Hikes,  Travel

Mount Greylock via Bellows Pipe Trail

Kid friendly★★★☆☆
A variety of hiking trails★★★★☆

Here, I will introduce recommended spots for hiking with children in the United States. This time, I would like to tell you about a hike in Mount Greylock in MA. Mount Greylock is the highest mountain in MA and there is the Veterans War Memorial Tower at the summit. The best season for hiking is between April and November. We hiked around Columbus Day, which is the color leaves season.
There is a parking lot for around 10 cars at the entrance for free. Please note that there is a chance to be full by 9:30AM. According to Alltrais, this hiking course is ranked as hard though, we didn’t think so. There isn’t much up and down at the beginning and the trail is wide. After these, however, there is a hill road that stretches on and on. It is also steep. I recommend taking a rest at a leanto before this.
As for the bathroom, there is a portable toilet at the parking lot and the public bathroom in the lodge called Bascom Lodge at the summit. You can buy snacks and there is space to eat them.  
You can enter the Veterans War Memorial Tower and can see the panorama views from the top of the tower.
 By the way, there is a junction to the Appalachian trail on this trail. It is 5 mile long for one way and it is along the ridge. The trail is not as wide as the bellows pipe trail. If you still have energy on the way back, it will be a good opportunity to walk the Appalachian trail even for only 1 mile. Our 9-year-old daughter really enjoyed an unplanned short hike.
Finally, if you find the 6.5-mile hike exhausting, we have some good news for you. Actually you can drive up to the summit by car! If you aren’t a hiker and want to see the color leaves scenery, just drive.

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Address: 194-156 Gould Rd, Adams, MA 01220
Park Trail Map – Alltrails
Free parking
Elevation: 2,260feet
Length : 6.5 miles out-and-back trail

グレイロック山は、マサチューセッツ州で一番標高が高く、頂上にはVeterans War Memorial Tower(戦争記念碑)があり、おすすめハイキング時期は4月から11月といわれています。私たちは紅葉の季節、コロンバスデーあたりにのぼりました。
次にトイレ事情です。ありがたいことに、トイレは山頂にあるBascom Lodgeというロッジで借りることができます。あと、小さな売店とイートインスペースがあるのも助かる点です。また山頂にあるVeterans War Memorial Tower(戦争記念碑)は、塔の上までのぼることもできます。狭い螺旋階段で登っていくので、人の流れを見ながらの上り下りになります。基本、降りる人が優先なので、降りてくる人が見えたら、階段の踊り場スペースで待機することをおすすめします。
話は変わって、帰り道の途中、Appalachian Trail(アパラチアントレイル)への分岐点があります。体力があれば少し歩いてみるのをおすすめします。Mount Greylock via Bellows Pipe Trailは、道が広いのに対し、Appalachian Trailの一部である5 mileのgreen singletrack trailは道幅が狭いです。Ridge(山の尾根)のトレイル片道5マイルを追加するのはしんどいと思うので、余力があれば1マイルほど歩いて戻るのもいい機会になると思います。

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