To Go,  Travel

Portage Tap House


We had dinner at this restaurant after hiking up Saddleback mountain. The area is a popular skiing location, so when you go there in the off-season it is hard to find a restaurant that is open. This was one of the few restaurants that is open in Rangeley in the summer. 
 The restaurant is closed on Mondays and Tuesdays, and because of the coronavirus it was only open from 4-8 on the days it was open. The restaurant was already fairly crowded when we arrived at 5 p.m., so I recommend making a reservation. The interior decor is filled with a sense of freedom. There is a canoe suspended upside-down from the ceiling, with lights decorating the inside like a canoe chandelier. It has a very fashionable appearance. It has an open kitchen, so you can see the wood-fired grill at work. The name of the restaurant “Portage” comes from the lake-filled boating region, and the tables are all decorated with a wood carving of a man portaging a canoe. 
 Unfortunately our family does not drink alcohol, because there is quite a long list of wines and local craft brews. There were a lot of people at the bar, so give it a try if you make your way over there. We ordered street corn as an appetizer, a margherita pizza, the daily special, which was a beef, mushroom, and bok choy plate, and blueberry BBQ ribs. The street corn came with a spicy mayo and was tasty. The pizza was cooked in the wood-fired oven, and was a big hit with our daughter. The dough was crispy. I had the daily special, which was filled with my favorite things, and flavored simply with salt and pepper. In particular, the bok choy was fresh, which was great. My husband got the blueberry BBQ ribs, and seemed to enjoy them. I was interested in the blueberry BBQ sauce, and tried a little myself. However, I would not recommend it for people who are not a fan of American BBQ. I predicted it would have a fruity flavor, but it was overpowered by the smoky flavor, and I was not a big fan. That being said, it was my husband’s favorite dish we had, so it must be alright. If you are out deep in the Maine north-county and are wondering which restaurant to go to, I recommend giving this one a try.

Portage Tap House
Address: 74 Carry Road Oquossoc, ME 04964

 我が家はお酒を飲まないのが残念ですが、アルコールメニューにはたくさんの銘柄が並んでいました。飲んでいるお客さんもたくさんいたので、足を運ぶ機会がある人は試してみてください。食べ物は、ストリートコーン、ピザ(マルガリータ)、本日のおすすめ(牛肉とマッシュルームと青梗菜のプレート)、そしてBlueberry BBQ Ribsを頼みました。ストリートコーンはピリ辛マヨと一緒にきておいしかったです。薪オーブンで焼かれたピザに娘は大満足のようでした。クリスピー生地です。私は本日のおすすめを食べました。完全に私の好みで、シンプルに塩コショウだけだの味付けだと思います。特に付け合わせの青梗菜が新鮮でおいしかったです。主人が食べたブルーベリーバーベキューリブは、主人好みだったようです。ブルーベリーバーベキューソースに私は興味があったので、味見させてもらました。が、アメリカのバーベキューソースが苦手な人にはお勧めしません。フルーティーな味わいになるのかと予想していましたが、ブルーベリーの味よりも燻製の味が強かったので、私はやはりだめでした。でも主人的には納得の一品だったようですので、結果オーライです。人里離れたこの地で、どのレストランに行くか迷ったら、こちらをおすすめします。

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