実践ロイヤル英文法 (61-70)

  1. Lots of accidens are caused by careless driving.
  2. This bridge is not used very offen.
  3. I had my bike stolern last night.
  4. After the war, he was engaged in farming.
  5. I was made to leave the room.
  6. The man was dressed in a dark business suit.
  7. The bank was closed all day yesterday.
  8. The solution was heated at 100 degree for five hours.
  9. Ice cream sells well on hot days.
  10. what is being discussed?
  • many は可算名詞を形容します。「の多さ」を表現します。
  • much は不可算名詞を形容します。「の多さ」を表現します。
  • a lot of は可算・不可算どちらにも使えます。ややカジュアルな表現
  • lots of  は a lot of をさらに口語的にしたニュアンスの表現です。
