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Easy Grilled Chicken with Ponzu

Can be made in big batches★★★☆☆

When making grilled chicken, it can take time to properly marinade the chicken in sauce beforehand, but one of the nice things about this recipe is that there you do not need to start so ahead of time. Also, since this uses ponzu sauce, it has a refreshing flavor and is easy to eat. If you want to give it a stronger citrusy flavor, I recommend using a ponzu sauce that has yuzu. If that is not to your particular liking, regular ponzu also works just fine. In the original recipe, in order to make the meat softer the chicken is cooked with mayonnaise instead of oil, however you can use olive oil instead. Since there is not a lot of juices, you can also use it in a lunch box the next day.


・ If you want to make the meat softer, use mayonnaise instead of oil.
・ Using a ponzu sauce that has yuzu in it will give it a stronger citrusy flavor.
・ In order to keep the meat from getting too hard, be careful not to over-grill it.

・ お肉を柔らかくしたい場合は、油の代わりにマヨネーズで焼く。
・ ゆずいりポン酢を購入すると、より柑橘系の味がしてすっきりした味になる。
・ お肉が固くなるので、焼きすぎには注意。


(レシピ)Original recipe here (credit: Yuu’s Instagram)

《Ingredients – 4~6 Servings 》
・1~1.5lb chicken breast
・1~1.5 Tbsp sake
・salt, pepper
・2.5 Tbsp pozu
・1~1.5 tsp mayonnaise
・1/2~1 tsp sugar
・ Potato starch as needed

1. Cut the chicken into bite-sized pieces, and open up some holes in the meat with a fork. Rub the meat with salt, pepper, and sake, then let it sit for around 10 minutes.
2. Then, sprinkle on some potato starch, enough to cover the chicken.
3. Pour some oil into a fry pan, then cook both sides of the chicken over medium heat until it has cooked all the way through.
4. Once the chicken has been cooked, mix the ponzu, mayonnaise, and sugar, coat the chicken with the mixture, and serve! 

《材料 ー 大人4人分》
・ 鶏むね肉 400g
・ 酒 大1
・ 塩、こしょう 少々
・ ポン酢 大2
・ マヨネーズ 小1
・ 砂糖 小さじ1/2
・ 片栗粉 適量

1. 鶏肉は一口大に切って、フォークで数か所穴をあけて、酒と塩コショウをもみこんで10分ほどおいておく。
2. それに片栗粉をまぶす。
3. フライパンに油をひいて、鶏肉をならべて中に火が通るまで両面を焼く。
4. 火が通ったら、ポン酢、マヨネーズ、砂糖をまぜあわせたものを全体に絡ませて、完成。

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