TOEICの練習問題 9



Office Relocation Announcement

We are excited to announce that our company will be moving to a new office location at the end of this month. The new office is located at 1234 Business Ave., Suite 567, in the downtown area, offering better accessibility and more modern facilities. Our phone numbers and email addresses will remain the same, so you can still reach us as you always have. The move will begin on Friday, the 28th, and we expect to be fully operational in the new location by Monday, the 31st. During the move, there may be some disruptions in our services, but we aim to keep these to a minimum. We appreciate your patience and understanding during this time.

Based on the announcement above, which of the following statements is true?

A) The company’s email addresses will change after the move.
B) The move will be completed in one day.
C) The new office is in the downtown area.
D) Services will not be available at all during the move.


告知文には、「新しいオフィスは1234 Business Ave., Suite 567, ダウンタウンエリアに位置しており、より良いアクセスとより現代的な施設を提供します。」と記載されています。


  • A) は不正解です。メールアドレスは変更されないと告知されています。
  • B) は不正解です。引っ越しは28日の金曜日に始まり、31日の月曜日に完全に運営可能になることが期待されています。これは引っ越しが1日で完了することを意味しません。
  • D) は不正解です。サービスにいくつかの中断があるかもしれないと述べていますが、サービスが完全に利用不可になるわけではありません。

