Kotonami Future Museum, a regional revitalization center in Mannou Town, Kagawa Prefecture, is set to open in May 2021, utilizing the building of a closed junior high school. It has been seen as a "success story" in a recent depopulated area, and even attracts visits from outside the town, including politicians and child-rearing support groups. This area is rich in local resources such as sunflowers, buckwheat villages, and the "Ayako Dance : It is said that the song began when Kobo Daishi stopped by Sabumi Village to teach a woman named Aya a dance, and when she danced, rain began to fall. It is dedicated to Kamo Shrine once every two years. The song was popular from the Middle Ages to the early modern period and has 12 verses. In the past, it was dedicated in front of the Ryuo Shrine at the top of Mount Ryuo. Before the dedication, a procession is made and the shrine is entered. After that, the place is purified by those carrying long swords and poles, and then the Genji begins his speech. The speech originally included prayers for rain and gratitude for water, but now that water shortages are rare, the main content of the speech is gratitude for water," an important intangible folk cultural asset that is part of the "Elegance Dance : It is a folk performing art in which people dance to the accompaniment of songs, flutes, and drums in gorgeous costumes and accessories. It is filled with people's prayers for a peaceful life, such as protection from disasters, good harvests, and rain" group, which is a candidate for UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage registration. Local residents who are attached to these local resources are taking the lead in revitalizing the area and working to pass them on to future generations. Although there are many part-time farmers in the town, the scenery of nature that changes with the seasons creates a nostalgic rural landscape. The people who live here continue to live the way they have been handed down since ancient times, together with this nature, and continue to protect traditional culture.
The Democratic Party for the People led by Mr. Tamaki, tax cuts: Reduce social insurance premiums, lower living expenses, and give back to the people, increasing their take-home pay. They have put forward the direction and measures that if you work hard, your salary will increase. This is a natural reform, but those in power who have controlled the country and are the spokespersons for the people should work to settle the past, putting off the problem and making the lives of the people wealthy. Other parties are holding study sessions and actively discussing the possibility of a 0% tax on food products and a 5% consumption tax. It would be good if this could be an opportunity to reduce the burden on households in the future and reconsider some aspects of our lives, but I would like to keep an eye on them so that they do not put off the problem forever and treat people who are working hard and seriously in the present with innocence. All members of parliament, no malice is needed. Fight loyally and respect your country.
【Product name】
Green Asparagus
Asparagus officinalis
It is called Asparagos (meaning that it is extremely torn) in the ancient name of Greece of origin, and it seems that the part that looks like a leaf in the botanical branch seems to be torn into small pieces.
Nakayama Sunflower Complex: The blue sky, the mountains of Asan, and over 310,000 pretty and elegant sunflowers. The spacious and spectacular view from the top of the hill is just like summer. Not only for sightseeing, but also as a shooting spot, many people visit from inside and outside the prefecture and from abroad. Also, it seems that 200 yen will be paid as a beautification cooperation fee at the entrance. National high school as a whole to be held in Manno Town, Nakatadori County, Kagawa Prefecture in August 2022 (Venue: Manno Town, Kagawa Prefecture / Sports Center Manno, Manno Town Manno Junior High School, Mt. Kasagata, Mt. Ryuo, Mt. Okawa, Encampment: Manno Town / Kotonami Miraikan, Opening Ceremony on August 5th (Friday) and Closing Ceremony on August 9th (Tuesday) I signed an agreement. At the signing ceremony on April 25, the 15th Infantry Regiment Commander of the Ground Self-Defense Force Zentsuji Camp, the Kagawa Prefectural Board of Education, and the representative of Manno Town signed the agreement. Every year, it seems that the local government that holds the national high school championships has an agreement with the Self-Defense Forces for the safety of the students. It seems that the Self-Defense Forces will provide preliminary inspections of the course, wireless communication, and rescue support in the event of an accident during the competition. In the middle of March 2022, I learned from the media that Kagawa Prefecture in the Shikoku region is planning a project to export rice produced in the prefecture as “Pre-packaged rice” overseas in collaboration with a major company. As the domestic market is expected to shrink, it seems that it is attracting attention as a new initiative aimed at expanding consumption of rice produced in the prefecture by looking overseas. According to the people concerned, Kagawa Prefecture and others have agreed to supply rice produced in the prefecture to the “Pre-packaged rice” factory that a major company is planning to build in Saga Prefecture. Pre-packaged rice is also being exported by the national government because it does not require phytosanitary inspection when it is exported and even foreigners who do not know how to cook rice can easily cook it in the microwave. According to the plan, rice produced in the prefecture will be supplied through JA Kagawa prefecture from next year when the factory in Saga prefecture starts operation, and it will be made into pre-packaged rice and exported overseas. In 2025, when the Saga factory will start full-scale operation, it is said that about 1500 tons of rice will be processed into packed rice annually together with rice produced in other prefectures. JA Kagawa Prefecture is recruiting producers to participate in this project soon. In addition to providing guidance on low-cost rice production suitable for export, it seems that it will conduct market research overseas. There has been almost no export record of rice produced in Kagawa prefecture, and it is attracting attention as a new initiative aimed at expanding consumption by looking overseas. To give an example, it was decided that the Pre-packaged rice manufactured at “Japan Pack Rice Akita” in Ogata Village, Akita Prefecture, which started full-scale operation in July 2021, will be exported overseas for the first time, and in 2022 as the first step. On January 27, it seems that loading into a container for Taiwan was carried out at the factory. As domestic demand for rice for main food is declining year by year, we have found a way out in overseas sales channels. About 12,000 meals were exported. After customs clearance, he left Akita Port on January 8, 2021 and arrived at Keelung Port in Taiwan on the 16th. It is sold at a department store in Taiwan on the Internet, and it seems that the selling price was expected to be about twice that of Japan (120 yen per meal). According to the Ogata Village Akita Komachi Producers Association, which is responsible for exports, the company wants to export to Taiwan once every three months, aiming for about 100,000 meals a year. Exports to Shanghai, China were completed in February. It seems that it is also considering exporting to Singapore, Hong Kong and the United States. The aim is to increase consumption of rice, which is the staple food of the Japanese. It seems that he settled in Ogata village half a century ago and wanted to grow rice and increase consumption. Consumption is declining, while nuclear families are becoming more common and people's lifestyles are changing. The chances of cooking rice at home are decreasing, and more people are eating convenient pre-packaged rice. I have considered building a factory twice so far, but it seems that the investment amount has been greatly abandoned. This time, subsidies from the national and prefectural governments and loans from Akita Bank have been completed. At last, the prospect of construction was reached, and gluten-free foods and foods for food allergies were developed, but it seems to be a product that fills the gap. Consumption is increasing year by year, and the market is expected to grow even more in the future. About four years ago, in February 2018, TableMark Co., Ltd. (Head office: Tsukiji, Chuo Ward, Tokyo), the largest manufacturer and seller of PACKED ASEPTIC COOKED RICE in Japan. It seems that the annual production will be 250 million meals and 50,000 tons. The company aims to complete the Mizu no Sato factory (Toka Town) in Uonuma, Niigata prefecture in August 2018, and invests 2.1 billion yen to produce 7,500 meals per hour. Was added. Six lines are already in operation at this factory, and when the additional line is completed, the production capacity will reach 46,500 meals per hour. At the Spring / Summer New Product Press Conference held on January 25, Tablemark Co., Ltd. offered 3 extra-sized servings of 300g per meal and pre-packaged rice using milky queen rice from Ishikawa prefecture as new products for packed rice. It is on sale from the 1st of the month. We are also introducing Pre-packaged rice using Koshihikari in the commercial field. It seems that the commercial-use rice is not made exclusively for it, but is the same as the commercially available Koshihikari rice-packed rice, and the packaging design is only one color. According to the company, there have been inquiries about pre-packaged rice in order to save the trouble of re-cooking rice at restaurants and hotels, and it is focusing on management by making a full-scale sales offensive in this field. Kagawa Prefectural Agricultural Cooperative was established in April 2000 by the merger of 43JA in Kagawa Prefecture. After that, it merged with 2JA and contributed to Japanese agriculture again as a prefectural single agricultural cooperative in April 2013. The average cultivated area per farmhouse in the prefecture is 0.9 hectares, which is less than half of the national average (2.1 hectares). Under favorable climatic conditions, lettuce and Japanese red Kintoki carrot (the bright red color is dazzling, the production volume is the highest in Japan. It is said that the oriental species was introduced from China from 1603 to 1867. The red color is japanese traditional. It is prized for New Year's dish and Kyo-ryori (local climate of Kyoto), and is also characterized by being sweeter and softer than the orange-colored western carrots that are widely distributed. The main production areas are the sandy areas of Sakaide City and Kannonji City. At the end of the year when demand is high, farmers will be forced to ship), and they produce nationwide agricultural products such as lettuce. Kanonji City, which is a celery producing area in Kagawa Prefecture, is located in the western part of the prefecture, bordering the Seto Inland Sea in the north and the Sanuki Mountains in the south. While making high use of the blessed natural conditions of the Setouchi-style climate of warm and light rain, the micro-scale of management is complemented by advanced use of land and capital-intensive management such as facility horticulture, and vegetables, fruit trees, and livestock are produced based on rice and wheat. It seems that they are developing highly productive agriculture centered on complex management such as. In the Ariake area, where celery is particularly popular in the city, tomatoes and cucumbers are cultivated mainly in celery and are popular with consumers, using well-drained sandy areas along the coast. Celery production seems to have started in 1970 in the Ariake district of Kanonji city. At that time, the cultivation was institutionalized, and we were considering the items to be introduced, but there was a request from the Kanto market for celery production, and we started cultivation with 5 houses producers. In 2017, the JA Kagawa Prefecture Kanonji District Celery Subcommittee produced 22 houses, with a cultivated area of 830 ares (including 590 ares of celery and 240 ares of mini celery), and a cultivated area of 37.7 ares per house. Production was strong at 640 tons (480 tons of celery, 160 tons of mini celery). It seems that the aging of farmers is progressing in the prefecture, but the average age of producers is as young as 40s, and many bearers are growing, making it a vigorous production area in the prefecture. Kanonji celery seems to be cultivated mainly in combination with tomatoes. Cellular is planted from mid-September to the end of November, and the harvest seems to be from early January to early May. The peak harvest season is March. I heard that cultivation is generally done in an unheated greenhouse. Minicellly is planted from early September to the end of November, and harvested from mid-November to early June. It is generally cultivated in the open field or in an unheated greenhouse. The main varieties are celery 619 and mini celery top-selling (vigorous and disease-resistant. The plant is slightly upright, the first node is long, the core leaves grow well, and large plants can yield high yields. The petioles are wide, thick, and have few streaks. The color is light green with good freshness. It seems that the celery is about half a month later than “Cornel 619”. It seems that small stocks of about 1 kg are also possible). Raising seedlings was carried out collectively at the Kagawa Prefectural Agricultural Support Center, a subsidiary of JA Kagawa Prefecture, in an effort to reduce the work of producers. However, from around 2006, in Cornell varieties, seeding due to the effects of warming caused poor germination of seeds due to high temperatures during the seeding period, and the occurrence of twisting symptoms similar to viral diseases in planted seedlings (Colletotrichum simmondsii RG). Shivas & YP Tan? Fine, necrotic spots are formed on the core leaves of new leaves, and in the case of severe damage, spindle-shaped brown spots appear on the outer leaves and stalks. Also, curls of leaves and twisting of stalks. It seems that it may be accompanied by malformations such as. Diagnosis is made by confirming the characteristic necrotic spot spot symptoms that occur in the core lobe. Furthermore, when the symptom site of the core lobe is observed with a microscope, it is colorless single vesicle, spindle-shaped to oval. It seems that it is possible to confirm the saplings). Therefore, in cooperation with related organizations such as the extension center of the prefecture, it seems that they started self-seeding by jurisdiction seeding farmers for line selection in 2010, and started cultivating selected seeds in 2011 the following year. It seems that the selected seeds are fixed seeds in the area and are raised at the Kagawa Prefectural Agricultural Support Center. Since the selected seeds germinate well and the occurrence of twisting symptoms is small, it seems that it was possible to plant with good quality seedlings, which led to the improvement of quality. Currently, selected seeds and commercially available seeds are used in combination, but the weight of selected seeds is increasing, and further quality improvement is being seriously addressed. In addition, the JA seems to be promoting the introduction of a hydroponic soil cultivation system for each producer in order to save labor. The hydroponic soil cultivation system does not require special soil or facilities, and it seems that it can automatically perform watering and fertilizer application work and reduce the amount of fertilizer used compared to the conventional soil cultivation method. In addition, there is no need to add fertilizer or soil conditioner at the time of planting, which seems to save labor. Furthermore, since crops absorb water and fertilizer efficiently, they are less likely to be stressed, and are expected to increase yield and sugar content. About half of the producers have introduced it since that time, and it seems that not only labor saving but also quality improvement has been realized. Cellular is soft rot, spot plant disease, wilt disease for diseases, armyworm, aphid, Penthaleus erythrocephalus Koch for pests. Is reddish brown). Therefore, it seems that they are aiming to supply safe, high-quality and excellent agricultural products by disinfecting the soil before planting and controlling it in a timely and appropriate manner. Harvesting is done in the morning so that it reaches consumers in a fresher state, and after sorting and boxing by each producer, it is brought to the collection point and shipped to the market on the same day. At the collection point, quality inspections are conducted by inspectors. It seems that once a week, a shipping awareness meeting is held for shippers to unify the awareness of producers and maintain and improve quality. In addition, the name and number of the producer are written on the shipping cardboard, and it seems that a system is in place to respond promptly when there is a problem. The main shipping destinations are the Keihin and Sendai markets. Every February, the officers of the subcommittee visit each market to hold sales review meetings and sales promotion activities to expand contract transactions with an awareness of reproduction prices. In addition to continuous and stable shipments, the subcommittee has unified its intention to set March as the peak shipment period, and seems to be striving for advantageous sales aiming at the off-season of other production areas. In addition, it seems that consumers are always on the side of consumers by strictly adhering to safe use standards for pesticides, recording, checking and storing, and thoroughly raising awareness of food hygiene to prevent contamination by foreign substances. The area of cultivated land by field in 2018 was 29,900 hectares (40th in Japan), and the area of cultivated land per house was 78 ares, which is less than half of the national average. Despite these conditions, autumn-winter crop cultivation has prospered for half a century as a back crop of paddy fields, and typical autumn-winter items are lettuce, current price increases, great crops, and wheat, which is active as a staple food. Broccoli seems to have been introduced in the prefecture for the first time due to the demand for diversified vegetable items in the latter half of the 1965s, which is the latter half of the high growth period. Cultivation began in Tadotsu Town, Nakatado District, and after that, it was cultivated throughout the prefecture, but it seems that the production volume declined temporarily due to the increase in cheap imported broccoli from China and the United States. On the other hand, in the Mitoyo area, it seems that the product value was increased by innovating production technology and devising shipping forms such as ice-packed shipping. I heard that this initiative spread throughout the prefecture and became a representative of autumn / winter items. With the support of mechanization, JA, and the cooperation of the production subcommittee, the current planted area is one of the five largest production areas in Japan. Comparing the broccoli cultivation area in the prefecture in the last 10 years, the production in 2008 was 565 hectares, while the production in 2018 was 1170 hectares, more than doubled. It seems that the background was the fall in rice prices, the abolition of rice and wheat subsidies for management income stabilization measures (former farmer household income compensation system), and the entry of baby boomers into agriculture. In addition, it seems that the acreage has expanded due to the improvement of the support system by JA, the rise in transaction prices due to the high leveling of quality, and the expansion of end consumption. In any case, Kagawa has a small cultivated area and cannot be mass-produced, so it seems that it is trying to differentiate itself from domestic and overseas competing production areas by producing high-value-added crops such as high quality and individualization. The mild climate of Setouchi, also known as the Mediterranean Sea of Japan, seems to be the best environment for growing fruits and vegetables. And it seems that the secret to producing beautiful products is the careful manufacturing of each producer. The tomatoes of the skilled producers introduced this time belong to the Solanaceae family and are perennials in the tropics, but they are annual plants in the temperate zone. The place of origin seems to be said to be the western plateau of South America. It was introduced in Japan in the early 18th century, but it seems that it was treated for appreciation at that time. Until the early Showa period, production was insignificant because it did not suit general tastes, but I heard that the cultivated area increased from around 1935. It was prototyped in a glass greenhouse in Kusugami Town, Takamatsu City around the end of the Taisho era, and it seems that the cultivation area increased with the spread of vinyl greenhouses in the early 1955s. In particular, the spread of ripe round ball varieties “Momotaro Tomato” has led to increased consumption and an increase in cultivated area. In addition, it seems that the variety of tomato cultivation has expanded and the consumption has increased significantly due to the spread of quality-enhancing ingredients such as high sugar content tomatoes, medium-sized tomatoes “midi tomatoes”, and mini tomatoes. It is widely known, and it is said that Tang dynasty and “TOMATO” are used in Japan after the Meiji Era. “Momotaro tomato”, Treetop A large pink ball that does not hurt even when shipped after it is fully ripe. A long-established store from the Edo period --Developed by foundation takii & co., Ltd in 1835. However, new producers are cherry tomatoes (cultivation started around 1985, and it seems that it spread rapidly throughout the prefecture with the advent of minicarols. It reached 43ha in 1990, and it seems that it is gradually decreasing since then. Cultivation is soil cultivation. It has shifted to hydroponic cultivation from, and now 60% seems to be hydroponic cultivation. The main production areas are Tadotsu Town, Sanuki City, Zentsuji City, Takamatsu City, Higashi Kagawa City, etc. The variety is CF Chika (dark red and glossy). A certain fruit color, stable from low to high sugar content, excellent taste. Fruit color is deep red and glossy. Fruit weight is 15 to 20 g. Fruit shape is beautiful spherical and good to match. Goku Wase species Excellent yield in the low temperature period), TY Chika (excellent in taste, glossy fruit color) Stable from low to high sugar content. The fruit color is deep red and glossy. Fruit weight is 15 to 20 g. It seems that the fruit shape is a beautiful sphere and the fruit is well-matched. The shape of the calyx is also beautiful, and it looks good when packed. It also seems to be rich in lycopene, a functional ingredient. It seems that the Wase species, which has a stable yield and an early ripening period, has few fluctuations in yield throughout the cultivation period, and stable shipment can be expected). It seems that the production area of large tomatoes is sluggish due to the high selection rate. That is why it is valuable. The main production areas are Sanuki City, Takamatsu City, Kanonji City, etc. Manno Town, which is also an excellent wholesaler of asparagus, is still new, which was created by the merger of three towns in Nakatado District, Kagawa Prefecture (Mano Town, Kotonami Town, and Chunan Town) on March 20, 2006. It's a town. It is located in the southwestern part of the prefecture and has an area of about 194.45 km2. It seems that about 900 reservoirs are scattered in the mountainous area in the west, including "Pond Manno", the best irrigation reservoir in Japan, which is also the origin of the town name. On the south side of the town, Mt. Ryuo, which is over 1,000 meters above sea level, and the Sanuki Mountains, whose main peak is Mt. Okawa, run at the foot of the mountain, and the Doki River, the only first-class river in the prefecture, flows. It was confirmed from the website of Manno Town on April 8, 2022, but the rice price in Manno Town fell sharply due to the influence of the new coronavirus infection in the temporary support fund for the continuation of rice production in Manno Town, so the rice in the town It seems that a subsidy will be provided to the sales farmers to support the continuation of paddy field management this year. For details, check with the Agriculture and Forestry Division of the town and JA Kagawa Fureai Center Kyoei store. Sanuki Manno Park is the only national park in Shikoku with a park area of 350 ha. Taking advantage of the rich nature of Manno Pond and its surroundings, and the cultural soil of Shikoku that gave birth to Kukai, the basic theme was "Talking with humans, contact with nature and space", and maintenance began in 1984. The park was fully opened in April of the year. The blue flowers of Nemophila are in full bloom until the end of this month, which seems to entertain visitors. This flower is an annual plant native to North America and seems to bloom about 3 cm in diameter. In addition, it seems that a total of 550,000 varieties called "Insignis Blue" are planted in the open space "Flower Tour Hill", the flower field "Flower Dragon Road", and "Blue Dragon Valley". "Asparagus" is a perennial plant of the Liliaceae family. Native to Southern Europe. Height is about 1.5 m. The leaves are degenerated and brown scaly. Pine leaf-shaped stems called “pseudo-leaves” photosynthesize. It is customary to eat young stems. "Ukraine" is said to be the place of origin from Southern Europe. It has been cultivated since ancient Greek times and spread throughout Europe. It is said that it was introduced to Japan by the Dutch during the Edo period, mainly for viewing the leaves. As for food, cultivation began in Hokkaido in the Taisho era. Before the war, asparagus was white asparagus for canning. Today, with increasing health consciousness, nutritious green asparagus for raw consumption has become the majority of the distribution. Excellent varieties cultivated in the United States have been cultivated, but in recent years, the cultivation of F1 hybrid(Only overt (dominant) genes are expressed in the next generation of parents' traits ≒ the law of overt - From Japanese junior high school science "dominant / recessive" to "overt / latent". Genetic terms, changed all at once from 2021) varieties with improved matching and quality has increased. The difference between green and white asparagus is due to the cultivation method. There are male and female strains, and the male strain has a higher yield, but it is difficult to distinguish by appearance, but in recent years, all male varieties in which all strains are male strains have been cultivated. It is one of the long-growing vegetables that takes three years from the first planting to the time when it can be harvested. However, the difficulty of cultivation is not so high, and after the third year, you can enjoy harvesting every year for about 10 years. In addition, although it prefers a cool climate, it can withstand the heat to some extent and is resistant to dryness. Asparagus, a specialty of Kagawa Prefecture, was first introduced in the open field in 1970 as a paddy field crop. From around 1982, cane blight (at first, the branching part of the stem turns brown, black grains are formed, and there are spores in the grains. Finally, the whole stem seems to die. Asparagus semi-promoted growth period cultivated As a comprehensive control system for stem blight, cultivated control (removal of residual stems and burning of burner) suppresses the onset of stalk blight for a long period of time. It seems that the comprehensive control system (cultivation control and chemical control during the cultivation period) keeps the onset of stem blight low. The comprehensive control system is also effective for brown spot disease. Agricultural control that removes the residual stems from the underground part (3 to 5 cm below the ground surface) and burns the residual stems with a burner suppresses the onset of stem blight for a long period of time. Work so as not to damage the buds. It seems that it is desirable to remove mainly the affected part of the previous work because the removal work is laborious. It is said that burner incineration should be done before the sprouting of spring buds (February) It seems that greenhouse cultivation has become common due to measures and early harvesting. Currently, 95% is cultivated in greenhouse, and the remaining 5% is cultivated in the open field. It seems that there are two varieties, "Welcome Asparagus" and "Sanuki no Mezame Asparagus", which is a cultivar raised in Kagawa prefecture. It is characterized by the fact that the tips of the ears do not open easily even when they grow. Therefore, it is possible to harvest even if it is stretched to twice the normal amount, the tips are tight, and the roots are soft. When you try it, it has a crispy texture and a refreshing sweetness that spreads throughout your mouth. According to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries variety registration website, application number 14835, application date 2002/07/08, application publication date 2002/12/16, registration number 13197, registration date 2005/06/22, breeding The duration of the breeder's right is 25 years, the date when the breeder's right is extinguished. Name and address of the cultivar registrant Kagawa Prefecture (Takamatsu City, Kagawa Prefecture) be. Outline of the characteristics of the plant of the registered cultivar This cultivar is a hybrid cultivar whose mother and paternity are the breeding line owned by the applicant. It is a variety for green asparagus that has a tight tightness and early and late sprouting. The plant height is long, the stem thickness and internode length are medium, the leaf length is slightly long, and the density is medium. The thickness and matching of the young stems are medium, the color is slightly light green, the expression of anthocyanins is slightly high, the number of stems is large, the shape of the head is type I, the color is slightly light green, the tightness of the head is tight, and the head is open. Early and late in the evening, the color of the leaflets is slightly light green, the expression of anthocyanins is medium, and the uplift of the engraftment part is type II. The color of the perianth is yellow, the color of the veins is green, the length of the male flower and some are medium. The low temperature requirement is quite low, the early and late sprouting is quite early, and the proportion of male strains is medium. Compared to "Merry Washington 500 W Asparagus" and "Welcome Asparagus", it is said that the distinction is recognized by the large number of young stems, the tightness of the head, and the early and late sprouting. This excellent asparagus was introduced in the prefecture in 2002, and it seems that the variety composition ratio is 37% for "Welcome Asparagus" and 63% for "Sanuki no Mezame Asparagus". Shipment destinations are Kanto 30%, Kansai 30%, Shikoku 30%, and others 10%, shipping from January to October. I heard that the peak shipments are March, April and July, August. The town's agriculture is centered on rice cultivation, but it seems that vegetables such as onions, garlic and broccoli are also cultivated and poultry farming is also carried out. Fruit trees of peaches and persimmons are being cultivated in the hilly mountainous areas in the south. Green asparagus and flowers are also cultivated in facility horticulture. As an aside, Virulent bird flu A (has a very wide host range (range of infectious animal species), not only poultry such as "humans" and chickens (birds such as chickens, ducks, quail), but also horses. H5N1 - A strain of highly pathogenic avian influenza virus - is rapidly becoming a global concern. A new SciencePerspective discusses the factors that have led to global H5N1 outbreaks, the consequences of this spread, and what can be done to curb it. There are signs of flu, so we have to foresee the danger before the corona sickness is over, and Japan must revive again, but economic measures are still unclear and there is no prospect of escaping from the crisis of stagflation. Am I the only one?
It is a vegetable rich in umami and richness, rich in the ingredient C4H7NO4 found in asparagus, which is an excellent agricultural product. Hakama (triangular part on the stem) and the skin near the hard root can be peeled off with a peeler to make it beautiful and palatable. The part that snaps by holding the root of the stem is a guideline for the part with few streaks. When boiling, you can reduce the outflow of umami and nutrients by boiling it for a long time without cutting it. You can enjoy the refreshing aroma and natural sweetness by adding salt to a little hot water and steaming for several tens of seconds. Asparagus grows on rhizomes like japanese ginger, not plants that sow seeds and grow seedlings every year like japanese white radish and spinach. In the spring, the buds grow squishy, and every year, you can enjoy these young buds. After harvesting, the rhizomes are allowed to overwinter as they are, and it is customary to harvest and eat new shoots that will grow again in the spring of the following year. In recent years, the number of domestic products whose harvest period has been significantly extended is increasing due to green house cultivation.
This excellent produce grown in the sun is rich in vitamins. In particular, it contains a large amount of folic acid, so I recommend it to people who are anemic. At the tip of the ear, there are amino acids such as aspartic acid and C10H17N3O6S (a tripeptide consisting of three amino acids, which has an amide bond between the amino group of cysteine, which is rarely seen, and the carboxy group on the side chain side of glutamate). A kind is included. Aspartic acid seems to be effective in increasing metabolism and relieving fatigue. It also has the effect of excreting NH3 as urine, and can be expected to have the effect of preventing irritation and insomnia. In addition, it dilates peripheral blood vessels and lowers blood pressure, which will be very effective in improving hypertension and preventing arteriosclerosis. Glutathione has strong antioxidant power, and it seems that it can be expected to have a great effect of preventing aging such as wrinkles and sagging. Asparagus is said to have originated in Ukraine from Southern Europe. It has been cultivated since ancient Greek times and seems to have spread to Europe. It seems that it was introduced to Japan by the Dutch during the Edo period, mainly for viewing the leaves. As for food, I heard that cultivation began in Hokkaido during the Taisho era. Before the war, white asparagus for canning was the mainstream. Nowadays, with increasing health consciousness, green asparagus for raw consumption, which has high nutritional value, occupies most of the distribution.
Iwanai Town, Iwanai District, west of Hokkaido, is said to be the birthplace of asparagus. On the east side of Iwanai Welfare Hospital along Route 66, to the southwest of the intersection, there is a monument that says "The birthplace of Japanese asparagus." Dr. Kikuzo Shimoda (1895-1970) will be very successful. In Iwanai at that time, the herring economy was booming, and he was the third son of a rice miscellaneous goods dealer. He entered the current Tokyo University of Pharmacy (Horinouchi, Hachioji City) with a false age of three, so he seems to have been a precocious person. After returning home, he gave instructions to farmers about chemical fertilizers, but it seems that he was often cried for the damage caused by cold weather. Without abandoning his ambition to produce crops that can withstand the frigid cold of Hokkaido, he searched for crops that are resistant to cold damage, discovered the native asparagus called "firefly grass", and started cultivating asparagus. After many years of trial production, in 1922, it seems that the cultivation of this excellent agricultural product began in earnest in Japan for the first time in the sand dunes of 40 towns. Two years later, he established Japan Asparagus Co., Ltd. with the support of influential people. It seems that the canned white asparagus made in Iwanai eventually received higher praise than the imported canned food. In response to his desire to make asparagus, he gave guidance on cultivation to Kimobetsu, Abuta-gun in the early Showa period, and to Furano City after the war, and it seems that the asparagus fields have spread to various places.
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