
Thursday, April 18, 2024

Keigetsu OMACHI: The song sings the true heart-Shuntei TOYABE and the Sun: With your own will What is consistent throughout life A person who has a permanent life-Oirase Gorge: The flow of about 14 km from Lake Towada / Konoguchi to Yakeyama: Kyoka, Suzu IZUMI (Onna Keizu published in 1907 (published by Shunyodou in 1908), model of Yanagibashi geisha Tsutakichi, Yushima's white Japanese apricot) married couple

From Towada Chamber of Commerce and Industry: The Towada Chamber of Commerce and Industry has entered into an agreement with the Towada Barayaki Seminar, a civic group that works to revitalize the town through food, for the exclusive use of the trademark Towada Belly Meat Yaki, and manages the use of the trademark and the brand. A dish made of beef belly and a large amount of onions, seasoned with a sweet and spicy soy sauce, and then grilled on a griddle. There are also grilled pork belly and horse belly. It is said to have originated at a food stall in front of the Misawa US military base about 50 years ago, and it spread to Towada City, which is in the same cultural area, and is now loved by the citizens of Towada and has become a soul food.

【Product name】

White garlic


Allium sativum L.

【Producing area】

Towada City, Misawa City, Kamikita District, Sannohe District, Aomori Prefecture (Towada Katsuai Ichiba; Towada Seika Co., Ltd.)

【Origin of name】

The oldest encyclopedia in Japan, “Wamyō Ruijushō,” compiled in the middle of the Heian period, has the description “蒜; ail.” It was in the early Muromachi period that it came to be called “Garlic”. It is said that the etymology is “忍辱; forbearance (in the face of difficulty, persecution, etc.)” in Buddhism, which hates odors. From pure white and beautiful garlic on the epidermis.(Because it is a fruit of pure white color like snow that accumulates in Fukuchi Village, Sannohe District, Aomori Prefecture (Currently Fukuchi Area(It was an inland village adjacent to the western part of Hachinohe City, but disappeared because it merged with Nagawa Town and Nanbu Town on January 1, 2006 and became a new Nanbu Town.), Nanbu Town, Sannohe District) of origin-Famous as Fukuchi White Six Pieces.)

【Major features】

December 2021, Prefectural Sanbongi Agricultural High School in Towada City, Aomori Prefecture (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology designated agricultural manager training high school: Only one general education. Focusing on activities that make use of learning, such as learning, finding and solving local problems, we are aiming for a one-of-a-kind general course that is not found in other schools. In addition to raising animals, we have created an environment where you can learn a wide range of things such as the environment that supports production, civil engineering, processing and distribution of agricultural products, and we are continuing to promote education aimed at professionals in each field. Through various events and club activities, the students' own hands Foster a wealth of human resources to achieve one thing while collaborating with colleagues. Large-scale farms, dormitory education, agricultural clubs will continue to be enhanced, and general departments will also participate as needed. We are promoting education that maximizes the merits of agricultural high schools.) In Aomori Prefecture, a boy student who was practicing cattle breeding was found to have collapsed unconsciously in the barn. Seems to have decided to set up an accident investigation committee to verify the guidance situation at the school. This was revealed at a press conference by the Aomori Prefectural Board of Education on June 20, 2022. In December 2021, a 17-year-old boy who was practicing agriculture in the barn of Towada Prefectural Sanbongi Agricultural High School was found with blood bleeding from his head and was taken to the hospital, but he is still conscious. It is the contents. On June 28, the prefectural board of education set up an accident investigation committee consisting of six people, including lawyers and academic experts, saying that it was necessary to confirm that the faculty members and schools who were instructing at that time had not made any mistakes regarding this accident. It has been clarified that the first meeting will be held. It seems that the committee will proceed with the verification based on the accident reports submitted by the school so far. Towada Fruit and Vegetables Co., Ltd. is composed of 2 cities and 8 towns, including Misawa City, Kamikita District, and Sannohe District (partly), centering on Towada City, and occupies almost the upper 13 areas in the south of the prefecture. “Towada City”, A beautiful town where rich nature and art are fused, such as Lake Towada, Oirase Gorge, and Hakkoda, which are woven by the four seasons and emotions, and the government office street, which is centered around the Towada Art Center. By making the most of the diverse local resources that we have carefully inherited from our predecessors and the wisdom of the citizens living in this town, and working together, more people will “want to live” and “continue to live.” We will promote community development that is strongly supported by want and want to visit, and create an ideal hometown full of hope for the future that can be passed on to children who will lead the next generation with strong pride and confidence. I will continue. It is located in the center of the southern part of the prefecture and has an area of 688.60 km2 due to the merger. The population is gradually increasing from the latter half of the Showa era to the Heisei era, and it seems that the local environment is comfortable to live in. However, it decreased temporarily in 1990 and 1999. However, it seems that there is an increasing trend now. It is formed from areas with abundant natural environments such as Mt. Hakkoda and Lake Towada, and areas with rural and urban functions, which are deeply rooted in the areas I introduced earlier. There are Hachinohe City and Misawa City within a 20 km radius of the city, and Hachinohe City in particular is a major rival city for expanding the commercial area of Towada City. I also heard that in recent years, the suburbs of Shimoda Town have had a great influence on maintaining Towada's trade area since inviting a large shopping center. From here, I heard from my relatives, but there are concerns about local residents and local business and industry associations. As in many local cities in recent years, it seems that the central city area is becoming donuts and sprawl against the backdrop of population outflow to suburbs, declining birthrate and aging population due to the progress of motorization and lifestyle changes. Moreover, in recent years, due to the diversification of consumer needs and the widening of the range of purchasing trends due to the development of the automobile society, the outflow of customers to large stores in the suburbs of the city and large shopping centers in the Shimoda Town and Hachinohe city areas Both the trade area population and the absorption rate population have shown a significant decrease or decline. As a result, the number of retail and commercial stores in the central block has decreased, the number of vacant stores and vacant lots has increased, the retail commercial activities and attractiveness of the central city as the face of the city have declined significantly, and the decline of the central city has been accelerating. Local residents and the government are worried about such changes in the situation, and based on the Central City Invigoration Law, formulated the “Towada City Central City Invigoration Basic Plan” in August 2020. In this basic plan, based on the results of the workshops of citizens and merchants, the direction of future town development and specific items to be examined are summarized. For more information, please contact the website, government office, or parliamentary secretariat for an easy-to-understand explanation. The city was pioneered in 1859 by Tsuto NITOBE(Famous as the grandfather of Inazo NITOBE, the portrait of the previous 5000-yen bill. At the start of the business, old man was already 62 years old, and it was a challenge after the average life expectancy at that time was far beyond his 50s. At that time, farmers suffered from repeated bad harvests and famines, and migrant workers and escapes continued. Therefore, in order to stabilize rice production and save the lives of farmers, old man planned to draw water from the Oirase River and develop a 2,500 ha paddy field on the barren Sanbongihara Plateau. In addition to the investment from the clan, many investors were solicited for the funds, and the private property of the den was also used. After the introduction of advanced civil engineering technology and the labor of many farmers, after difficult construction such as tunnel construction through hard rock, it took about four years to successfully draw water into the barren wilderness. The completion of this waterway brought rice harvests to the area for the first time in the fall of 1860, and when the lord of the Morioka domain, Toshihisa, visited the waterway, the waterway was named Inaoi River. After that, the reclamation project was handed down to the local people, the waterway reached the Pacific coast, and the total length including the tributaries was 70 km. Today, it moisturizes about 5,900 ha of paddy fields and is popular with local citizens as a waterside for relaxation. In the city, there is the Nitobe Memorial Museum(BUSHIDO - 東三番町), a museum facility whose predecessor is the Nitobe Bunko, a privately-owned company founded by Inazo NITOBE, who is famous as an international representative of Japan.) and others. Located in the central part of the green Sanbongihara plateau(It used to be a wilderness called “Sanbongi” because there are only three trees.)at the foot of magnificent mountain Hakkoda in the southeastern part of the prefecture, it is known as the eastern entrance of the national park “Lake Towada”. In addition, the southern region has produced many famous horses since the Heian and Kamakura periods, and the city has been busy with horse auctions since the horse market was held in 1863 during the feudal era. Later, the War Horse Replenishment Department was also established, and it was widely known as a horse-producing area. 国指定文化財 : 重要文化財(建造物), 旧笠石家住宅, 昭和48年2月23日, 大字奥瀬字栃久保, 特別名勝及び天然記念物 : 十和田湖および奥入瀬渓流, 昭和27年3月29日, 十和田市, 秋田県小坂町, 天然記念物 : 法量のイチョウ, 大正15年10月20日, 大字法量字, 銀杏木, 国登録有形文化財 : 建造物, カトリック十和田教会, 平成27年8月4日, 稲生町, 県指定文化財 : 無形民俗文化財, 南部切田神楽(南部切田神楽会), 昭和31年5月14日, 大字切田, 国の記録作成等の措置を講ずべき無形の民俗文化財, 平成16年2月6日(選択), 無形民俗文化財南部駒踊(洞内南部駒踊保存会), 昭和34年10月6日, 大字洞内, 国の記録作成等の措置を講ずべき無形の民俗文化財, 昭和49年12月4日(選択), 史跡 : 一里塚(一対二基), 昭和36年10月6日, 大字伝法寺字平窪, 史跡 : 一里塚(一対二基), 昭和36年10月6日, 大字大沢田字池ノ平, 天然記念物 : モミの木, 昭和47年12月6日, 大字沢田字水尻山, 市指定文化財 : 有形文化財, 彫刻, 法心和尚像, 昭和40年3月30日, 大字洞内字前田, 彫刻 : 道無和尚像, 昭和40年3月30日, 大字洞内字前田, 彫刻 : 伽羅聖観世音菩薩像, 昭和40年3月30日, 大字洞内字前田, 史跡 : 法心塚, 昭和40年3月30日, 大字洞内字沼田野古文書新山神社の記録及び修験道の古記録類, 昭和43年4月3日, 大字赤沼字下平, 史跡 : 一里塚, 昭和55年1月31日, 大字相坂字白上, 古文書 : 新渡戸記念館収蔵品及び新渡戸家文書, 昭和56年4月24日, 東三番町, 史跡 : 板石塔婆, 平成2年8月23日, 大字大不動字, 柏木古文書六十六部日本廻国巡礼納経札, 平成2年8月23日, 大字伝法寺字平窪, 史跡 : 山神の石碑, 平成2年8月23日, 大字三本木字倉出, 史跡 : 金毘羅山の石碑, 平成2年8月23日, 大字三本木字倉出絵図寛文三本木村絵図, 平成10年6月19日, 元町西一丁目, 歴史資料 : 三本木原実測図, 平成11年8月23日, 東二十一番町, 史跡 : 日本廻国納経供養塔, 平成26年11月28日, 大字深持, 古文書 : 廻国奉納経帳, 平成26年11月28日, 大字奥瀬, 無形文化財 : 民俗芸能, 南部駒踊(南部駒踊米田保存会), 昭和40年10月8日, 大字米田, 民俗芸能 : 南部駒踊(南部駒踊滝沢保存会), 昭和40年10月8日, 大字滝沢, 民俗芸能 : 南部駒踊(南部駒踊立崎保存会), 昭和40年10月8日, 大字立崎, 民俗芸能 : 藤島獅子舞(藤島獅子舞保存会), 昭和46年12月13日, 大字藤島, 民俗芸能 : 南部駒踊(南部駒踊相坂若駒会), 昭和46年12月13日, 大字相坂, 民俗芸能 : 南部洞内神楽(洞内南部神楽保存会), 昭和55年1月31日, 大字洞内, 民俗芸能 : 沢田鶏舞(沢田鶏舞保存会), 平成5年7月5日, 大字沢田, 民俗芸能 : 三日市神楽(三日市神楽保存会), 平成5年7月5日, 大字沢田, 民俗芸能 : 六日町鶏舞(六日町鶏舞保存会), 平成7年3月22日, 大字相坂, 民俗芸能 : 南部駒踊(南部駒踊上舘保存会), 平成7年3月22日, 大字切田, 民俗芸能 : 晴山獅子舞(晴山獅子舞保存会), 平成16年10月19日, 大字深持民俗芸能 : 南部深持神楽(南部深持神楽保存会), 平成16年10月19日, 大字深持, 民俗芸能 : 大不動鶏舞(大不動鶏舞保存会), 平成16年10月19日, 大字大不動, 民俗慣習 : 板ノ沢のカヤ人形作り, 平成26年11月28日, 大字深持, 天然記念物 : いちょう, 昭和55年1月31日, 大字大不動字八幡, 天然記念物 : 赤松, 昭和56年4月24日, 大字大不動字柏木. “Misawa City”, Aomori Prefecture is a treasure trove of Jomon culture, and many archaeological sites have been discovered in the city. The Noguchi shell mound and Waseda shell mound around Lake Ogawara are particularly famous, and the pottery from the late Jomon period excavated from Noguchi is said to be as elaborate as the Kamegaoka site in Kizukuri Town, Nishitsugaru District, and is a valuable research material. The Misawa City Museum of History and Folklore has a large collection of a wide range of historical materials such as these archaeological materials, fishing gear, kagura masks of folk performing arts, and ancient documents. In addition, rare animal and plant specimens of Lake Ogawara are also exhibited, and it is a mysterious place where you can experience the traditional life and environment in this place rich in nature. During the feudal era, the largest ranch “Kizaki no Maki” of the Nanbu Morioka domain was spread, and even after the Meiji era, it was taken over by the Sabishirotai shared ranch and the village ranch, and has long been widely known as a horse-producing area. Even now, in the suburbs, you can still see the scenery of horses and cows grazing, and you can remember those days. 淋代平; Miss Veedol: 1931 Mr. Herndon and Mr. Pangbourne's starting point for a non-landing transpacific flight. In addition, the population of Misawa Airport (base), which was built by the Japanese Navy before the Pacific War, has increased sharply due to the requisition and expansion of the US military after the war. It has developed as a city full of exoticism. As a city with a reserve of Jomon archaeological sites, a vast ranch site, an airport, and a fishing port built on a sandy beach, which is rare in Japan, the city will continue to have a diverse face and history with local residents. Due to the cool climate, rare alpine plants such as Buckbean, Daylily, and Drosera rotundifolia L. can be seen even on flat ground. Surrounded by the Pacific Ocean in the east and Lake Ogawara in the west, it has a varied natural environment such as forests, plateaus, grasslands, paddy fields, tidal flats, lakes and coasts. The Phragmites australis grassland, which stretches about 20 minutes north of the city center by car, is a treasure trove of nature and a wetland registered under the Ramsar Convention, Hotoke Swamp. The registration date is November 8, 2005, and it is famous as a low-rise marsh: Nationally Designated Buddhist Wildlife Sanctuary Buddhist Swamp Special Protection Area. Located in the north, a grassland wetland between the Pacific Ocean on the east and Lake Ogawara on the west. Due to the cold winds of the easterly wind “Yamase” from spring to summer and the monsoon “Hakkoda grated” from autumn to winter, this area is flat but has alpine plant communities and both the southern and northern limits. Animals and plants can be seen. In addition, it plays a major role as a breeding ground for rare birds such as the Japanese Marsh Warbler and Ochre-rumped bunting, which are designated as endangered species, as well as a landing site for migratory birds such as waterfowl. Rare wild birds such as the Yellow rail and the Japanese endangered Eastern marsh harrier inhabit, such as cancers, ducks, yellow rails, and dianthus superbus L. You can also see wildflowers such as var. Superbus, Achillea alpina subsp. Japonica, and Scutellaria strigillosa var. Yezoensis, which are visited by many people who enjoy nature. The city is known as a good point for surfing, with its Pacific coastal waves and sandy beaches. Around Lake Ogawara, a citizen's forest park has been developed, where you can enjoy your leisure time with the blue sky and lush nature, and your feelings will be refreshed. There are auto campsites and bungalows on the shores of the lake where the gentle waves come, and when you walk along the promenade that goes around, you can hear the birds singing in the clear air. At baseball stadiums and tennis courts, you can sweat refreshingly and wash your feelings. What comes to my mind is the 51st National High School Baseball Championship Final, in which Aomori Prefectural Misawa High School participated and won, and on August 18, 1969, the moving game and suspicion judgment from the next day. Regarding suspicions, the rules do not stipulate the relationship between the university of origin and seniors and juniors. It's all about this. No matter how the times pass, everyone has a feeling. Indeed, it connects with the present age. The first decision is to clear the suspicion, but it cannot be established without each reason. I think that if you don't always break through, you can't move on. In addition, hot spring excavation is actively carried out in the city, and in addition to the municipal hot spring (Yasuragi 荘) in the citizen's forest, there are hot spring public baths in various parts of the city. Misawa City is located in the southeastern part of Aomori Prefecture, facing the Pacific Ocean to the east and Lake Ogawara to the west. It is a flat land with an area of about 120 km2, about 11 km east-west, about 25 km north-south. Located in the southern part of the prefecture, which has prospered as a horse-producing area since ancient times, the city area was included in the “Kizaki no Maki(Horse pasture directly managed by the Southern Clan)” of the feudal ranch during the Edo period, and people were involved in horse-producing and fishing. It became the US military Misawa base and has undergone a major transformation. Today, as a city in the sky with one of the leading aviation facilities in Japan, many US military personnel, civilian employees and their families live in it, and it continues to develop independently as an international city with an exotic atmosphere. Sister city exchange with Wenatchee and East Wenatchee in Washington, USA, triggered by Miss Veedol, the world's first non-landing crossing of the Pacific Ocean: Many illustrious events such as American Day, International Summer Festival, and Misawa Air Base Festival are also held. The nature, history and culture of the city, each with its own rich expression. “Aomori Prefectural Misawa Aviation & Science Museum” that tells the deep relationship with the sky, “International Exchange Education Center”, a base facility for international exchange: “Roadside Station Misawa Tonami Clan Memorial Tourist Village” that introduces Mr. Yasuto HIROSAWA (Place of birth: Aizuwakamatsu City), who opened a modern Western-style ranch, and sells special products of the city: Furthermore, it is a wonderful place where you can experience the international cultural city, such as the “Shuji TERAYAMA Memorial Hall” that introduces the unique world of the genius Mr. Shuji TERAYAMA(あゝ、荒野, ひとりぼっちのあなたに, 天井桟敷; 身毒丸). City area 119.87 km2, latitude 40 degrees 40 minutes north, longitude 141 degrees 22 minutes east. It is known that winter is a northern country, but the amount of snowfall is small, and there are many sunny days due to the monsoon that blows from the northwest. Due to the influence of the easterly wind (Yamase) that blows from spring to summer, the coastal area is often covered with cold air and thick fog, and it can be seen that the end of the rainy season is late and summer is short. In the land rich in nature, burdock, dioscorea opposita, garlic, etc., which are one of the highest quality in Japan, are produced, and poultry farming and pig farming are also actively carried out and gaining popularity. As for marine products, good quality squid and smelt are caught in the Pacific Ocean, and clams and smelt tend to be caught in Lake Ogawara. The catch of squid produced in the prefecture is the highest in Japan. Among them, the Japanese Common squid from Misawa is nicknamed “Red Dragonfly” because it is caught in the daytime under strict quality control and displayed in the central market and supermarkets in the metropolitan area the next morning. It is popular and has excellent taste and freshness, and is highly evaluated by consumers and related parties. Japanese Common Squid is registered as a regional collective trademark endorsed by the Japan Patent Office on June 3, 3rd year of Reiwa under the name of “Misawa noon squid”. As a proof of its quality, the Styrofoam squid box has a sticker of “Misawa noon squid” with an illustration of Miss Veedol (Red airplane). At restaurants in the city, sliced raw fish is also cooked alive. Yamazaki Pork is a Misawa brand that focuses on quality, food, and the environment. Pigs raised in a highly hygienic environment are safe and secure. In addition, it contains about 7 times as much C29H50O2 as ordinary pigs due to carefully selected pure vegetable feed given at the final finishing stage, and has a light fat and soft meat without odor. 三沢市教育委員会(さくら町)1989 “三沢市遺跡詳細分布調査報告書” 三沢市埋蔵文化財調査報告書6 : 風穴遺跡 : 公園建設のための試掘調査, 集落, 縄文, 土坑1, 柱穴状ピット3, 土器, 石器, 土製品, Both the remains and the relics are considered to be around the time of the 10 large trees in the middle of the Jomon period. A slightly elevated earthwork-like rise with wide flats has an inclusion layer and remains and appears to surround the depression. Confirmed that the area outside the range was included, and expanded the range - 縄文中期末葉. 小田内沼遺跡 : 散布地, 縄文時代, 土坑2, 柱穴状ピット11, 土器, 石器, Both the remains and the relics are thought to be from the early Jomon period. Confirmed that the area outside the range was included, and expanded the range. 春日台遺跡 : It was confirmed that 67 new buried cultural property inclusion sites and 14 well-known archaeological sites had expanded the range of conventional inclusion areas. 岡三沢神楽保存会 : It was handed down to the Nonomiya family, a descendant of the old Shugendo sect. In July 2010, it was designated as a prefectural intangible folk cultural property. 浜三沢神楽保存会 : The year after the cholera epidemic of 1943, villagers who prayed for health and safety by dispelling evil spirits learned the Kagura that is handed down in Kirida, Towada City. In April 1973, Gongen dance was designated as a city intangible folk cultural property. 塩釜神楽保存会 : Many migrants from different origins in Shiogama are said to have introduced Kagura in order to unite the village. In April 1973, “Chicken Dance” was designated as a city intangible folk cultural property. 根井神楽保存会 : Kagura is called a lion dance and was performed during the New Year and the First Full Moon Festival. There are many Kagura books left since 1879. In April 1973, “Yamanokami” was designated as a city intangible folk cultural property. 織笠神楽保存会 : It is said that the Inari Shrine was built in 1884 and danced Kagura every year on October 15th of the lunar calendar. Tsutawaldoboku says that it is a system of Hachinohe Kagura, which is rare in Misawa. In April 1973, “Kagura Dance” was designated as a city intangible folk cultural property. 岡三沢鹿子踊保存会 : Based on a set of four heads, it is performed by a total of thirteen Kago. The form of the dance begins with forming a circle and putting the deer in the garden, and the dance changes every lap, such as the fawn herder, and consists of 13 seats. In February 1993, “Kago dance” was designated as a city intangible folk cultural property. 浜三沢駒踊保存会 : At the vast ranch "Kizaki no Maki" directly managed by the Nanbu feudal clan, the traditional dance that has been handed down from ancestors is continued with a dance that is an entertainment of releasing horses and catching horses in the fall. In October 1959, “Hama Misawa Nanbu Koma Dance” was designated as a prefectural intangible folk cultural property. Yamanaka Shinto music preservation society : It is said that a person from Esashika Village, Kunohe District, Iwate Prefecture reported this. The performances are four songs, “Chicken Dance, Gongen Dance, Bon Odori, and Sanbaso”. Of these, Chicken Dance was designated as a city intangible folk cultural property in February 1994. Fruitful year Dance Preservation Society : It has been danced for about 200 years, but in recent years it has been restored from the memory of the old man, and it is said that it has been performed at the Misawa Elementary School 100th Anniversary Festival. In February 1994, “Honen Dance” was designated as a city intangible folk cultural property. “Rokunohe Town, Kamikita District”, The place name does not refer to the village, but when Mr. Fujiwara of Hiraizumi was defeated in the Kamakura period, Mitsuyuki NANBU received Nukanobu five counties (southern Aomori prefecture and northern Iwate prefecture) from Minamoto no Yoritomo due to the great achievement of conquest. There is a theory that it was divided into Kukanobushikado no System to train war horses and one place was set up in one door, and that it was added as a logistics base before that due to strategic reasons. In any case, the Oirase River basin area was called “Rokunohe”. During the feudal era, it was under the control of the southern (Morioka) domain and was under the jurisdiction of Gonohe Daikan. After that, it belonged to the Shichinohe domain, and was unified into Shichinohe prefecture, then Hirosaki prefecture, and Aomori prefecture in October by the abolition of the domain in 1871. With the enforcement, seven villages, Orimo Village, Yanagimachi Village, Kodaira Village, Tsurubami Village, Inu Ochise Village, Kamiyoshida Village, and Shimoyoshida Village, merged into Rokunohe Village. After that, it was changed to Rokunohe Town in October 1957, and in October 2017, it celebrated the 60th anniversary of the enforcement of the town system and continues to the present day. Located in the southeastern part of Kamikita District, it is adjacent to Oirase Town in the east, Towada City in the west, Gonohe Town in Sannohe District in the south, and Misawa City and Tohoku Town in the north. Area 83.89 km2, location is 141 degrees 20 minutes east longitude, 40 degrees 36 minutes north latitude distance 10 km east-west 15 km north-south height 89 m above sea level 14 m low. It consists of the diluvial land that forms part of the southern Daigatake area and the elongated diluvial plain, and there are no conspicuous highlands or mountains. The main water system is the Oirase River, which originates from Lake Towada and flows from east to west slightly south of the center of the town, and the paddy fields spread out in the basin and the scenery is clear. Although it is located in the North Tohoku region, it has relatively little snow and is comfortable to spend in a mild climate throughout the year. However, in the summer, a cold wind called Yamase blows from the Pacific Ocean side, which may affect the growth of crops. The population of the town peaks in 1960 and follows a gradual declining trend. This is thought to be due to the fact that the number of births has declined, the outflow to urban areas has progressed due to the booming economy over the past few times, and that the outflow has reduced the working-age population as well as the young population. During this period, the population was temporarily increasing from 1980 to 1985 due to the completion of Komatsugaoka New Town. However, in recent years, due to the effects of child-rearing support policies and settlement promotion policies, the population has increased in FY2012. 青森県埋蔵文化財調査センター(青森市大字新城字天田内)2007 “坪毛沢(1)遺跡 / 坪毛沢(3)遺跡” 青森県埋蔵文化財調査報告書430 : 坪毛沢遺跡 : 上北郡六戸町大字犬落瀬字坪毛沢地内, 東北新幹線建設事業, 散布地, 縄文時代, 溝状土坑18, 縄文土器, 石器, Detects pitfalls made on hillsides. Towada a Detects dwelling traces before volcanic ash fall. 狩場, 集落, 平安時代, 竪穴建物2, 溝1, 土師器, 須恵器, 鉄製品, 土製品. 坪毛沢(3)遺跡 : 上北郡六戸町大字犬落瀬字坪毛沢地内, 散布地, 縄文時代, 土坑10, 溝状土坑34, 縄文土器, 石器, A part of the Heian Period settlement and grave area was detected. It is possible that iron and copper were produced from the excavated relics, with the majority of the remains before the Towada a volcanic ash and before the Mt. Baekdu ash fall - 狩場種別, 散布地, 弥生時代, 包含地, 集落, 平安時代, 竪穴建物15, 土坑28, 掘立柱建物1, 性格不明遺構3, 土師器, 須恵器, 羽口, 鉄製品, 鉄滓, 銅滓, 溝2, 焼土2, 硬化面1. “Nanbu Town, Sannohe District”, A historical town that has developed since ancient times as the birthplace of the Southern Clan, as if to leave an impression on its name. It is uncertain when the medieval Nanbu clan joined Oshu, starting with the first Nanboku Mitsuyuki (Jusani (Junior Third Rank)), but it is certain that he had joined Oshu from the end of the Kamakura period to the beginning of the Northern and Southern Dynasties. In the Muromachi period, Mr. Nanbu Sannohe ruled the Nukanobu district centering on the Seijujikan in the current Nanbu town, and from the latter half of the Muromachi period to the Warring States period, he expanded his influence to Tsugaru, central Iwate prefecture, and Kazuno region in Akita prefecture. It was from the 13th generation Moriyuki that the achievements of Mr. Nanbu Sannohe were confirmed by the historical documents of the literature, and he was appointed as the “Kyoto Fuchishu” under the direct control of the Muromachi Shogunate, and was proud of one of the most prestigious in Oshu along with Mr. Date and Kasai. In 1418, he presented Horse hundred silk by the roll and 1,000-ryo (a monetary unit at that time)to Yoshimochi, the fourth shogun of the Muromachi Shogunate. During the Warring States period, he expanded his power when he was in his 20s, Masayasu 22s, Yasunobu 23s, and Harumasa 24s, and took control of northern Mutsu. Castles of this period remain in various places in the town, and Mr. Kita(奥南旧指録)lived in Kenyoshi Castle and Mr. Higashi(改正諸家系譜, 参考諸家系図)lived in Kaminakui Castle to strengthen the defense. The Seijujikan is said to have been burned down by the arson of his vassal Btsuchu Akanuma in 1539, and a large amount of carbide has been confirmed from the castle as well as the heated ceramics of that period. Valuable gold leaf pottery and high-class ceramics that symbolize the authority of the Nanbu clan at that time and the exchange with the capital have been excavated from the building. It is said that the pottery was excavated only from the site of the Seijujikan in the Tohoku region. From the Warring States period to the Azuchi Momoyama period, Mr. Nanbu Sannohe moved from Seijujikan (Nanbu Town) to Sannohe Castle (Sannohe Town) and then to Fukuoka Castle (Ninohe City) due to the expansion of the territory to the south, and finally Morioka Castle. (Morioka City) was built and used as a residence. Even in the Edo period, Nanbu Town was recognized as an important land for ancestors. In the precincts of Sankoji Temple(Myoshinji School of the Rinzai Sect), which is adjacent to the Seijujikan, there are the tombstones of Mr. and Mrs. Nobunao 26th (a cultural property designated by the town), the first feudal lord of the Morioka Domain (27th), Toshiyasu mausoleum (prefectural treasure), and Toshinao 27th. Toshinao Mausoleum (National Important Cultural Property) was erected. It is located in the southeastern part of the prefecture and is adjacent to the western part of Hachinohe City, which has the second largest population in the prefecture. The coastal area of the Mabechi River, which runs through the center of the town, has a strip of plains, making it a sober and fertile soil. In the southwestern part of the town, you can see Mt. Nakui at an altitude of 615 m, and the mountains and rivers, and the basin are blessed with abundant nature with a rural landscape. April 1, 1889: Municipal system enforced. April 1, 1955: Jibiki Village and Tabe Village merge to form “Fukuchi Village.” “Takko Town”, the southernmost town in the prefecture, is a major garlic producing area, and has been one of the first in the prefecture to work on the formation of a garlic producing area. Takko garlic is a large ball with one large piece that bears fruit well, and is a six-piece type called “Fukuchi White” that boasts snow-whiteness and good quality. Thorough quality control by establishing cultivation standards and shipping standards. In 2006, it was registered as the first regional collective trademark in Tohoku. Kizaki, Oirase Town, Kamikita District, Aomori Prefecture, Within Kizaki SME Cooperative; Co-op Aomori Prefecture Black Garlic Association: The “Regional Collective Trademark Registration” filed with the Japan Patent Office on September 6, 2014 for the purpose of branding black garlic was registered on July 10, 2015. Regional collective trademark registration system: Introduced for the purpose of properly protecting regional brands, it is the eighth brand in Aomori Prefecture. There are brands such as “Takko garlic” and “Oma tuna” in Aomori, each of which is a brand limited to the region, but Aomori's black garlic is the first brand that has been widely certified in the prefecture. Several companies that started manufacturing black garlic from 2006 to 2007 gathered under the Tohoku Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry project (2007 regional resource utilization commercialization coordination activity support project), aiming for regional special products. It seems that it started with the start of a product certification system by a third-party organization.


Of the garlic in Japan, most of the garlic in Towada City, which boasts a market share of about 20%, is derived from the highest quality Fukuchi White six-piece garlic. The flesh of the large ball gives a strong impression that the body is white like snow.


In Aomori Prefecture, not only the goodness of excellent seeds, but also the soil preparation suitable for garlic cultivation, advanced cultivation technology and fine management, as well as drying and storage technology, which have been inherited from our predecessors, make high quality garlic. Ships all year round. It seems that the seeds of apples will be planted from mid-September to mid-October, and the harvest time will come from late June to early July of the following year. It overwinters in a snowy field and grows slowly in the frigid cold, so it seems to have a sweet taste with less spiciness.


Only Value F Co., Ltd. (Akita City) sells Towada Katsuna with a label. Product name: Aomori Prefecture White Six Pieces Garlic. Not all are six pieces, but there are actually products with variations such as about 4 to 8 pieces.

Saturday, March 23, 2024

In 1800, Shudayu Minagawa received an order from Matsudaira Shinano Kami Tadaaki via Shinsuke Hara, and in 1858, Takeshiro Matsuura was ordered by the shogunate to explore and survey Tokachi. In other words, the Ainu people's heaven and earth "Ezo: 東西蝦夷山川地理取調図, 1855" will become Japanese territory by agreement using public international law between nations with national systems backed by military force. From the Land of Love to Happiness From the precincts surrounded by spring water and occasional flowers, preserving the ancient Shinto music of the Taisho Shrine. It is dedicated on June 25th and September 8th every year on the grounds of a shrine precinct.

Agriculture in Tokachi was often hit by poor harvests, which coincided with the economic downturn, and it seems that there was no shortage of people leaving farming. However, in 1914, with the outbreak of World War I and food shortages in Europe, Obihiro saw an increase in the export of legumes via Otaru Port due to the opening of the Kushiro Line (currently the Nemuro Main Line). As a result, there was a bean boom. I have heard that pioneer farmers who were previously self-sufficient are now able to engage in farming with confidence. At the same time, the scale of farming continued to expand with the shift from human power to animal power using horses, and agriculture began to see further progress.

【Product name】
Taisho make queen
Solanum tuberosum L.
【Wholesale area】
Taisho Honcho, Obihiro City, Hokkaido (JA Obihiro-Taisho)
【Origin of name】
It seems that it was named after the queen who was chosen for the medieval spring festival (May Day: worker's festival held all over the world).
【Major features】
大正「大亨以正, 天之道也」: 大いに亨(とほ)りて以て正しきは, 天の道なり,「すべて滞りなく順調に運び正しさを得る」. Taisho Shrine (Amaterasu Okami): February 1921 Volunteers of Satsunai Village consulted, and in July 1922 the shrine was built with local resident's wealth, and the shrine was called Amaterasu Okami, and a ceremony was held under the name of Koshin Shrine. bottom. On May 1, 1926, due to the change of village boundaries, the villagers united and aspired to apply as a village shrine. On March 10, 1930, an application was made to change the name of the shrine to Taisho Shrine, and on May 17, 1930, it was approved. From the prefectural governor with a prefectural ordinance based on an imperial decree, those appointed to accept offerings of food, alcohol and gifts of monery wrapped at the prayer festival, the Niiname Festival (ceremonial offering to the deities by the Emperor of newly-harvested rice), and the annual festival A shrine dedicated to in paper called heihakuryo). The opening of the Hiroo Line in 1929 interfered with worship, so it was moved to its current location in 1934. Currently, it is revered as a guardian deity of the region, as a god of child rearing, performing arts, and good luck. Trademark Registration No. 5051632, Taisho Chinese yam, right holder: Obihiro Sei Agricultural Cooperative, Designated Goods or Designated Services, Obihiro City, Hokkaido Taishohoncho, Taisho Town, Aikoku Town, Showa Town, Kofuku Town, Sakuragi Town, Itaira Town, Izumi Town, Nakajima Town, Makubetsu Town, Nakagawa District Section of village Komai, Chinese yam produced by cooperative members who farm in the Sakae and Mikawa areas. The history of Taisho Chinese yam cultivated in the Obihiro Taisho area of Tokachi is about 40 years. Cultivation started with 3 producers, and now 76 producers are planting 200 ha. In order to deliver high-quality “Taisho Chinese Yam” to our customers, all producers work together to ensure thorough cultivation management. "Taisho Chinese Yam" is not only shipped domestically, but also exported to Taiwan and the United States. JA Obihiro Taisho is located 17 km south of the center of Obihiro City, Hokkaido, and has Obihiro Airport, the gateway to Tokachi. This is the area with the most blue skies and clear skies in Japan. The terrain is flat, and the arable land is mostly volcanic, with some alluvial soils. The Taisho region is known as "the hometown of Taisho May Queen (potatoes) and Taisho Kintoki beans.'' The main crops are wheat, sugar beets, potatoes, and beans. Yam is one of the local specialties along with potatoes and beans. It is an upland dairy farming area that includes vegetables. In this area, the production of edible potatoes (May Queen) has been thriving for a long time, and on the other hand, it was also a battle with potato common scab, the natural enemy of edible potatoes. This disease is affected by the acidity (pH) of the soil, and it is said that the higher the pH, the higher the possibility of contracting the disease. Therefore, it seems that the application of calcareous materials to neutralize the soil was less than in other regions. This situation has continued for many years, and in recent years the yield of various crops has been sluggish. As a result, about 70% of the 1,000 brushes analyzed in fiscal 1997 had a pH of less than 5.5 (very strongly acidic), and 20% of the fields had a pH of less than 5.0, which is unsuitable for growing crops. A drunken person is revealed to be in a difficult situation. In order to solve this urgent problem, our cooperative requested the cooperation of the Tokachi Chubu District Agricultural Improvement and Extension Center, Obihiro City Agricultural Promotion Public Corporation, and the Tokachi Federation of Agricultural Cooperatives to form the Taisho Soil Diagnosis Project Team formed. In the following year, as a project in 1998, we conducted soil analysis of about 900 points, and held a demonstration exhibition to confirm the effect of lime application in sugar beet fields so that producers could see and feel the local fields. It seems that they installed it in 12 fields and gave a technical improvement class in the blue sky workshop on site. In addition, it seems that they have been trying to improve farming techniques by conducting surveys on the effects of high and low pH on potatoes, wheat protein content surveys, and questionnaire surveys, and disseminating them to producers at conferences, seminars, etc. Streptomyces spp.: A disease whose occurrence is increasing with the alkalinization of soil. Light brown to grey-brown crusty lesions are formed on the surface of the tuber, which are of different sizes and slightly raised in the peripheral part and slightly depressed in the central part. The tissue under the lesion is pale brown and slightly rotten. This symptom is typical of this disease and is called common scab. Deeply sunken large deep scabs are often formed like the scars of feeding damage of molasses, and there seems to be raised scabs in which lesions swell like cushions. On the other hand, there is russet scab in which superficial lesions become network fissures. This is also known as tortoise shell disease. In other symptoms, grayish white powder (mycelia, spores) is seen in the lesions of tubers immediately after digging. It does not affect the yield, but if it occurs frequently, it seems to greatly reduce its value as food. In addition, according to NARO's verification, there are measures such as seed potato treatment, but fundamental measures such as soil disinfection are not taken except for some small farms in Honshu where the unit price of produce is relatively high. Apparently not. On the other hand, in the Kyushu region, which is centered on the remote islands of Kagoshima Prefecture, the application of rice bran has traditionally been practiced at the private level as a countermeasure against potato scab. Is scientifically unexplained. Therefore, we have scientifically verified the suppressive effect of rice bran on scab disease, and clarified the disease suppression mechanism. In 1999, the Basic Law on Food, Agriculture and Rural Areas was enacted, and a new agricultural policy started. Since the Basic Plan for Food, Agriculture and Rural Areas was enacted in 2000 under the new Basic Law, the basic plan has been reviewed every five years. In addition, since the formulation of the "Basic Plan for Redevelopment of Rural Areas in Obihiro City" in 1971, Obihiro City's plan for agricultural promotion has been the "5th Obihiro City Basic Plan for Agriculture and Rural Areas" formulated in 2010. It is formulated as a guideline for agricultural promotion in Motoichi while keeping an eye on various issues in each era. The environment surrounding agriculture is undergoing major changes, such as the declining population, the acceleration of economic globalization and technological innovation, and climate change, and is expected to become even more severe in the future. In addition to responding appropriately to changes in the environment surrounding agriculture and farming villages, the city's agriculture will continue to grow in the future, based on the government's "Basic Plan for Food, Agriculture, and Rural Areas" and the Hokkaido Government's "Hokkaido Agriculture and Rural Development Promotion Plan." For the sustainable development of rural areas, medium-to long-term. It seems that it will be formulated as a guideline to promote measures from a different perspective. The period of the plan will be 10 years from FY2020 to FY2029, and it will be reviewed as necessary based on changes in the situation surrounding agriculture and rural areas and the progress of measures. This plan was formulated in line with the 7th Obihiro City Comprehensive Plan as a field plan that indicates the direction of measures and goals for the next 10 years regarding the promotion of agriculture and forestry, based on changes in the environment surrounding agriculture and rural areas. It seems that it was in 1948, soon after JA was founded, that JA Obihiromasa began to grow May Queen in earnest. For more than 70 years since then, he has been engaged in selecting excellent seed potatoes, improving the cultivation techniques of producers, and carrying out PR activities. Today, the planted area is 1,256 ha, and it has grown into a large production area that produces about 37% of Hokkaido's May Queen Potatoes, and has received high praise from the market nationwide. Shipped 25,000 tons, harvested from August to September. Shipped from August to March. Regional collective trademark. Taisho May Queen potatoes (trademark registration No. 5051631): Reduced the amount of pesticides used since 2003. Stem and leaf chopper treatment: During the yellowing period (ripening period) of potato stems and leaves, the above-ground stems and leaves are mechanically treated to enable timely harvesting. JA Taisho Obihiro Top Brand―It operates its own fertilizer factory and supplies producers with fertilizer suitable for the region. With a feature that there is little variation in quality for half a year with great care from sowing to harvesting work. It is due to the excellent professional skills cultivated over many years by professional producers using fertilizers that are suitable for the soil. It is located almost in the center of the Tokachi region in eastern Hokkaido. It is the center of the Tokachi region(Mainly in the agricultural industry, 1 city 16 towns 2 villages)and plays a role as an agricultural product accumulation area and a commercial city. Full-scale development began in 1883. The history of systematic urban formation such as a grid-shaped road network. It is the foundation of our predecessors that we can experience both the ease of living and the richness of nature. The reason for Tokachi's core city. The self-sustaining development of local regions will depend on taking advantage of the potential of cities and, from a wider-ranging perspective, seeking forms of development whereby the merits of agglomeration spill over into peripheral areas, while also fostering key cities to form the core of regional economies. Article 67 In addition to what is prescribed in the main clause of the preceding Article, affairs which are specified as those to be determined by prefectures in this Act and are specified by a Cabinet Order shall be determined by designated cities set forth in Article 252-19, paragraph (1) of the Local Autonomy Act (Act No. 67 of 1947) (hereinafter referred to as "designated cities") or by core cities set forth in Article 252-22, paragraph (1) of the same Act (hereinafter referred to as "core cities") from designated cities or core cities (hereinafter referred to as "designated cities, etc.") pursuant to a Cabinet Order. In this case, the provisions of this Act concerning prefectures shall apply to designated cities, etc. as the provisions concerning designated cities, etc. The area of Obihiro City is 619.34 square kilometers, and the southwestern part is occupied by the Hidaka Mountains such as Mt. Tokachiporoshiri (1,846 m)(日高山脈襟裳国定公園(a national park in Hokkaido called Hidaka Sanmyaku Erimo National Park)ーIt boasts an area of about 10% of the city area.). The flat land in the center and northeast, which occupies about 60% of the city area. About half is one of the largest large-scale management in Japan: Dairy and upland farming. The city is located at the northeastern end of the city area, adjacent to the Tokachi River and Satsunai River(It has long been useful as raw tap water), which are the sixth largest basin areas in Japan. The average annual temperature is 6.8 degrees Celsius, the annual rainfall is about 888 mm, and the rainfall of 1 mm or more is about 85 days a year, which is a cool and light rain region in Japan. Since it is located inland, the daily temperature difference is relatively large. In normal years, the difference between the highest and lowest temperatures averages 10.4 degrees. In winter, the lowest temperature tends to drop even in Hokkaido. There are 156 days a year when the minimum temperature falls below freezing, and it drops to around 20 degrees below freezing during the cold season. There are many sunny days throughout the year, and the sunny weather tends to continue from autumn to winter, making it ideal for living. Fire prevention line; An oblique road that imitates the city of Washington, the capital of the United States. For preventing the spread of large-scale fires. Currently, it is used as a road and a green area and has been inherited. As a reminder, the May Queen in, which’s easy to peel off, is air-dried using a fan, etc., so that it looks beautiful. In Assho era, the town of Assabu(Hiyama county)in Hokkaido was considered the birthplace. It spread nationwide from the Kansai region in the 1955's. In my jurisdiction, I started growing May Queen about 30 years ago. Even in the southwestern part of the country, mulch cultivation, which covers the fields with a poly film to increase the soil temperature, has become popular since the mid-1940s. It’s said to be "the apple of the earth" because of its high nutritional value.(Excellent varieties of Hokkaido, 1972(1928-Limited recommended variety), Early Victoria, Finna Early, Finney's Victory,Glenearn, Koksiaan, Maikoenigin, Thea Kartoffel), A disease called E. Sadler grows in Bentham, which is near Cheltenham in the UK. It was introduced by the Sutton Company in 1900 to the world, and the parents are unknown. Medium initial growth and early hypertrophy. In the withered period, it’s a middle to early life or middle age, which's later than "Baron potato". It's oblong and the base's slightly bulged and slightly bent. The skin color’s white to light yellow brown. It's slightly yellowish, slightly sticky and has a pleasant texture, and has more sugar than other edible varieties immediately after harvest. When stored at low temperature, sweetness and viscosity tend to increase particularly. The smile of my family comes to my mind. Your company supports local industry as a sales and collection point for agricultural products and pesticides. Returning to the story, we must not forget "Obihiro no Mori" as a healing space. Arranged so as to surround the city from the west to the south of the city. Law on Improvement and Vitalization in City Center (entered effect in 1998),Is it a digression? It is about 11 kilometers long, about 550 meters wide, and occupies an area of 406.5 hectares. It seems that the city will be surrounded by a green belt by connecting to the Tokachi River and the Satsunai River riparian forest in a 100-year plan for the future. Based on the crop rotation system, wheat, sugar beet, beans, and potato are the basics against the background of blessed land conditions.

May Queen potatoes were introduced to Japan around 1917-1918. I heard that the Obihiro General Agricultural Cooperative began full-scale cultivation of May Queen around 1948, soon after the establishment of the cooperative. At first, it was weak against disease, and the yield was low compared to other potatoes. The excellent agricultural products grown in the Taisho area, where there is a large temperature difference between day and night, are full of sweetness. The feature is that the buds are not deep and easy to process.

Stem and leaf chopper processing is the mechanical processing of stems and leaves on the ground during the yellowing period (maturity) of potato stems and leaves, making it possible to harvest at a more appropriate time.

Made in England, May Queen potatoes have a strong sweetness and low starch content, so they do not fall apart when cooked. Dnforced (Law No. 51 aims to quarantine imported and imported plants and domestic plants, exterminate plants and animals that are harmful to plants, and prevent their spread, thereby ensuring the safety and promotion of agricultural production. Import and domestic quarantine to prevent the invasion and spread of pests that do not exist in Japan or exist in some parts of the country, domestic control to control pests that exist in Japan, requirements of export destination countries and regions At the same time, cultivation techniques were improved with the support of farm engineers and district associations, and selected seeds were produced. Having gained insight into the edible characteristics of this plant, it seems that they have established a seed production system and actively started management guidance because they had high hopes for the near future.

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

A temple of the Jodo sect founded in 1053 by Fujiwara no Narito (987-) and the founder of the Sekian priest. In the era of Abe no Yoriyoshi (a position to lead Ezo as the district governor (under the ritsuryo system) of the 6 districts of Isawa, Esashi, Waga, Hienuki, Shiwa, and Iwate in the central part of Iwate Prefecture), it was the southern limit of Okuroku District. Crossing Kinugawa, which was there, he started to control Iwai County, the territory of ancient provincial government offices, and friction with ancient provincial government offices Tagajo occurred. In 1051, Mutsu no Kami Narito mobilized the army of Akita's Taira no Shigenari? (Jonosuke Akita) to attack Yoriyoshi. However, Yoriyoshi intercepted this at Onikiribe, Tamatsukuri District (Naruko, Osaki City, Miyagi Prefecture) and won a great victory, the Former Nine Years' War (a war between Ezo and Genji. 1051-1062, 1083-1087) begins.

It is shipped within the prefecture and to Tokyo from late October to late November every year. Mishirazugaki is an astringent persimmon grown in Aizu, Fukushima Prefecture, and has been cultivated since ancient times along with the history of Aizu. It tastes very good and is presented to the imperial family every year. Since it is an astringent persimmon, the astringency is removed using shochu(distilled spirits)or gas before shipping.

【Product name】
Mishirawzu(neglecting one's health) 
Diospyros kaki
【Producing area】
Aizuwakamatsu City, Kitakata City, Yama District, Minamiaizu District , Kawachi-gun, Onuma District, Fukushima Prefecture (JA Aizu Yotsuba, JA Zen-Noh Fukushima)
【Origin of name】
There are three theories about the origin of the name. Because it bears so many large fruits that the branch seems to break (a humble persimmon). When I presented this persimmon to the shogun, he was highly praised, saying, "I have never tasted such a delicious persimmon." Also, it seems that persimmons are so delicious that I eat too much of them without even thinking about myself.
【Major features】
In early December 2022, Gypsophila 'Showa kasumi grass' (perennial gypsophila), which is native to the Mediterranean coast, is cultivated in the Oku-Aizu region of Fukushima Prefecture, including Showa Village in Onuma County. It seems that it likes to grow. The cool environment brings a breeze even in summer, and from early summer to late autumn, it seems that countless flowers reminiscent of "stars in the sky" bloom.It seems that there are various types of "perennial gypsophila". In the village, Altair, Veilstar, etc. Other seasonal products include Patrinia scabiosifolia (seen in sunny meadows. Several stems are stretched straight to form a stock, with many yellow flowers at the tip.) The inflorescence seems to be about 15 to 20 cm in size as a whole. The leaves are paired, and the leaves on the stem are thin and deeply cleft like feathers, but the leaves at the base are Japanese white raddish leaves. It grows with a short rhizome, and is famous as one of the Seven autumnal flowers (bush clover, Chinese silvergrass, kudzu, fringed pink, golden lace, thoroughwort, and balloon flower). boasts the largest cultivated area and shipment volume in Japan during the summer and autumn season.) efforts to improve quality have borne fruit, and it seems to be traded at higher prices than ever before. This year's sales amounted to 607.73 million yen, surpassing 600 million yen for the first time. Although the number of shipments decreased from the previous year, the increase in the unit price pushed up the sales amount. As the birthrate declines and the population ages rapidly, more and more young people are moving to the area to grow gypsophila, and the people concerned seem to be working to further improve the brand power. Similarly, the sales amount for 2022 of the Minamiaizu region's branded crop "Nango Tomato" has finished shipping. As of the 8th of the same month, it was 1,091 million yen, which seems to be the highest ever. According to the Nango Tomato Producer's Association, it seems that the reason for this is the stable supply despite nationwide shortages due to flood damage and extreme heat. The shipment volume was 2,548.4 tons, about 95% of last year's, but I heard that the price per box (4 kg) remained at a high level of 1,700 yen. Going back about two months, on October 26th, the Aizu Mishirazu Persimmon Market Expansion Promotion Council, which consists of Aizuwakamatsu City, Aizubange Town in Kawanuma County, and Aizumisato Town in Onuma County, launched sherbet and ice cream using mishirazu persimmons. On sale. It seems that they are enthusiastic about increasing the income of producers and improving the attractiveness of the industry by making effective use of non-standard persimmons, which were partly discarded. The Aizu Mishirazu persimmon is a very delicious persimmon that is presented to the imperial family every year. Also known as "Sainenji persimmon'', it is said to have originated about 500 years ago when the chief priest of Sainenji Temple, located in what is now Obama, Nihonmatsu City, Fukushima Prefecture, brought back a sapling from China and cultivated it when he went to study in China. Although it is an astringent persimmon, it is poured with 35% shochu for persimmons, and the box is sealed for about two weeks. The opening date is a guideline for removing astringency, and it seems that it will be sealed all the time during that time. After waiting for about two weeks, the astringency is gone and it seems that you can eat it. When the astringency has just started to disappear, you can enjoy the crispy texture, and it seems that the sweetness is yet to come. Species: Japanese pine, 350 years old, height: 4.3 m, trunk circumference: 1.6 m, 1983 Designated as a green cultural asset in Fukushima Prefecture: Mt. Date, Location, Obama, Nihonmatsu City, Owner (Administration Organization), Sainenji Temple(Jodo sect, Bodaisan Kotokuin), The origin of the name comes from the shape of the branch that crawls on the ground, reminiscent of the shape of a dragon. It is also called Mikaeri-no-matsu (three revived pine) because it has suffered fires three times in the past and has sprouted back three times. According to one theory, the pine bonsai that Terumune Date (1544-1585) loved was donated by Masamune (1567-1636) and later transplanted into the garden. Aizu Mishirazu persimmons are harvested from late October to mid-November, and are mainly consumed in the production area, and are apparently shipped until late November. Seedless astringent persimmons are slightly tall, and when viewed from the side, they have the impression of a lovely flat heart shape. The Minamiaizu region of Fukushima Prefecture, where the Nango tomato representative of JA jurisdiction is cultivated, is located in the southwestern part of Fukushima Prefecture and seems to consist of 4 towns and villages (3 towns and 1 village). The area is 234,153 hectares, which is almost the same as Kanagawa Prefecture, 93% of which is forest, and it seems to be an area rich in nature such as Nikko Oze National Park and Mt. Hiuchigatake, one of Japan's 100 famous mountains. The climate is typical of the Sea of Japan, with cool summers and severely cold winters, with snowfall exceeding 4 meters in some places, and is designated as a heavy snowfall zone or a special heavy snowfall zone. However, it seems that it is also an area where aging and depopulation are progressing. On August 6, 2018, Nango Tomato was registered as the first product produced in Fukushima Prefecture under the Geographical Indication (GI) protection system. The GI registration began with producers' desire to protect the Nango tomato brand, which is a local asset, and organizational efforts to improve cultivation techniques have led to the stabilization and improvement of the quality of Nango tomatoes. It seems that it was registered in recognition of the fact that it has been producing over 2000 tons annually for more than a year. Of the four towns and villages in the Minamiaizu region, it is cultivated in three towns: Tadami Town, Minamiaizu Town, and Shimogo Town, Minamiaizu District. However, Nango Tomato acquired a regional collective trademark registration in 2019, and the only tomatoes that can be sold under the same name are the tomatoes produced by members of the production union, and only the tomatoes sorted and shipped from JA's Nango Tomato Sorting Plant. It seems that they have tried to make it into a decoy. However, in recent years, tomatoes that do not meet the standards at direct sales stores are Nango Tomato. There is no end to the cases of being sold as For this reason, they decided to aim for GI registration, which would allow them to differentiate themselves from other products, avoid the burden of lawsuits, and protect their brand. On April 20, 2016, Mr. Seishi Sambe, the president of the production union, applied for the registration of the Nango Tomato GI. Registered for the first time as a Fukushima product in the labeling (GI) protection system. It seems that the organizational efforts to improve cultivation techniques have led to the stabilization and improvement of the quality of Nango tomatoes. Nango tomatoes are mainly shipped from July to October, and the peak shipping season is from August to late September to October. It is the beginning of the month. Tomato production takes advantage of the weather conditions of the production area, which is cooler than the flatlands and has a large temperature difference between day and night. In particular, I heard that the tomatoes that are shipped from early September have improved taste, so they started selling them as autumn flavor from 2013. The Nango Tomato Producers Association has rules that the producers themselves have decided in order to compete with their organizational strength, and it seems that members of the production association are cultivating valuable tomatoes by observing the following rules. In addition, it seems that all of the harvested tomatoes other than non-standard products should be shipped by JA, and non-standard products should not be sold under the name of "Nango Tomatoes." In 2004, we obtained regional collective trademark registration. Tomatoes that can be sold under the name of Nango Tomatoes are those that are produced by members of the production association and are sorted and shipped from JA's Nango Tomato Sorting Plant. It seems that it is only a tomato of the product. Seedlings are either joint nursery seedlings of the production association or seedlings outsourced by the production association. Observance of the rules seems to lead to strengthening the unity of the union members. In 1990, the first I-turn farmer was accepted as a system for accepting new farmers. Since then, we have developed a system for accepting new farmers while doing trial-and-error to train new farmers. It seems. Currently, production associations, JA, towns, prefectures, etc. I have heard that related organizations and groups are collaborating, sharing roles, and providing support in their respective fields. For those who wish to start farming, the farming association, JA, the town, and the Minamiaizu Agriculture and Forestry Office of Fukushima Prefecture conduct farming consultations and interviews. It seems that there is In addition, in order to prevent people from leaving farming, it is necessary to have two or more relatives working in farming. In order to earn profits quickly, it seems that they are obliged to undergo thorough practical training as trainees at advanced farmers designated by the production association for one to two years before starting farming. Here, the trainees learned not only about tomato cultivation techniques but also about the local community. It seems that they will learn and make connections with local people. Advanced farmers are thinking about the future production area and accept trainees without loss, and it seems that the trainees are like foster parents in this area. In addition, after starting farming, the Nango Tomato Guidance Group (organized by the production association, JA, and prefecture) has cultivation experience. Mainly for those who are not familiar with the technique, it seems that they carry out guidance tours twice a week to ensure that they acquire skills. JA and the town will support housing during training and after farming, selection of farmland, pipe houses and It seems that various subsidies are also being used to cover the initial cost of watering facilities. In addition, the mutual aid activity production association of the research department and branch has a "tomato research department" organized by young producers, new farmers and trainees, and seems to be responsible for testing new materials and techniques. It seems that this research department also engages in mutual assistance activities, such as volunteering to build pipe houses for new farmers and to restore farms when pests occur. In addition, the unity of each branch is strong due to regional unity, and they help each other immediately if something happens. The system seems to have formed naturally. This is a lot of snow. People involved say that the spirit of termination unique to the region, which was born in the harsh weather conditions, is also being used in tomato cultivation. Farmers are managed individually, but cherishing the connections between producers, new farmers are also members of the production area, It seems that the fact that they are cultivating with the awareness of being a member of the production area is creating a unity as a production area. The Aizu district is located in the western part of Fukushima Prefecture, bordering Yamagata, Niigata, Gunma, and Tochigi Prefectures, and consists of two cities, Kitakata City and Aizuwakamatsu City, and Yama, Minamiaizu, Kawanuma, and Onuma counties. Geographically, it is sandwiched between the Ou Mountains and the Echigo Mountains. The climate is on the side of the Sea of Japan, and summer is cool in the mountainous areas and hot and humid in the flatlands due to the basin. There seems to be a lot of snowfall in winter. With an average annual temperature of 11.4°C and an average annual rainfall of 1,133.8 mm, the temperature is the lowest in Fukushima Prefecture, making it a cool region. In addition to rice cultivation, the district seems to cultivate horticultural crops such as cucumbers, tomatoes, asparagus and green beans. 60% of the total sales in this district are rice, followed by cucumbers, tomatoes, and asparagus. In addition, it seems that they are cultivating garden crops including asparagus by taking advantage of the cool climate. The well-known “Fukushima. GAP Challenge” aims to be the best GAP in Japan and introduces GAP certified people who deliver the safety and security of local products. FGAP is a system in which the prefecture certifies producers and groups that practice GAP based on the prefecture's own standards, including measures against radioactive substances.

My hometown, Aizuwakamatsu City, is the central city of the Aizu region, which occupies the western part of Fukushima Prefecture. During the Edo period, it prospered as a castle town of the Aizu clan, and even today, it is dotted with historical sites such as Tsuruga Castle and the Byakkotai, attracting a large number of tourists and causing a boom. In addition, Aizu contributes to our food and health as one of Japan's leading producers of agricultural products, thanks to the fertile land, clean and abundant water, and the large temperature difference characteristic of the basin. In particular, rice and persimmons are representative autumn crops of Aizu. Among them, "Mishirazu persimmons", which are harvested in late autumn, are given the honor of being presented to the Imperial Household every year for their smooth texture and rich taste. It is an excellent agricultural product with Mishirazu persimmons presented to the Imperial Family are limited to those cultivated by nine members of the Kitamiyama Raw Persimmon Production and Shipment Association located in the Oyama district of Monden Town in Aizuwakamatsu City. As such, it seems to have been presented to the imperial family and each imperial family through the governor of Fukushima Prefecture. The famous Oyama area is located in an alluvial fan facing the southern slope of the Aizu Basin, and the soil is black clay. Because the area receives a lot of afternoon sun throughout the year, the hours of sunlight are long, and the clear waters of the upper reaches of the Agano River seem to create an environment suitable for growing fruit trees.

The partially dried Japanese persimmon produced by the Aizuwakamatsu North Oyama Producer Association, which has been honored as a persimmon presented to the Imperial Family every year since 1928, is an irreplaceable treasure of Japan. If the astringency of the persimmon has just been removed, but on rare occasions the astringency remains, If you put it in the sun for a few days or leave it at room temperature, the bitterness will disappear. Oxygen absorber AGELESS: Absorbs oxygen in a closed container to create a deoxygenated state (oxygen concentration of 0.1% or less) and removes the effects of oxygen on foods. It is possible to maintain "deliciousness" and "freshness" for a long period of time. In addition, taking advantage of its properties, it seems to be widely used to prevent deterioration of pharmaceuticals, medical products, cosmetics, etc., and to prevent mite and mold in clothing and bedding.

Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster is temporarily suspended due to the nuclear accident that occurred at TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station due to the Tohoku-Pacific Ocean Earthquake (or Great East Japan Earthquake) that occurred on March 11, 2011 and the accompanying tsunami. Exports were resumed about six years ago, and on November 10, 2022, the shipping ceremony for the first export of this year was held at the fruit sorting plant in Aizumisato Town. Furthermore, it seems that the producers are also expecting flights to the Kingdom of Thailand, which has been closed.

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Narushima ware (Pottery) flourished until the end of the Taisho period, but has since died out. In the early Showa period, Toshizo Wakui, the second son of a Hirashimizu ware pottery called "Shinkameya" in Yamagata City (South foothills Chitoseyama), moved to Nagai City in search of high-quality pottery clay, and began working with pottery pipes. Established a ceramics business to manufacture and sell. It was a success, and my father also helped in the family business, but I couldn't give up my dream of becoming a pottery artist. Although he was active as a ceramic artist, many people in Yonezawa wanted him to revive and revitalize his business.

Winter local cuisine of Nagai City, Yamagata Prefecture! “Turnip soup”. Miso soup with turnips, Uchimame beans, and fried tofu. Soybeans are placed on a stone mill, crushed with a mallet, and dried. So nutritious that it's called "meat from the field"

【Product name】
Secret roasted soybeans(馬のかめしめ等)


Glycine max L. Merrill
【Producing area】
Nagai City, Yamagata Prefecture (JA Yamagata Okitama Nagai Green Soybean Association)
【Origin of name】
From hitting and crushing one soybean with a wooden mallet. Umanokamishime, a native variety of edamame in Yamagata along with Dadachamame, is made in the southern part of Yamagata Prefecture, especially in Nagai City. When it comes to soybeans, it seems that the soybeans came to be called soybeans because the surface of the soybeans has marks that look like they were bitten by a horse.
【Major features】
Roasted soybeans are mashed and dried soybeans. It is a preserved food that has been handed down in Fukui, Niigata, and Yamagata prefectures, which have a lot of snow on the Sea of Japan side, and has been eaten since ancient times as a valuable source of nutrition during the winter. I still vividly remember how my grandfather and grandmother served me many times when I was a child. Since it is crushed, it absorbs water quickly, and it seems that there is no need to soak it in water overnight like dried beans. Also, since it is crushed, the heating time is short, overturning the stereotype that it takes time. In addition, it has a wide range of culinary uses, such as simmering it with other ingredients or adding it to a salad after being boiled for about 10 minutes. Locally, it is added to miso soup, simmered dishes such as hijiki seaweed, pickled dishes such as the dish of raw fish and vegetables seasoned in vinegar, and boiled rice with fish and vegetables mixed in advance. Uma-no-kameshime soybeans are said to have been given this name because they have marks on the surface that look like they were chewed by a horse. stopped. Since some farmers in Nagai City had kept the seeds, they revived cultivation in 2006 and increased the amount of cultivation. Currently, several farmers of the "Umanokamishime Producers Association" are planting 2.5 hectares and harvesting 3 tons of soybeans a year. This excellent agricultural product grows vigorously, can reach a height of 1 m, and has a large number of pods and a high yield. and short term. The more you bite into it, the more it tastes richer, and the more chewy it becomes. It is used in processed products such as miso, natto, and tofu. In 2009, a confectionery craftsman in Nagai City developed an original sweet and became a specialty product. Nagai City Regional Crafts: Around 1972, they started making wooden toys such as pieces and daruma dolls. Then, in 1975, when the Japan Cup and Ball Association was established, they started making competitive cup and ball (certified by the Japan Kendama Association). Competition cup and ball, unlike folk crafts, have few decorations and have strict standards that do not allow even 1 mm of error. Nagai's cup and ball. Sericulture has been practiced since the early Edo period, and mainly raw silk and other raw materials were exported. It started with the production of cotton crepe cloth under Yozan Uesugi's industrial promotion policy. The warp was made of raw silk, and the weft was made of silk spun from floss. From the end of the Edo period to the Showa period, Nagai Tsumugi was produced mainly in Nagai Tsumugi in the Okitama region. In the middle of the Meiji era, Nagai Tsumugi became known nationwide, and in 1976, it was recognized as a "traditional craft" designated by the Minister of International Trade and Industry as "Okitama Tsumugi" including Nagai Tsumugi. Pottery Narushima ware Wakui kiln: About 240 years ago, Yozan Uesugi, the founder of the revitalization of the Yonezawa clan, had his vassal Seizaemon Sagara learn Soma ware and build a kiln in Narushima, Yonezawa city, as part of his policy to promote new industries in order to support the clan's finances. No gorgeous painting is used, and the work is finished only with sea urchin glaze, black glaze, and kiln transformation caused by firing in the kiln. It is said that this reflects the Uesugi clan's ethos, which emphasized simplicity and robustness. It played a major role in stabilizing the economy of the clan and continued to be fired until the middle of the Meiji era. A kiln was built in Narushima, Yonezawa City. Gorgeous painting is not used, sea rat glaze, black glaze and kiln firing. It is special to finish the work only by the kiln transformation caused by signs. This is the ethos of the Uesugi clan, who valued simplicity and robustness. Is said to reflect Economic stability of the domain. Narushima ware, which played a major role in After that, it was placed on the crockery. It becomes an abandoned kiln due to various circumstances such as The founder of Wakui Kiln, Fujio Wakui, started Nagai ware at Imaizumi in 1965, but many influential people and intellectuals in Yonezawa requested and cooperated in the revival and restoration of Narushima ware in the Yonezawa clan. After 10 years of research activities for reconstruction, Narushima ware was revived. I also visited when I was a child, but I am also distantly related to my mother's side, and now I cannot find the opportunity to go, but I would like to see when the time is right. In January 2010, it was designated as a designated art by Nagai City. Lion head carving: The lion head is mainly made of willow wood. It is roughly carved from a log and dried in the shade for about half a year. After carving it for about a month and drying it again, it is finished with painting. The production period is about 3 years, and it is handed over to the shrine for the black lion dance. Approximately one more year of curing is required before it can be used. Essential Each shrine has different eyes and eyebrows, and it's fun to see the characteristics of their faces. The black lion head is used for lion dance and for decoration, and is also displayed in ordinary households as a symbol of exorcism. Kanaigami broom began in the late Edo period, when peddlers traveling from Yonezawa to Aterazawa told the people of the Kanaigami district about the techniques and seeds of making morokoshi brooms. It is said that it can be used for 3 years in the tatami room, 3 years in the entrance, and 3 years in the outside. It is still used by many people today. In Nagai City, the soil is prepared using the separated organic waste Rainbow Plan compost, and agricultural products cultivated with reduced chemical pesticides and fertilizers are labeled with the Rainbow Plan agricultural product certification mark. Safe and secure agricultural products supported by citizens are displayed in stores while they are still fresh. Reliable food starts with soil preparation, and we are working on a recycling-oriented town development "Rainbow Plan" that mediates organic resources in the area. Garbage carefully sorted by households in urban areas is transformed into high-quality compost at the composting center as a valuable resource, which is used to prepare the soil for farmland in the city. Agricultural products grown on composted farmland are delivered to local supermarkets and direct sales outlets, where they are lined up on the dining tables of citizens. Garbage is reused as a resource, building a cycle of food and agriculture. In addition, Rainbow Plan agricultural products are used in school lunches in the city, and are also used to make special products, such as Rainbow Ramen and Rainbow Vegetable Sweets, which are popular. In addition, it seems that many people from Japan and abroad are visiting Nagai City because of the Rainbow Plan. The circle of circulation that connects food and agriculture, people and people, and the present and the future is expanding. The seed coat on the surface is a slightly wide shade of light green to yellow. When the skin is peeled off, the inside is also green. It is a very sweet soybean with a very good taste. The amount of cultivated soybeans is still small and it is very popular as a very rare and delicious soybean. Yonezawa City, Located at the southernmost tip of Yamagata prefecture. It is located in the Yonezawa basin at the foot of the Azuma mountain range, which is the source of the mother river “Mogami River”, and borders Fukushima Prefecture. It is the fourth of the 35 municipalities in the prefecture and boasts an area of 548.74 km2. The highest point is the west Azuma mountain range at an altitude of 2,035 m, and the highest point in the city is 260 m above sea level, which is low from south to north. The summer is hot and humid, the annual rainfall is a little lower than the national average, and the winter is a harsh environment. It is designated as a special heavy snowfall area designated by the prefecture, and the cumulative annual snow depth can reach 10 m. Even in the city, there is enough snowfall to reach the maximum snow depth of about 100 cm in normal years, and I miss the countryside. Including Shirabu hot spring, Ubayu hot spring, Ohira hot spring, Nemekawa hot spring, Shintakayu hot spring, Goshiki hot spring, Yunosawa hot spring, etc.(“Oushusantakayu”: Zao, Shirabu, Takayu)There are abundant hot springs, and you can easily enjoy mountain climbing and skiing in the summer mountains. “Maeda Keiji Dochu Nikki(Diary)” (Yonezawa city designated cultural property, owned by Yonezawa Library). Due to the influence of the manga 'Hana no Keiji' featuring him, he is quite often called Keiji MAEDA. It is said that he was from the Takigawa clan (ninja family), but he was adopted by Arako castle owner, Toshihisa Maeda. Kabuki-mono: Especially in the European and American block, the culture of 'Japan' as imagined by foreign people was likely to be exaggerated in some part or being mixed with China and being stereotyped, due to curiosity (exoticism) about a culture of which the ancestry was completely different from that of Christian culture, and many 'perception biases' from the Japanese viewpoint were seen (even now, there are many foreign travelers who are surprised to know that Japan has no 'ninja' (professional spy in feudal Japan highly trained in stealth and secrecy)). After the Western Army lost the battle and the territory of the Uesugi Clan was reduced to 300,000 koku of rice and relocated to the Domain of Yonezawa, Mr. Toshimasu served the Domain of Yonezawa and retired to Domori near Yonezawa (currently known as Keijisimizu in Domori, Bansei-Town, Yonezawa-City). Nanyo City, It is located in the Okitama basin in the south, surrounded by the Azuma and Iide mountains from the south to the west, with the Ou Mountains in the east. The northern part is a mountainous area with an open field in the south, and the climate is blessed, making it suitable for growing rice, vegetables, and fruit trees. Is your aunt doing well? Contact me once in a while. July: Chigomai at the Kumano-jinja Shrine (Nanyo City) (the Kumano-jinja Shrine in Nanyo City). It is said that animals, plants, and human beings are born in this world by the power of “Musuhi(A spiritual work that creates, develops, and completes heaven and earth and all things with the idea of Shinto.)”. Nagai City(100 beautiful Japanese uneven landscapes; plains), Born in November 1954 by the merger of five villages in one town. Located in the southwestern part, the place name is derived from “a place where water gathers”, and countless streams run in the mountains. The town is blessed with water resources where the nogawa river, shirakawa river and mogami river flow, and the construction of a multipurpose dam “Magai dam” with functions such as flood control is being promoted. In addition, it is a flower town where flowers such as “Kubo Zakura(Isazawa: Cerasus itosakura (Sieb.) Masam. & Suzuki f. ascendens (Makino) H. Ohba & H. Ikeda)”, “Tsutsuji(Rhododendron L., azalea)”, “Ayame(Iris sanguinea Hornem., 1813)”, and “Hagi(Bush clover, Japanese clover)”, which are nationally designated natural monuments(“Two-stage designation of monuments,” is a system in which, in respect of historic sites, places of scenic beauty and natural monuments defined as “monuments” by the Act on Protection of Cultural Properties, monuments selected as 'especially important' among those designated by the national government are classified into the categories prefixed with 'Special' to call them “Special Historic Site,” “Special Place of Scenic Beauty” or “Special Natural Monument,” respectively.)that bloom in rich soil, color the four seasons. About 300 years ago, it prospered as a commercial city by the Mogami River transport of the Uesugi Yonezawa clan. Nagai's culture and industry have blossomed greatly, supported by the rich wealth of the large merchants that have been accumulated. Waterways still run like a net in the city, and they are used as water for daily life, but I miss them when I remember the past. Utilizing the waterway, a regulated waterway will be provided and supplied to small and medium-sized rivers as water for snow removal, which will be used for snow removal during the winter. Underground water from the clear stream Okitamanogawa River was taken and supplied as drinking water, and was healed many times as a child. Autumn tradition “Imonikai; Imoni is soup with meat and various type of vegetables which are harvested in fall. Imoni party lile BBQ we enjoy cooking Imoni soup outside is famous events in Fukushima and Yamagata prefecture”: Along the Mogami River embankment. There are many legends and customs related to water. Kurojishi Festival: It is a traditional Shinto ritual that has been handed down to various shrines in Nagai City, which dates back 1000 years, and is currently inherited by more than 40 shrines in the city. Water drunk before an altar to symbolize the making of a vow: Mizuha. “Nagasuke Terashima, the eldest son of Kagesuke Yoshie, is the bloodline of my ancestors.” In Bodaiji(temple with one's family grave), precious souls, including grandmather, are sleeping. Shingon-shu Buzan-ha Hensho temple(Gyoki Bosatsu). Takahata Town, Higashiokitama District, In the beautiful and fertile town of the alluvial fan of the Yashiro River and Wada River, which have their headwaters deep in the mountains of Ou. MAHOROBA(Easy to live in, wonderful, Historical and cultural heritage from the ancient Jomon period.): Derived from the ancient word “mahora” often found in Kojiki, it means "a fertile and comfortable place to live surrounded by mountains and hills. Golden rice ears sway on the fertile flat land, and fresh grapes, apples and pears grow in the mountains. I connected my hands and went to the farm, and even though I couldn't do it, I said that I would help, and I took care of it. Due to the peculiarity of the basin, the season is clear, the summer is hot, and the winter tends to be extremely cold. Especially in the winter, a large amount of snow falls due to the seasonal wind from the continent. The large temperature difference between day and night has a positive effect on the growth of agricultural products. That's why it's delicious. Takahata Castle (Takahata Town, Higashi-Okitama County, Yamagata Prefecture): It is also called Kanega Castle because its shape resembles a bell. It is said that there was Honmaru in the current Takahata school ground and Otemon near Showa nursery school. Suehira Hizume built the castle. “Kawanishi Town”, Located in the Okitama region in the southern part of Yamagata prefecture. Birth merged with one town five village in 1955. That's Komatsu Town, Otsuka, Inukawa, Chugun, Tamaniwa, Yoshijima Village. Since it is located on the west side of the Mogami River, it was named by Kawanishi Town and its pioneers. During his stay in Komatsu, Isabella Lucy Bird praised the Yonezawa Plain as the Garden of Eden and the Arcadia of Asia. This is probably because the terrain is roughly divided into vast countryside and gentle hills, and is blessed with abundant nature. Japan's largest scale “kawanishi dahlira garden” is a 4 hectare garden with 650 species and 100,000 dahlia x hortensis guillaumin dahlia x pinnata cav(Native to Mexico). Utilizing the abundant nature, it is known as the “rice center” next to the Shonai plain in the prefecture. It has a history and local sake produced from good quality rice and clean water. The deliciousness of Yonezawa beef supported by advanced technology is highly evaluated all over the country. The nationally designated historic site “Shimokomatsu tumulus group(From the north, it is divided into six branches of Jingamine, Eishoji, Yakushisawa, Takamachiba, Komoriyama, and Amagasawa, and the total number of tumulus is 202.)” and the prefecture-designated historic site “Tenjinmori tumulus(1984 『川西町埋蔵文化財調査報告書6:天神森古墳発掘調査報告書』川西町教育委員会社会教育課)”, which is the largest front and rear tumulus in Tohoku. Protection of Japanese serow(Capricornis crispus (Temminck, 1844): 日本書紀, 643年頃(皇極天皇2年),「岩上に, 小猿米焼く, 米だにも, たげてとおらせ, 山羊(カマシシ)の老翁」), a special natural monument. Shirataka Town, Nishiokitama District, Located in the southern center of the prefecture. The eastern part is the Shirataka hills, the western part is the Mt. Asahi system, and the Mogami River flows through the center, blessed with abundant nature. Merger of towns and villages(The town system came into effect on October 1,1954.): Arato, Ayukai, Higashine, Shirataka, Juo,Koguwa. In October of the following year, a part of Nishimurayama District Asahi Town was incorporated. It is widely known as the "classical cherry blossom village" because there are many old trees of Edohigan tree(Prunus pendula Maxim. var. ascendens Makino; Cerasus spachiana Lav. ex Otto f. ascendens (Makino) H. Ohba)that are over 500 years old. Along the Mogami River: The rich countryside spreads, and raw milk is produced mainly by rice cultivation, apples, tomatoes, and dairy farming. It is also famous as one of the leading production areas of Akebia introduced earlier. Atago-yama (Shirataka Town): Altitude 348 m. “Iide Town”, It's located in the southwest, but I'd love to visit it once. To the east are Yonezawa City and Kawanishi Town. Adjacent to Oguni Town in the west, Kitakata City in Fukushima Prefecture in the south, and Nagai City in the north. The northeastern part is known nationwide for producing good quality rice in agricultural areas using Shirakawa natural water and fertile cultivated land. The hills are beef cattle producing areas, and the southern part is covered with mountains connected to the Iide mountain range. In the town, the large white “lilium auratum” and the pretty pink “Lilium rubellum” bloom typically. An example of the most beautiful village in France: Joined the NPO “The Most Beautiful Villages in Japan” in H20 years. Every day, I am engaged in activities to protect the landscape, environment and culture of Japanese agricultural and mountain villages that cannot be regained. Satoyama landscape scenery and satoyama culture(peri-urban woodland culture)in the Nakatsugawa area, Iide mountain range, Rural scattered settlement. Three local resources were recognized, and it was a great achievement. Hagyu Castle was built by masanobu kokubu and was defeated in 1591 (Tensho 19) and abandoned. “Oguni Town”, Located at the southwestern tip, on the prefectural border with Niigata prefecture(The second largest municipality among the 35 municipalities in Prefecture.). The town is surrounded by magnificent mountains such as the Asahi mountain range and the Iide mountain range, which belong to the bandai asahi national park. Deciduous broad-leaved forests spread out to cover the entire town, including the beech forest that leaves a primitive landscape, soothing us. Due to the influence of the climate on the Sea of Japan side, it rains a lot in summer, and in winter it is one of the most heavy snowfall areas in Japan. It is said that the amount of snow does not fall below 2 m even in the center of the town, and in some mountain villages it reaches up to 5 m. It is one of the most heavy snowfall areas in Japan, and the heavy snowfall of 1963 turned the town into an “isolated island on land.” However, a lot of rain and snow store abundant water(The corporation that paid attention to the feat of constructing a hydroelectric power plant and using the electric power to start manufacturing alloy iron such as ferrosilicon in 1938.)in the land and nurture the lives of many animals and plants that inhabit it, including forests. It has become a very important water resource, and outdoor sports and events are actively held, promoting the revitalization of each region. We are trying to promote it by utilizing the vast land, rich natural environment, and unique living culture that is deeply related to nature as “town advantage”. People have a mountain respect hold dear heart in the form of faith in god. It is a subject to be afraid of because of its divine appearance and the rigor of being violent in a disaster. A great being who is an object of fear and at the same time gives water and food to live. As many as 80 mountain gods are scattered so as to cover the villages of the town, which tells the story of the people's faith duration of breeder's rights of 3 years.「山形おきたま伝統野菜: 山形おきたま伝統野菜振興協議会」, おかひじき(Salsola komarovii Iljin(Modest Mikhailovich Ilyin(波, 旧ソ連), Saltwort), うこぎ(Araliaceae Juss(Antoine Laurent de Jussieu(仏). ), 小野川豆もやし(「三沢村大字小野川もやし業組合(現: 米沢市南西部)」1923年, 06/01), 雪菜(Brassica Campestris L. var. Chinensis L.(米沢市, 斜平山麓)), 薄皮丸なす(南陽市,「沖田与太郎」氏が, 1945年代, 新潟からの行商人を通じ, 種子を入手し, 選抜 ≒ 沖田なす), 花作だいこん(山形県長井市花作(はなつくり)地区, Pickles that can be stored for a long time and are one-third the length of normal), 高豆蒄瓜(東置賜郡川西町高豆蒄(こうずく), 果実が成熟しても糖を蓄積せず, 甘くならないメロン類の変種: Cucumis melo L. var. utilissimus (Roxb.) Duthie et Fuller 'Albus'), 紅大豆(赤豆: Vigna angularis: 東置賜郡川西町), 畔藤きゅうり(西置賜郡白鷹町畔藤(くろふじ)地区: It is 30-35 cm long, 3.5 cm in diameter, and weighs around 250 grams, and is characterized by its elongated black warts), 宇津沢かぼちゃ(西置賜郡飯豊町中津川地区宇津沢: 八郎かぼちゃ: The color of the peel is orange, and the flesh is bright yellow), 梓山大根(米沢市万世町梓山(あずさやま)地区: ずさやま: It is slender and tapered, with red streaks on the surface, and leaves with sardines not found in other radishes. The meat is hard and spicy), 小野川あさつき(Allium schoenoprasum L. var. foliosum Regel(Eduard August von Regel(独)): 米沢市小野川地区: It has less spiciness and is crunchy, and has been sold since the 1945s, just like bean sprouts), 夏刈ふき(Petasites japonicus (Siebold(Karl(Carl)Theodor Ernst von Siebold(独)) et Zucc(Joseph Gerhard (von) Zuccarini(独)).) Maxim(Karl Johann Maximowicz(露)). 東置賜郡高畠町夏刈地区: 喘妙蕗:東置賜郡川西町), おかめささぎ(Phaseolus lunatus L(Carl von Linné(瑞)). ライ豆), 窪田なす(米沢市窪田地区: 直江(樋口)兼続), 遠山かぶ(米沢市上長井(遠山)地区: 山形おきたま雪菜生産部会: Brassica campestris), 馬のかみしめ(長井市: 青平豆: The more you chew,the more the flavor comes out), 八ツ房なす(長井市: 矢久保家, It has survived by protecting the seeds for generations(伝統野菜として, 平成28年1月認定). Traditional vegetables are vegetables of native varieties that have been cultivated in various places since the ancient times. ), つくも高菜(東置賜郡高畠町津久茂(九十九, 筑茂, 津久茂)地区: Can be cultivated without using pesticides: The leaves and stems are soft and pungent and have a beautiful green color)Traditional vegetables recommended by cities and towns in the Okitama area. A native species that has been cultivated since before 1945 and conveys the history and food culture of the Okitama region. Currently, 18 items are certified. A way of living that has accumulated various ingenuity and efforts in the preservation and use of ingredients in order to survive a long winter. We have a long and cold winter, but we know how to enjoy it.「いいねぇおきたま」登録番号, 第4029853号, 登録日, 平成9 (1997) 年7月18日, 登録公報発行日, 平成9 (1997) 年10月2日, 出願番号, 商願平07-65914, 出願日, 平成7 (1995) 年6月30日, 先願権発生日, 平成7 (1995) 年, 6月30日, 更新申請日, 平成29 (2017) 年1月23日, 更新登録日, 平成29 (2017) 年1月31日, 存続期間満了日, 令和9 (2027) 年7月18日, 第4427924号) 登録日, 平成12 (2000) 年10月27日, 登録公報発行日, 平成12(2000)年11月28日, 出願番号, 商願平11-116729, 出願日, 平成11 (1999) 年12月21日, 先願権発生日, 平成11 (1999) 年12月21日,更新申請日, 令和2 (2020) 年6月24日, 更新登録日, 令和2 (2020) 年6月26日, 存続期間満了日, 令和12 (2030) 年10月27日, 商標 (検索用), いいねぇおきたま, 称呼, イイネエオキタマ, イイネーオキタマ, オキタマ, 権利者, 氏名又は名称, 山形おきたま農業協同組合, 東置賜郡川西町(J-Plat Pat). “Secret beans” have long been eaten with soybeans as a preserved food, and have not been widely available as raw edamame; green soybeans. The seed coat on the surface has a slightly wide range of colors from light green to yellow, and when the skin is peeled off, the contents are also green. This secret bean is a very sweet soybean with a very good taste. I hear that it has spread mainly in this region because of its deliciousness. OKUTE-soy beans: Evening drink Boiled Brown Edamame and Yukine(Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries variety registration, Application No. 19209 Date of application 2006/01/10 Date of publication of application 2006/10/23. Glycine max (L.) Merr. No hypocotyl anthocyanin coloring, finite growth type, white hair mushroom color, more hair mushrooms, fairly short main stem length, sharp cotyledon shape, white flower color, ripe. The color of the pod is medium, the size of the grain (general group) is large, the shape of the grain is spherical, the ground color of the seed coat is yellow, the color of the umbilical cord is yellow, the flowering period is medium, the maturity period is early, and the branch The number is medium, the number of main stem nodes is small, the height of the lowest pod node is medium, the number of leaflets is three, the difficulty of splitting is medium, the seed coat is monochromatic or multicolored, and the cotyledon color of the grain. Is yellow, and the ecological type is intermediate. The application variety “Yukine beans” has a larger grain size (general group) than the control variety “Sayanishiki beans”, and the background color of the seed coat is yellow. It is said that the distinction is recognized by the fact that the flowering period is in the middle. Registration number 18018 Date of registration 2009/03/19 The duration of breeder's rights is 25 years. Name of cultivar registrant, Snow Brand Seed Co., Ltd., Atsubetsu Ward, Sapporo City, Hokkaido, Registered cultivar breeder, Mr. Omi, Mr. Honda, Mr. Ohashi. Secret Beans is Iwate Co., Ltd. Masayuki Sato Seedlings (Head office location: Minami, Ryutsu Center, Shiba District, Iwate Prefecture, founded in 1908, incorporated in 1966, business content Research and development and production of seeds and seedlings, wholesale of seeds and seedlings, Retail, processing and sales of agricultural vinyl and poly, sales of agricultural production equipment and materials, design and construction of facility gardening, construction of large steel frame houses, design and construction of fruit shelves and columns, sales of fertilizers and pesticides, Agricultural Problems Study Group Secretariat, German Iris Festival Holding Secretariat, Agricultural Waste (Waste Plastic) Collection and Transportation Business, Sales Offices, etc .: Hizume Sales Office, Mizusawa Sales Office, Yamada Branch Office, Agricultural Bi-Processing Center, Breeding Institute) Born. Started selling in 1988. It seems that it was developed with the aim of making large pod beans that are resistant to diseases and have a flavor.

A traditional preserved soybean food from the Okitama region of Yamagata Prefecture. Aobata beans (green soybeans) can be crushed and cooked easily without rehydration. It seems to go well with simmered dishes and miso soup. Beans are simply soaked in water, dried, and flattened. However, since the beans are mashed as they are, it is rich in nutrients such as high-quality vegetable protein, isoflavones, and dietary fiber, making it an ideal ingredient for health-conscious people. Even though the beans are hard to cook and flattened, they cook quickly and are very easy to handle. In addition, since it is a dry food, it is an excellent product that can be stored at room temperature for a long time.

Compared to yellow soybeans, green soybeans contain less oil and, in exchange, have a slightly higher sugar content. In addition, compared to ordinary beans, it looks larger and stimulates the appetite. Richly flavored, sweet, low-fat and rich in flavor, this hidden gem has a high rarity value.

The texture and taste of secret beans were so delicious that they spread mainly in the Tohoku region. In 2008, Masayuki Sato Seeds (Oshu City, Iwate Prefecture) acquired the trademarks of "secret beans" and "secret green soybeans." It retains the characteristics of the original parent edamame, and is reborn as a soybean that retains the taste and texture of edamame even when matured. Also, it is not genetically modified.