベツやアボカド、ハンバーグ、そしてグリルパイナップルをいれて完成。

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